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Search results: (278 matches)
ForumSujetTitreTexteAuteurHeure profile help What would count as a monolingual English credential? Agree I've been irked by this very issue a number of
times. I'm also a native English speaker with
three degrees from English universities and I've
occasionally seen postings for which I cannot<
Jocelyne S May 17, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you practice yoga? Yes I take a yoga class twice a week (2 x 1.5 hours)
and I find that it does wonders for my body and
state of mind. It's very relaxing yet
physically and mentally stimulating. I commen
Jocelyne S May 5, 2012
Getting established New client from abroad, should I ask Purchase order? Send a quote yourself Unlike others, I do not expect to get a Purchase
Order from most of my direct clients; instead, I
send them a quote for approval based on the
document for translation and the agreed upon t
Jocelyne S Feb 16, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: With how many new clients do you work per month? Other There's no rhyme or reason in my case. In January
I invoiced four new customers (rare, for me). So
far this month, I've booked in a document for a
new customer, but I don't expect to have
Jocelyne S Feb 10, 2012
French Imposition du traducteur en France avec enfants à charge Ne pas confondre charges et impots, CA et bénéfices Je ne suis pas experte en la matière, mais je
crois qu'il faut faire attention de ne pas
confondre les charges que vous payerez sur votre
chiffre d'affaire (dans les 34% + investissement<
Jocelyne S Jan 11, 2012
Translation in the UK Sole trader with just one client? OT: Be careful Hi Jen, I agree with what the others have said
regarding the legality of having just one client,
which shouldn't be a problem if they really are a
client, but I just wanted to point out
Jocelyne S Dec 6, 2011
Business issues Recurring problem with job offers OT - Me too! [quote]nordiste wrote: I received this one a
couple of days ago. Names changed, of course, but
please note that the sender and the "signature"
have nothing in common. Sender:
Jocelyne S Sep 23, 2011
Business issues Need advice in a very peculiar situation Change comment, not rating Do you know why they sent the second 25 EUR? Was
it related to your BB entry? In any case, you
might consider changing your BB comment to reflect
the fact that payment was eventually re
Jocelyne S Aug 3, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Sticky wicket: My author seems to have lifted 75% of his book from English language sources! Wow... What a dreadful situation! You do not mention
who your actual client is: the publisher, the
author or some other body? If your client is
the publisher, I think you have a moral duty
Jocelyne S Jul 22, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the per-word price difference between your highest and lowest paying customer (this year)? Good point Rolf [quote]Rolf Kern wrote: In this country the per
word count does not exist. We count per line of
say 55 characters including spaces. There the
difference is 12 percent for agencies. For
Jocelyne S Jul 20, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the per-word price difference between your highest and lowest paying customer (this year)? I'm not sure that it matters, but let's say EUR I can't remember if I specified a currency when
asking this question, but I'm not sure that it
really matters. For argument's sake, let's go with
EUR. I asked this question as I am ofte
Jocelyne S Jul 19, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you normally eat lunch at your desk/in front of your computer? Crumbs I don't think I've had lunch in front of my
computer since moving to a "non-sandwich state"
nearly ten years ago. Among other reasons, I
hate crumbs and cringe at the idea of my keyboar
Jocelyne S Jun 24, 2011
French Message reçu sur Proz (l'auteur veut discuter des modalités avant de préciser la tâche à effectuer) Poubelle Bonjour Marion, Malheureusement, ça sent
l'arnaque. Votre interlocuteur ne sait même pas
s'il veut un traducteur ou un interprète pour
effectuer sa "tache"... Aussi, "matured" est ce
Jocelyne S Jun 15, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: When you send a quote to a direct client, do you include your terms & conditions of sale/service? Baffled As I write this, half of the poll respondents have
answered "No" and this has me baffled: Now
maybe I'm missing something, but why on earth do
people have Terms and Conditions if they d
Jocelyne S May 11, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you work offline? Other - somewhere between "sometimes" and "never" It doesn't happen often, but I do occasionally
work offline on trains, in airports and in other
"transit" situations. I suppose that on-paper
proofreading could also count as working of
Jocelyne S May 3, 2011
Being independent Can I be UK self-employed whilst resident in Spain? Which taxes... [quote]Dr Neil wrote: BTW if you earn less than
~ 800 euros / month (the interprofessional minimum
salary as deemed by the EU) then it is not
necessary to pay taxes in Spain or any othe
Jocelyne S Apr 20, 2011
Money matters Cancelled work after I started working on it With Tomas Were I in your shoes, I would most certainly have
invoiced, but I have a clear cancellation clause
in my Terms of Sale which covers such situations.
