Pages sur ce sujet: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] > | Apple 中文官网的一些翻译 Auteur du fil: Yan Yuliang
| ysun États-Unis Local time: 07:23 anglais vers chinois + ...
Yan Yuliang wrote:
1. 我一开始说的就是简体中文网页,你没仔细看。
2. 此贴的目的,是说苹果对中文简体网站太不仔细,你抓住“流动网络”不放。
3. 既然你我并非技术专家,请拿出你的论证来。如果除了维基百科,中国华为、中兴、大唐,甚至阿
| | | jyuan_us États-Unis Local time: 08:23 Membre (2005) anglais vers chinois + ... A null hypothesis | Jan 20, 2014 |
Yan Yuliang wrote:
此外,你们可以看看这里经常发言的,难道只有旅居美国或海外的华人对翻译感兴趣?这里我几乎见不到活跃参与的mainland China译员,即便偶有发言,也很少有坚持下来的。究竟原因何在?如果每个人在这里说几句话就会被挑错,无论你们的本意是好是坏,你们都破坏了发帖人的初衷,就是俗称的“歪楼”。
"见不到活跃参与的mainland China译员"是事实,但如果你认为他们没有坚持發言是“每个人在这里说几句话就会被挑错,无论你们的本意是好是坏,你们都破坏了发帖人的初衷”,这只是一个NULL hypothesis。
A null hypothesis will remain null until proven otherwise. | | | Jinhang Wang Chine Local time: 21:23 anglais vers chinois + ...
[Edited at 2014-01-20 07:10 GMT] | | | ysun États-Unis Local time: 07:23 anglais vers chinois + ...
当然,如果只是单打一,只从英文翻入简体或繁体中文,那就不必操心简繁体之间的差异。 | |
Rita Pang Canada Local time: 08:23 Membre (2011) chinois vers anglais + ... Modérateur de ce forum Truth of the matter is... | Jan 22, 2014 |
Fargoer wrote:
jyuan_us wrote:
I think instead of speaking as a "学者", most of us here speak as a "COLLEAGUE" within the industry. Maybe not everyone agrees or believes so. I am not pointing fingers at anyone, but to call someone else 无聊的学者 (whoever it may be, or even just a generalized term) is rather, well, unnecessary.
With all due respect to everyone, must arguments always ensue every time a new topic comes up on the forum? I mean, the topics are interesting. It's totally okay to go off-topic. It's totally okay to get heated up in conversations- that's the beauty of discussions. But there are too many re-quoting, re-re-quoting lately, and that might deter some members in actively participating in discussions.
Thanks to everyone who posted links, I particularly enjoy reading up the 神翻译 in China.
Peace out | | | jyuan_us États-Unis Local time: 08:23 Membre (2005) anglais vers chinois + ...
Fargoer wrote:
jyuan_us wrote:
Fargoer wrote:
jyuan_us wrote:
Yan Yuliang wrote:
分量 fènliàng
(1) [weight]∶比喻价值、作用、对判断有影响的力量
(2) [measure]∶重量;达到标准的数量
这里取第一个解释,我觉得是没有问题的。“别有分量”,是指iPad Air虽然轻,但在功能、价值上并不输于前一代产品。 [Edited at 2014-01-19 02:37 GMT] [Edited at 2014-01-19 02:37 GMT]
Do you expect the audience to have to look 分量 up in the dictionary? and do you want to see it happen that the audience has to decide which dictionary definition is the one the translator has intended?
这里讨论的问题,严格说不是翻译,而是 localization。字面是否符合原文,并不是最要紧的。要紧的是原文的“卖点”。“power of lightness” 其实就是一种矛盾,多少已经有些不合理。有点“大音希声”的味道。可能有让读者“神会”的意图。“轻,别有分量”的处理,是有点儿玩弄模糊。“power”译为“分量”,而不简单地译为“力量”、“强大”等,译者似乎是用了些心思的。利用模糊和委婉的措辞,留下些许余味,也不失为一种广告策略。这也不过是让广告词在读者脑袋里稍微多停留一会儿而已。提到道德的高度,有些太沉重了。别有分量,该不是这种道德分量吧。:D
[Edited at 2014-01-22 01:21 GMT]
[Edited at 2014-01-22 01:22 GMT] | | | jyuan_us États-Unis Local time: 08:23 Membre (2005) anglais vers chinois + ... 我沒有指認任何人為學者, | Jan 22, 2014 |
Rita Pang wrote:
Fargoer wrote:
jyuan_us wrote:
I think instead of speaking as a "学者", most of us here speak as a "COLLEAGUE" within the industry. Maybe not everyone agrees or believes so. I am not pointing fingers at anyone, but to call someone else 无聊的学者 (whoever it may be, or even just a generalized term) is rather, well, unnecessary.
With all due respect to everyone, must arguments always ensue every time a new topic comes up on the forum? I mean, the topics are interesting. It's totally okay to go off-topic. It's totally okay to get heated up in conversations- that's the beauty of discussions. But there are too many re-quoting, re-re-quoting lately, and that might deter some members in actively participating in discussions.
Thanks to everyone who posted links, I particularly enjoy reading up the 神翻译 in China.
