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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Auteur du fil: chance (X)
ysun États-Unis Local time: 13:58 anglais vers chinois + ... |
pkchan États-Unis Local time: 14:58 Membre (2006) anglais vers chinois + ... |
pkchan États-Unis Local time: 14:58 Membre (2006) anglais vers chinois + ... |
Zhoudan Local time: 03:58 anglais vers chinois + ... Never heard of this singer | Sep 12, 2023 |
这所谓的opera singer想出风头,肯定是她丈夫出的馊主意。
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ysun États-Unis Local time: 13:58 anglais vers chinois + ... |
pkchan États-Unis Local time: 14:58 Membre (2006) anglais vers chinois + ... |
pkchan États-Unis Local time: 14:58 Membre (2006) anglais vers chinois + ...
解释:温暖馥郁的香风把人吹得醉醺醺的,简直是把杭州当成了那汴州。 赏析:此句的“游人”特指那些忘了国难,苟且偷安,寻欢作乐的南宋统治阶级,“暖风”一语双关,既指自然界的春风,又指社会上淫靡之风,揭露统治阶级无视国家前途与命运,沉醉在醉生梦死、不顾国计民生的卑劣行为。
"暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州。"全诗赏析 - 古诗文网 | | |
ysun États-Unis Local time: 13:58 anglais vers chinois + ... How to translate “战地玫瑰” and "道德沦丧"? | Sep 17, 2023 |
乌克兰外交部发言人尼克连科(Oleg Nikolenko)周五当日谴责了王芳的行为,他表示,"乌克兰尊重中国的领土完整,希望中方解释中国公民此次到访的目的",在俄军杀害数百名无辜平民的地方演唱《喀秋莎》是"道德沦丧"。他还表示,禁止被俄罗斯邀请的中国客人入境乌克兰。 | |
ysun États-Unis Local time: 13:58 anglais vers chinois + ... How to translate "彻底的道德沦丧"? | Sep 19, 2023 |
Chinese Opera Singer Performs at Destroyed Mariupol Theatre, Ukraine Demands Explanation
Oleg Nikolenko, a spokesman for the Ministry of Legal Affairs, stated on his Facebook page: “The performance of the song ‘Katyusha’ by the Chinese ‘opera singer’ Wang Fang at the ruins of the drama theater in Mariupol, where the Russian army killed more than 600 innocent people, is an example of complete moral degradation.”
彭博社(Bloomberg News)记者提问时引用的也是"complete moral degradation"。 | | |
Min Xuanping Chine Local time: 03:58 Membre anglais vers chinois + ...
如今因订单剧减(因为客户搞砸了一个大客户),所以从西安返回宁波开始认真开发客户(通常我只合作1~2家大客户),把车放在了西安,待业务恢复正常,我打算乘坐火车去西安提上我的摩托,去秦岭、兰州。到了兰州,还想继续前行到云南或是新疆(具体看月份,云南适合冬天去,新疆适合春夏去),但过了兰州,沿途非常凶险(怕被狼吃了或车坏了),需要成群结队,但苦于鲜有同行能结伴而行(去的人虽多,有徒步的、骑行的、摩旅的),遂发此贴看是否有人响应,希望能找到同行,一边工作一边走遍中国大江南北。 | | |
pkchan États-Unis Local time: 14:58 Membre (2006) anglais vers chinois + ...
[Edited at 2023-09-20 21:42 GMT] | | |
pkchan États-Unis Local time: 14:58 Membre (2006) anglais vers chinois + ... |
pkchan États-Unis Local time: 14:58 Membre (2006) anglais vers chinois + ... Most popular words heard throughout Massachusetts: | Oct 23, 2023 |
Beat– Crappy, unpleasant, or ugly (e.g. “she’s beat”).
Chucklehead– A local idiot.
Down-cellar (Pronounced “down sullah”) – adj., contraction of “down in the cellar”, refers to being located in the basement.
Elastic – Rubber band.
Field day – A situation in which the involved participants are taking advantage of having an energetic time (i.e. “I dropped a five dollah bill, and the bums had a field day.”)
Frappe [frap] – What some might erroneously refer to as a “milkshake”.
Grinder – A “submarine” or “hoagie” sandwich.
Hardo – Someone who is trying too hard, often pronounced “Hahdo.” Another name for a try-hard.
Icebox or fridge – A refrigerator.
Jimmies – Sprinkles (on ice cream); sometimes, specifically chocolate sprinkles.
Masshole – A derogatory term for any resident of Massachusetts, especially of Boston drivers (popular in New Hampshire and Maine), now sometimes worn as a badge of honor by life-long residents of the state, especially when visiting Northern New England.
Packie (also packet, package store, or booze barn) – A liquor store. Massachusetts law requires alcohol to be sold in a sealed package, leading to the term “package store” which is eventually shortened to “packie.”
Ripped – Very angry.
Sick (nasty) – Amazing or Awesome.
Supper – The third meal of the day.
U-ey – a U-turn while driving. Also sometimes called a “U-dog”. Almost always used with the verb bang.
Wicked – very; or occasionally cool. Used indiscriminately, can modify anything.
Yah huh- Very determined “yes”. | | |
pkchan États-Unis Local time: 14:58 Membre (2006) anglais vers chinois + ... |
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