| Sujet | Auteur Réponses (Vues) Dernier message |
| Why do some outsourcers keep posting the same job? ( 1... 2) | 24 (3,365) |
| Mega bug? All standing still. ( 1... 2) | 23 (2,363) |
| About the constant AI training job posts. ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6) | 75 (15,265) |
| Wish -- jobs filter by signal words or phrases | 0 (529) |
| Why haven't I received more jobs for all those quotes I've submitted where I was ranked 1st? | 7 (1,782) |
| Weird emails regarding video data collection projects - are these permitted on ProZ? | 6 (1,632) |
| Email requests don't show on dashboard | 0 (323) |
| Proposition of feature to add comments or questions on "Translation jobs" ads | 5 (1,836) |
| Pitiful-rate job offers on Proz ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... 7) | 91 (39,169) |
| ProZ.com job postings: translation versus MTPE ( 1, 2... 3) | 34 (7,127) |
| Blue Board ( 1... 2) | 20 (2,612) |
| Requirements for job postings? | 3 (922) |
| Mismatch in the job and profile software name | 2 (609) |
| Is it possible to exclude certain LSPs from ProZ.com jobs messages | 2 (878) |
| Job quotes number is different in listing and job pages (Staff: fixed) | 7 (1,551) |
| How to find the jobs that I have applied? | 4 (2,966) |
| Available jobs for English > Swedish seems off | 2 (1,127) |
| Essential data missing from job postings | 7 (1,808) |
| How to remove old and closed job postings | 1 (1,073) |
| PROZ.COM NOT WORKING | 1 (1,066) |
| What is happening with the job board? | 10 (2,304) |
| bad payment agency | 2 (1,111) |
| How do customers place orders? | 2 (1,129) |
| Job Information Not Showing | 1 (966) |
| Confidentiality breach on ProZ-supported job platform? | 5 (2,717) |
| Blue Board set up in error - ProZ won't remove it | 5 (1,775) |
| Job posts closed but show as open and not many jobs for Spanish | 5 (1,986) |
| OneDocument Translation Workspace powered by Proz? ( 1, 2... 3) | 31 (19,047) |
| Bombarded by messages | 4 (2,382) |
| How to respond to proz.com Connect message? | 3 (4,658) |
| OneDocument Workspace | 1 (1,641) |
| Da best job evar | 2 (1,760) |
| An ambiguous "new feature" | 1 (1,480) |
| Confirmation of email sent to outsourcer | 0 (1,159) |
| How can I report spam sent via ProZ? | 5 (3,461) |
| Access to Blue Board records and jobs using browniz points and cash to be discontinued as of Nov. 15 ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... 8) | 107 (57,202) |
| how do I know if the job is still available? | 2 (1,710) |
| Can't enter specialisation on profile - why? | 4 (2,323) |
| Constant work from Proz.com | 2 (2,653) |
| Company banned from posting with good BB rating - what does this mean? | 6 (3,311) |
| How can I edit my standard bids on the bid page, other than when bidding? | 1 (1,608) |
| VAT charged to add funds to wallet ( 1... 2) | 15 (6,162) |
| Pay to quote | 0 (1,242) |
| OneDocument SL requesting my Proz password? | 5 (2,505) |
| How do I disable job emails from [Agency Name] Translation Workspace? | 0 (1,417) |
| Certified translations by sworn translators in France | 3 (2,106) |
| Please include a BB link on company pages (that are linked in job notification emails) | 6 (2,805) |
| Job postings update: What can be improved about display of job postings? ( 1... 2) | 20 (8,472) |
| ProZ.com Job RSS feeds now available ( 1... 2) | 22 (21,274) |
| Mistakes in job postings | 10 (4,003) |