Peace out
我想到的是為了一個詞(比如“其他VS其它,比如DRAGON VS LOONG”)能寫成學術文章的那些人;如果誰感到不快,說明是他自己把自己當學者了。
[Edited at 2014-01-22 01:16 GMT] | | | Yan Yuliang Local time: 21:23 anglais vers chinois + ... AUTEUR DU FIL
... See more 轻,别有份量。
再说说开头的“轻出份量”,iPad Air在体积上是绝对地轻量级,但在内在核心方面绝对是重量级。iPadAir搭载苹果最新的64位A7双核处理器,并配备M7协处理器,A7+M7是目前苹果iOS设备的最强组合,iPhone 5s也使用了A7处理器,不同的是iPhone 5s上的A7主频为1.3GHz,而iPad Air上的A7主频为1.4GHz,二者相同的是都采用了1GB内存。
“轻出份量”看似矛盾,但官方用它来描述iPad Air很合适。减少电池容量同时维持续航达到瘦身目的,此乃轻,而真正实现这一成果的过程很有含金量,是实实在在很有份量的实力体现。
[Edited at 2014-01-22 01:46 GMT]
[Edited at 2014-01-22 14:47 GMT] ▲ Collapse | |
jyuan_us États-Unis Local time: 08:23 Membre (2005) anglais vers chinois + ...
[Edited at 2014-01-22 01:17 GMT] | | | jyuan_us États-Unis Local time: 08:23 Membre (2005) anglais vers chinois + ...
拗口,繞來繞去不明就裡的廣告語,我還沒有見到過一個成功的。那種創意者自己舒服了,完全沒與考慮整個社會的AVERAGE PEOPLE是否能夠理解他的意圖的用語,早晚會被市場拋棄。
[Edited at 2014-01-22 01:18 GMT]
[Edited at 2014-01-22 04:45 GMT] | | | Fargoer Canada Local time: 07:23 anglais vers chinois
jyuan_us wrote:
“无休止”不可能。侃累就止了。:D “无结论”是一定的。仁者见仁,智者见智。哪里能统一。说是“神翻译”够客气,译者应该知足。:)
讨论不一定有结果。没有结果也有益。您的意见我不是每条都同意,但我也又受益。您强调了受众的感受的重要性,而这一点常常被忘记。 | | | jyuan_us États-Unis Local time: 08:23 Membre (2005) anglais vers chinois + ...
Fargoer wrote:
三、“我們討論的這段文字讀者能不能懂,或者能不能達到廣告設計者想要的效果,是可以討論的”, 但是,這是討論不出結果的。要真想瞭解受眾的反應,應在合適的人群樣本中進行隨機化調研,否則誰也拿不出具有說服力的證據。找一幫翻譯或者大學教授問這句話有沒有問題,不會有人說有問題。以字論字,沒有問題;問題是沒有,可是它能準確地、無可爭辯地能傳達出蘋果的原意嗎?
[Edited at 2014-01-22 04:43 GMT] | |
Fargoer Canada Local time: 07:23 anglais vers chinois
jyuan_us wrote:
[Edited at 2014-01-22 04:43 GMT]
明白了。今后夸人要当心!;D | | | wherestip États-Unis Local time: 07:23 chinois vers anglais + ...
It depends on what the original English was. If it was "lightweight", then it is wrong. If it was "powerful", then it is okay, or maybe even great, depending on the viewer's level of appreciation - as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If the original text was "lightweight but powerful", then it becomes debatable. Isn't "别有分量" by itself leaving out the weight aspect from the original, or perhaps playing with words to only hint at the weight aspect but never clearly stat... See more It depends on what the original English was. If it was "lightweight", then it is wrong. If it was "powerful", then it is okay, or maybe even great, depending on the viewer's level of appreciation - as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If the original text was "lightweight but powerful", then it becomes debatable. Isn't "别有分量" by itself leaving out the weight aspect from the original, or perhaps playing with words to only hint at the weight aspect but never clearly state the fact that the product is lighter in weight than the previous version product, therefore creating unnecessary ambiguity that the original text didn't have?
Like I said in my title, it's just my 2 cents. I didn't really closely follow this particular discussion of 别有分量.
As for jyuan's casual mention of 道德, IMO, a better term might have been (负)责任, as in one's "moral obligation" in English. But in any case, I think he's only referring to the phenomenon in general anyway - that it's not the right thing to do to add a level of difficulty for the reader when it was never there to begin with.
On a slightly different topic ...
Speaking of a translator's obligations, in my opinion, advertising has its boundaries and moral obligations too. You can't just completely ignore the original and say whatever you want, as long as it sounds impressive and "catches eyeballs". It becomes even more so when it comes to a technology product's features or technical specifications. IMO, one has the obligation to stick to the technical facts and the original advertiser's intent and claims.
[Edited at 2014-01-23 01:05 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | wherestip États-Unis Local time: 07:23 chinois vers anglais + ...
QHE wrote:
J.H. Wang wrote:
如果是这样的话,我倾向于 industry 译成“工业”,而不是“行业”。至于 competence,我觉得翻译成 “实力”也可以。
J。H。, 我有同样感觉。
而且 industry competence 并不仅仅是指技术, 更不是成就,是necessary skills, knowledge, experience; as well as a competency assurance system 的总合.
IMO, too much embellishment could potentially lead to a violation of "truth in advertising" and potentially create a PR disaster.
False advertising or deceptive advertising is the use of false or misleading statements in advertising. As advertising has the potential to persuade people into commercial transactions that they might otherwise avoid, many governments around the world use regulations to control false, deceptive or misleading advertising. "Truth" refers to essentially the same concept, that customers have the right to know what they are buying, and that all necessary information should be on the label.
False advertising, in the most blatant of contexts, is illegal in most countries. However, advertisers still find ways to deceive consumers in ways that are legal, or technically illegal but unenforceable.
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