David Shen wrote:
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
C'est moi.
What about Bolivia?
Just got back from a baby shower.
Celebrating a Korean girl in my office who got pregnant
By an American boy who seems to have super power.
The food was great with lots of barbeque and soda.
And one joke from a Spanish speaking colleague was a killer:
A man with more European blood kept teasing his wife,
Whom he found 10 years ago to be attractive among the native.
As they mounted on their donkeys and headed home on Christmas Eve,
After visiting a Peruvian village with her relative.
He kept saying how superior the blood and looks his people have.
And joked about how ugly her folks seem and a lowly life to live.
Each time they passed an unpleasant looking person
He was cracking with a weird laugh:
"Hahaha! That must be your grandpa's sister,
Hohoho! Look, he seems very much like your second brother."
He went on and on and then found she wasn’t going any further,
She had got off of the donkey, looked upset and colder.
"Get on the damn thing, so we can get home sooner!"
"No" answered the wife "I am not riding it any further!
"Why? Now what is the matter?"
"You idiot, because I may be riding on your mother!"
Peruvian scenic highlight Machu Picchu from wiki:
Libin PhD wrote:
...那天说是有1 6万人。这样只看见人头黑压压一片,...
Yueyin Sun wrote:
乐音, 李斌兄:
说到紫禁城内陈列的文物,真是在劫难逃。人多热量大,一人呵一口气, 足于让玻璃流汗, 湿度温度大幅上升。而到晚上又冷却下来。文物最怕的就是一冷一热。热涨冷缩,是纸本绢本的,纤维全断裂。最近几年中,我是三年前去过一趟故宫。每次一定不会错过故宫养心殿内“三希堂”,这是乾隆读书和欣赏字画的地方。房间内四壁都是书画。可上次看到的境况使我寒心,房内四壁书画和作墙纸用的宫廷画家作品竟然已酸化退色到如此程度,全变灰朦。跟我八十年代每年都去几回时看到的印象完全是两回事了!窗口往内窥的玻璃上除了手指印,还有别的污垢。 别说是地下挖出来的文物,地上一日,地下几年,就是这些本来在地上的也耗损这么快。 我想我今后可能不该去凑热闹了,少给它呵一口气,也留个好印象。
[Edited at 2007-05-06 05:33]