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Search results: (242 matches)
Internet for translators CompuServe FLEFO archives, anywhere? Here's a potential pointer Well, for those who take a serious interest in
this, you could contact Carsten Kuckuk, a Germany
guy who AFAIR was the "programmer / computing
guru" of the FLEFO crowd back in the day, and
opolt Jan 26
Trados support How to hide usage of machine translation in Trados Studio 2009. Why is this information passed on at all I rarely use CAT tools (much less any SDL tools)
and have never used MT, except to have a good
chuckle now and then. But I'm reading this thread
with awe, not knowing whether to laugh or
opolt Nov 29, 2012
Safe computing Nov 20 malware incident Not spreading alarm [quote]Jason Grimes wrote: The affected ad
server is completely separate from the rest of the site, with no access to the site
database, code, or the servers that stor
opolt Nov 23, 2012
Safe computing Nov 20 malware incident Not infected -- but watch out There is no infection on my computer, most likely
because I'm on Linux and haven't seen a virus for
at least 15 years. But I did receive the email,
and the whole story should serve as a
opolt Nov 23, 2012
German Unvertretbare Fehler in Wörterbüchern Auch eine Frage des Marktes Theoretisch hast du Recht, Pedro. Aber warum
sollte der Verlag eine verbesserte Version
veröffentlichen? Es fehlt schlichtweg die
Konkurrenz und damit der Anreiz oder finanzielle
opolt Nov 20, 2012
German Unvertretbare Fehler in Wörterbüchern Bin mir nicht sicher Pedro, ohne dir zu nahe treten zu wollen, auf den
ersten Blick ist der Begriff falsch, aber er steht
am Ende der Liste und bedeutet in etwa soviel wie
"manipulationssichere Ausführung" (e
opolt Nov 19, 2012 membership I don't want to be part of such a site (ad for file conversion and MT services for translators) Brain vs. machine [quote] Not that I would regret "good old
times", but my brain has remained my main asset -
and those who tell us we need more software, more
machines etc. get a laugh from me... on a g
opolt Oct 25, 2012 membership I don't want to be part of such a site (ad for file conversion and MT services for translators) Ok Laurent [quote]Laurent KRAULAND wrote: [quote]opolt
wrote: (...) At the very minimum, if there is
such a "schism" (or whatever you want to call it)
between the "commons" on the one hand and
opolt Oct 25, 2012 membership I don't want to be part of such a site (ad for file conversion and MT services for translators) Some thoughts [quote]Lisa Simpson, MCIL wrote: O., the
conflict is over and commercial interests are
firmly entrenched. The focus is evidently on the
lowest common denominator. [/quote] Well,
opolt Oct 25, 2012 membership I don't want to be part of such a site (ad for file conversion and MT services for translators) Main conflict I very much support the general gist of opinion,
as expressed above in this thread, however
personally I have long come to the conclusion that
at the root of the problem is the conflict be
opolt Oct 25, 2012
Business issues What is the IT Security policy in your business? I take this pretty seriously [quote]Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD wrote: - And
you, how do you protect your clients' sensitive
data? - Where are your servers housed? - Do you
encrypt your files? - Do you use secure
opolt Oct 5, 2012
CafeTran support Which Linux flavors does CafeTran support? You have to test it I really don't know about CafeTran, never used or
even installed it, but if it is a 100% Java
application, it should run everywhere, much like
OmegaT. However, an application may be
opolt Sep 27, 2012
Swordfish support SF on Linux, a warning Thanks Rodolfo I appreciate your feedback and I'm really glad
there is the option to transfer the license to
another OS. I'm still undecided on that though;
after all I have only recently switched to Fed
opolt Sep 8, 2012
Swordfish support SF on Linux, a warning Hi all, after much humming and hawing, I
installed SF a few weeks on my Linux machine. I
had tested the software some time ago and found it
more or less ok, but this time around, it was
opolt Sep 7, 2012
Fun with language are YOU vocal frying? Not new [quote]Tom in London wrote: OMG! Watch this
Like, totally! [/quote] Interesting video,
Tom. But personally I alw
opolt Aug 20, 2012
German Überleben als Übersetzer - Das Handbuch für freiberufliche Übersetzerinnen Unbeschreiblich weiblich :-] [quote]Miriam Neidhardt wrote: ja, für
Übersetzerinnen. Ich bin weiblich, meine Schreibe
ist weiblich, die Beispiele aus dem Leben sind
weiblich... Männer würden das Ganze vermutlic
opolt Jul 6, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Berlin - Germany Ja Ich liebe euch doch alle :-| Ähm, Gruß aus der
heimischen Ausnüchterungszelle :-] - o. PS
Danke Steffen -- dieses Restaurant ist der Hammer,
super Essen!
