| Sujet | Auteur Réponses (Vues) Dernier message |
| Attacks on the agency/translator model by the platforms ( 1... 2) | 20 (2,484) |
| ACH Deposit | 3 (524) |
| Newbie needs help pricing a banks statement translation | 8 (810) |
| Agency liquidation - request for postal address in Switzerland | 3 (477) |
| Amount of discount on light MTPE? | 13 (2,875) |
| Translation agency gone into liquidation - request for cover letter template | 2 (978) |
| Begging for Overdue Balance (July-December) | 11 (2,726) |
| How to withdraw money from Payoneer.com (to Russia) | 1 (503) |
| Do you charge extra for urgent translation jobs? ( 1... 2) | 20 (14,725) |
| Cost of Developing a Term Base? | 9 (2,981) |
| Tariffe spagnolo-italiano | 0 (336) |
| How much can I increase my rate for urgent translation jobs from agencies with a short deadline ( 1... 2) | 20 (11,766) |
| 'Polish to English Transcription' - Rates | 5 (1,977) |
| Calculating administration costs: time management/billing software? | 13 (2,489) |
| Rates for the translation of a book in Argentina | 1 (751) |
| $0.03 Now VS $0.08 Then is A Total Abuse of Translators, Time to Stop joining the bandwagon | 1 (967) |
| Translation business in a deep slump? ( 1, 2, 3, 4... 5) | 60 (28,644) |
| PayPal - Can they do this or is it a scam? | 10 (2,078) |
| What are the standard rates for transcreation services? ( 1... 2) | 17 (29,050) |
| How Do You Calculate Rush Fees? | 12 (2,053) |
| Being Wise about security ( 1... 2) | 18 (4,420) |
| Has the MTPE pricing model been unjust/incorrect all along? | 12 (2,334) |
| Is this a scam? | 3 (1,030) |
| Why are there such low rates for sources that are Bosnian, Croatian, or Serbian? | 2 (1,263) |
| Pointless | 4 (1,713) |
| Writing/translation in a project budget | 1 (727) |
| Proposal for a Proz.com MasterCard or any Special ProzCard for Members | 6 (1,822) |
| Client dispute in Switzerland ( 1... 2) | 28 (7,219) |
| Freelance Contract - Asking if payment structure is fair | 8 (2,251) |
| Is $ 0.05 per source word a "fair amount" for translators? ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... 7) | 101 (69,807) |
| LQA hourly rate per 1000 translated file | 10 (8,281) |
| Long-term client asking me to lower my rates ( 1... 2) | 20 (6,105) |
| German language market: Standard line versus per word pricing | 12 (3,287) |
| Alternative to Wise | 6 (1,804) |
| Rates help | 3 (1,506) |
| Would you reduce your rates if a client has similar revenue results? | 8 (2,425) |
| Cancellation Fees? | 14 (4,129) |
| TAXEDFIX | 6 (2,193) |
| Rates for review/proofreading | 2 (1,373) |
| Method of Payment | 2 (1,790) |
| Indian Translators - Calling for your views - Really Low rates ( 1... 2) | 23 (6,279) |
| How to verify payments to freelancers | 2 (1,198) |
| Money transfer from Senegal - am I dealing with scam? ( 1, 2... 3) | 33 (28,909) |
| Is there a crisis in Luxembourg? | 5 (2,047) |
| My Client Entered a Provisional Insolvency Proceedings ( 1, 2... 3) | 42 (9,565) |
| Anima Translation / Tatjana Baumgärtner | 1 (1,027) |
| Agencies and payment terms | 1 (1,118) |
| Rejected 30% discount request for MTPE | 12 (4,094) |
| Agencies: 1-2 months payment terms | 3 (1,552) |
| What are the standard proofreading rates for popular languages? | 13 (4,560) |