I agree with Tomas, however, that i
Jocelyne S Apr 6, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What percentage of your projects require the use of CAT tools? Another "other" [quote]Claire Cox wrote: I didn't know how to
answer this to be honest, so I had to put "Other".
None of my projects actually "require" the use of
CAT tools, although I do tend to use W
Jocelyne S Feb 11, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What kind of books do you like reading the most? Contemporary literature Here's another vote for contemporary literature,
although I do also love 19th century French
literature. I have a bit of a bias for
contemporary Canadian authors. I've recently
Jocelyne S Nov 10, 2010
French Citation de traductions dans un livre traduit ! C'est mieux J'ignore s'il y a des obligations légales en la
matière, mais je considère que cela fait partie
de notre travail lorsque nous traduisons des
documents avec des citations. Il est cla
Jocelyne S Oct 27, 2010
Money matters Meal fee in Germany, Nuremberg Free wifi You should be able to find a hotel with free wifi
internet access. Wifi is now offered in most
hotels. It is also available free of charge in
many cafes and public spaces. If you hav
Jocelyne S Oct 21, 2010
KudoZ "the biggest provider" A question for native English speakers Provides more than others From the statement you've given, we do not know
whether the EU provides "most of" the assistance
(i.e. a very large percentage), but we do know
that it provides more than all other
Jocelyne S Oct 14, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you usually read the whole source text before starting your translation? Re my impracticality [quote]Robert Forstag wrote: The problem of
"simply raising rates" to cover the extra time for
such an initial reading (as Jocelyne suggests) is
that it will not "make our lives easier"
Jocelyne S Oct 6, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you usually read the whole source text before starting your translation? Astounded! I'm astounded by the results of this poll! If
your rates are too low to allow for a read through
before starting, then why not raise your rates
(and simplify your life)? In all hones
Jocelyne S Oct 6, 2010
French Encore à propos des modalités de paiement Ne pas confondre "30 jours" et "30 J fin de mois" Il ne faut pas confondre une facture à régler à
"30 jours" et une facture à régler à "30 jours
fin de mois". Personnellement, toutes mes
factures sont à régler à 30 jours. C'e
Jocelyne S Oct 4, 2010 in-person events Virtual conference for freelancers session (2010): Translating the social sciences Bad timing I would have liked to participate in this event,
but the timing does not agree with my schedule on
Thursday, 30 September. I wish you a fruitful
session nonetheless! Best, Jocelyne Fr
Jocelyne S Sep 29, 2010
French Escroqueries, arnaques ? + valeur d'un devis Demander un acompte et suivre son instinct Bonjour Marie, Je suis désolée pour ta
mésaventure. Un petit conseil, si je peux me
le permettre : Quand je travaille avec des
clients particuliers et/ou quand je trouve qu'un
Jocelyne S Sep 22, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you receive work-related items for your birthday, or other gift giving holidays? Sometimes I occasionally receive "practical" birthday and
Christmas gifts from friends and family, although
they (thankfully) don't make a rule of it. From
memory, I've received the following wor
Jocelyne S Aug 17, 2010
French délai de paiement traductions en travaillant avec des agences de traduction françaises et étrangères Normalement... La loi européenne stipule que toute facture doit
être réglée endéans les 30 jours. Comme vous
le dites, ce n'est pas toujours le cas dans la
réalité. C'est à vous de négocier a
Jocelyne S Jul 29, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How many non-technical words can you translate per day (proofreading included)? Another take on non-technical I don't translate technical texts, but I
understood the "non-technical" in the question to
mean "not full of repetitions". I have the
impression that many technical texts are full of
Jocelyne S Jul 27, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you distrust job inquiries sent from a free email account? It depends on who sends it If the email is from an alleged company (agency,
end client, etc.), then yes, I am generally wary
of free email addresses. If the email is from a
colleague looking to collaborate on a p
Jocelyne S Jun 24, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you ever use a pen and paper when working on a translation? Not during translation per se, but in the translation process I translate a lot of academic articles and I
generally print out the source text before
starting and mark it up with a pen as I read
through it. I flag terms or expressions that will
Jocelyne S Jun 14, 2010