opolt May 20, 2012
Hardware The translator's computer in the future Playing devil's advocate The computer is the translator. Didn't you know
that this has been the established wisdom since
the inception of the technology? Granted, there
are still a few bugs to be ironed out her
opolt May 19, 2012
German "Händelbar" A vs. Ä vs. E [quote]Horst Huber wrote: Genauer betraf meine
Verwunderung a) daß die FAZ kein passenderes
Wort aus der Pferdesprache ermitteln konnte, aber
auch 2) daß doch jemand spontan und humo
opolt May 19, 2012
German "Händelbar" Doch Also, geben gibt es das Wort :-] In gewisser
Weise. Es bedeutet: "handhabbar", was
zugegebenermaßen auch kein so besonders schönes
Wort ist/war. "Händeln" ist in den letzten ~10
opolt May 18, 2012
German Mal wieder am falschen Ende gespart... Nettes Angebot [quote]Nicole Schnell wrote: Hier ist noch so
eine Schote zum Thema "Englisch in der Werbung ist
schick", die in diesem Fall nicht nur
sprichwörtlich, sondern wortwörtlich in Hose
opolt May 16, 2012
German Mal wieder am falschen Ende gespart... Nicht unbedingt ein Fehler in dem üblichen Sinne Es kann schon sein, dass sie wussten, dass "sale"
kein Verb ist. Haben halt wahrscheinlich irgendwas
aufgeschnappt in der Richtung, dass man im
Englischen aus allem ein Verb fabrizieren
opolt May 16, 2012
Money matters 5 dumb things you can do when somebody contacts you directly through to offer a job Not only a company [quote]christela wrote: ... Each company
runs its business in the way it wants to. Proz
doesn't have to justify itself. We are not
shareholders but members. Splitting hairs,
opolt May 10, 2012
Linguistics Index in German, use of definite article Without the article As far as I'm aware, I have never seen the article
being included in an index of a German book or
document. From a German native viewpoint, it just
looks silly, as the gender is "inherent"
opolt May 2, 2012
Hardware Ergonomic keyboards discontinued Same here I used to rely on a split keyboard made by Cherry,
which was excellent and broke only after 7 years
or so. After that I used a Fujitsu-Siemens model
which was rather flaky and died very so
opolt Apr 26, 2012
Linguistics German-Spanish machinery-maintenance verb list Difficult indeed Yes Pablo, you're absolutely correct that this is
a minefield for Spanish/German translators. But
apart from the list being context-dependent (of
course) in general terms, it should be
opolt Apr 22, 2012
Off topic Rehashed Polls - Is anyone else bored? Flowers? There's no poll to be had here, Jenny, because
there's only one true translator's flower and it
is ... ... the daisy! "Why?", I hear you
ask. Lives a modest life very close to the
opolt Mar 30, 2012
Off topic Rehashed Polls - Is anyone else bored? The polls themselves are not really the problem Ty, I've just noticed this recent repetition,
which is very striking -- as if someone wanted to
prove your point :-] What bothers me most about
this is not the polls themselves, which c
opolt Mar 30, 2012
German Zweisprachigkeit verzögert Symptome von Demenz Also ich weiß nicht Ich kan diser Teorie gantz nich so bestehtigen.
Ich schpreche fier sprachen, aber drai waitre
habich beraits wider vergässen. ... Hm was wolte
ich sagen? ... ;-] Aber im Ernst: Dies
opolt Mar 30, 2012
Off topic Rehashed Polls - Is anyone else bored? One wonders what's going on here [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: ... After searching
the polls, for both similarity and proximity,
about a month or so ago...I suggested a poll
question which I believe probably hasn't been<
opolt Mar 29, 2012
German Warum immer Trados? Das frage ich mich auch Als Linux-Benutzer kann ich das vielleicht nicht
beantworten. Aber man darf ja vielleicht ein
paar Vermutungen anstellen. Liegt es vielleicht an
den Datenformaten? Als Parallele: Wü
opolt Mar 27, 2012
Spanish Kudoz - cierre de preguntas A algunos no les importa [quote]ugrisa wrote: 2. ¿Cuál es la dinámica
que hay en el sitio? ¿Es normal que la gente se
olvide de cerrar las preguntas o por el contrario
la mayoría de traductores cierra sus<
opolt Mar 24, 2012
German Freelance-Übersetzer liefert miserable Übersetzung und mahnt jetzt Wer den Schaden hat ... ... braucht für den Spott nicht zu sorgen, würde
ich hier doch anmerken wollen. Zunächst, auch
ich finde es seltsam, dass der Übersetzer nach
dem ersten Fiasko noch einmal beauftrag
opolt Mar 23, 2012
German Ich liebe diesen Beruf - aber lohnt es sich auf Dauer? Schwer zu sagen Annett, ich kann verstehen, dass dir dieser ganze
unproduktive Kram auf den Geist geht. Ich finde,
wenn man allein zu Hause arbeitet, dann belastet
das doppelt und dreifach. Ob du eine
opolt Mar 20, 2012
German "Mauserfahrungen" Ja, Susanne [quote]Susanne Schiewe wrote: ... Ich meinte
eine wirklich vollständig geteilte Tastatur, z.
B. Freestyle Solo Ich
hatte mal die erg
opolt Feb 28, 2012
German "Mauserfahrungen" Geteilte Tastatur [quote]Susanne Schiewe wrote: ... Es gibt
auch komplett geteilte Tastaturen, die den Vorteil
haben, dass man die Arme nicht in der Mitte
zusammenführen muss. Man hat dann also zwei<
opolt Feb 28, 2012
German "Mauserfahrungen" Nicht zu viel erwarten Ich persönlich verwende ebenfalls ausschließlich
Logitech-Modelle, allerdings immer nur Trackballs,
wegen der Platzersparnis und weil dann die
Armbewegung entfällt. Mit einem Trackball
opolt Feb 28, 2012
Business issues I have doubts (on ethical grounds) about taking on a certain assignment Making the distinction [quote]Valerie35 wrote: [quote]opolt
wrote: And I mean, who (in the western world
anyway) has not cheated his/her
girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband once?
[/quote] I haven't. W
opolt Feb 25, 2012
Business issues I have doubts (on ethical grounds) about taking on a certain assignment Don't do it Years ago I declined a big job which was quite
similar to yours. And that was from the police,
obtained through a wiretapping order issued by a
judge. But no matter what, I wouldn't do
opolt Feb 24, 2012
Interpreting How to turn down smaller interpreting assignments in a professional way? Recommend someone else Bin, occasionally I get into a similar conundrum,
though in my case it's more like the "big
translation assignment vs. small interpreting job"
conflict. What I usually do is to recommen
opolt Feb 23, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of these animals best represents the freelance translator, in your opinion? Hi This poll was submitted many months ago, and I
don't remember the details, but I'm pretty sure I
worded it such that it asked about "the
profession" as a whole, not only translators (i.e.<
opolt Feb 21, 2012
Translation news The most important Anglicism imported into the German language elected Breaking news ;-] About two weeks ago, my wife, who works as a
language teacher here in Berlin, told me that the
term "Wulffing" had entered the teen slang in
Germany :-] (to be pronounced like when you
opolt Feb 17, 2012
Spanish Traducir con Poedit Lee un poco sobre gettext p.f. Gettext es el sistema que forma la base del
.po: Co
mo parece que traduces del inglés, podrás
informarte allí, y verás que los ar
opolt Feb 16, 2012
Translation news The most important Anglicism imported into the German language elected Filling the "gap" This is what one gets after googling around for
about 15
.html Not that I neede
opolt Feb 16, 2012
Translation news The most important Anglicism imported into the German language elected Oh my god First off, I do believe the word has its origin in
American slang. I have seen it being used here and
there. It's also listed in Chapman's Dict. of Am.
Slang, for instance (though with a s
opolt Feb 14, 2012
German Wie man das Einkommen der Übersetzer verbessern kann Fünfte Jahreszeit [quote]Siegfried Armbruster wrote: ... Das
Schöne an Social Media (und dazu zähle ich auch
die Foren bei ProZ) ist doch, dass man viele
zusätzliche Informationen über potentielle
opolt Feb 14, 2012
German Wie man das Einkommen der Übersetzer verbessern kann Da komme ich nicht mehr mit [quote]Serdar Mermey wrote: ... Die
Kooperative hat meinetwegen zunaechst eine Zahl
von 1000 Übersetzern erreicht, aus den meist
gefragten Sprachen und Fachgebieten. Sie gibt die
opolt Feb 13, 2012
German Wie man das Einkommen der Übersetzer verbessern kann Den Versuch ist es sicher wert Aber der Markt als solcher, mit den Spezifika, wie
sich sich durch die Art unserer Arbeit ergeben,
wird dadurch nicht außer Kraft gesetzt. Vor allem
-- und das hat auch Serdar zumindest i
opolt Feb 9, 2012
German Wie man das Einkommen der Übersetzer verbessern kann Stimme Siegfried prinzipiell zu Ich persönlich bin Einzelübersetzer und
-dolmetscher und dabei bleibt es auch, ich werde
ganz sicher nie eine Agentur gründen, und auch
keine Kooperative oder Gemeinschaft oder wie auch
opolt Feb 8, 2012
Translation Project / Vendor Management How to get genuine, unbiased opinion about the quality of translated material Depends [quote]GiuliaBa wrote: ... To:
opolt Usability studies are generally conducted
by another team before the product goes through
the localization process. I am specifically
opolt Feb 8, 2012

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