Marketing for language professionals Rookie trouble: getting my profile right Re. specialisation Hello Mathieu and welcome to Regarding specialisation, I tend to
wince when I see profiles claiming to specialise
in too many areas. In your case, it sounds
like astro
Jocelyne S Jun 9, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you do when a client cancels a job after giving you the PO? Terms and Conditions of Sale I voted "other" because how I handle such issues
depends on several factors and on the client, but
my T&Cs clearly establish how the problem will be
handled in theory: [quote] If work
Jocelyne S May 20, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use machine translation to do a first draft? No, and I don't intend to For once there's no "No and I don't intend to
option"! Best, Jocelyne
Jocelyne S Apr 30, 2010 suggestions Could we see "Message sent" on our "Visitors" page? Alright... Thank you for your reply, Alejandro, and sorry to
hear that the feature cannot be
implemented. Just a quick thought: when we
receive a message sent through our profiles, the
Jocelyne S Apr 21, 2010
Professional development Starting a Career in Translation Insulting I find the general tone of this thread rather
insulting and disrespectful towards serious
professional translators in India. That some
agencies (not only in India, BTW) offer
Jocelyne S Apr 16, 2010 suggestions Could we see "Message sent" on our "Visitors" page? Great - thank you! That's great - thank you,
Alejandro! Best, Jocelyne
Jocelyne S Apr 8, 2010 suggestions Could we see "Message sent" on our "Visitors" page? Messages and alerts sent through the site
occasionally come through late (and sometimes - at
least with KudoZ - not at all). When I check
the Visitors tab on my profile page I can see
Jocelyne S Apr 7, 2010
Business issues Former-employees clause in collaboration agreement - legal? Further back-up [quote]Lori Cirefice wrote: If an agency wants
to protect its assets (a very legitimate
concern!), then they need to have non-competition
clauses for their employees. Those can be
Jocelyne S Mar 30, 2010
French Sous-traiter à un auto-entrepreneur Effectivement Comme dit Sophie, vous avez bien le droit de
prendre "votre part" pour la partie relecture et
le temps administratif que le projet vous
prend. Il me semble qu'il faut juste pouvoir
Jocelyne S Mar 19, 2010
Business issues Editing test of 12,000+ words? Submit a sample It certainly sounds fishy...and I would never
accept such a large test. What I might do is
explain to the customer that I accept tests of a
maximum of XXX words and that I have edited s
Jocelyne S Mar 15, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever stopped working with a client because you just couldn't accept their rates anymore? Other [quote]Mary Worby wrote: I wouldn't say I have
made a conscious effort to stop working with
low-paying clients, but they do become lower
priority when other clients come on the scene wh
Jocelyne S Mar 11, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Does translation memory software jeopardize creativity? No - You can adapt your tools! I have to disagree with those who have argued that
CAT tools don't work for literary
translation. I never translate technical
documents and yet I am entirely grateful towards
(and d
Jocelyne S Mar 2, 2010
Linguistic diversity Hagège: On the Death and Life of Languages
mailNation An interesting article/review about
Claude Hagège's, On the Death and Life of
Languages (Yale UP, 2009). Enjoy! Jocel
Jocelyne S Feb 26, 2010
Money matters Requesting information on translation rates Statistics John, your language pair and specialty fields mean
that you should be able to command decent rates if
you are a competent and qualified translator. (NB.
If you're not, you shouldn't be wor
Jocelyne S Feb 24, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you travel abroad for work? Rarely I rarely travel abroad for work, but it does
occur. I attended a meeting at a client's
office in Belgium in January. I was also quite
tempted to attend a workshop in the UK in
Jocelyne S Feb 19, 2010
Social networking BETA ended - quick poll commenting feature (now disabled) Thank you! I don't know to what extent our comments played a
role in changing the Quick Poll format, but I
certainly feel that we've been "listened to" and I
really appreciate it. Thank you.
Jocelyne S Feb 19, 2010
Business issues Proofreading a bad translation: should I let client know how bad the translation is? Yes You may find this previous post of interest:
_truth.html In answer to your query, I
Jocelyne S Feb 17, 2010
French tarifs traduction français - polonais URGENT Oups... Je vois que vous voulez le sens inverse (FR-PL) -
c'est également sur la même page 12 du document
ci-dessus. Tarif moyen 0,17€HT (min 0,13 ;
max 0,25).
Jocelyne S Feb 10, 2010

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