Pages sur ce sujet: < [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] > | Off topic: 神六上天,国外尤其是海外华人反应如何? Auteur du fil: Mark Xiang
[Edited at 2005-10-24 00:55] | | |
[Edited at 2005-10-24 00:56] | | | Angus Woo Local time: 21:03 chinois vers anglais + ... Thank you Kevin. I will. | Oct 23, 2005 |
Kevin Yang wrote:
Angus WU wrote:
I would say that Kevin simply has said what most Chinese have in their mind. What makes I and Kevin different is the perception on the rationale of why there are so many, virtually countless teachers, mentors of all sorts are telling Chinese people how they should live their life, and with a burning desire. Surely there is reason for that.
The world is getting smaller and smaller, and painstakingly China is getting stronger and stronger. This former employee or menial (I just hate to use the expression “the inferior chink”) considered by some is becoming a business partner or worse even a family member. All the existing bosses naturally would react very cautiously. Of course they would like very much to lecture this new member. If they can’t stop the Chinese from rising, then at least “house-train” them, for the little village is already occupied.
The mentors are lecturing the Chinese to safeguard their “own” interest which of course is understandable.
Hi, Angus
Thank you for the input! I always want to listen to the linguists from Hong Kong to participate in this and every other discussion in this Forum, because you have a life experience that is so different from the Chinese in the mainland China. Your perspective is highly appreciated. I would also like to mention to you, I am very impressed by your English and your logical presentation. Your English is much better than the English native speakers I have seen. There, you got my validation!
Good point! It made good sense to me. The Chinese people start to pop up in just about every field everywhere and appear more often in the news media nowadays; it is understandable that the world needs time to adjust and get used to it. I can understand when a servant starts to take in charge, her master will certainly not be pleased. Would it be possible that there will be a day that the role can be switched, that is, the Chinese hire a Westerner to be the servant? Or such thought is considered a violation of someone's norm or standard?
In my opinion, a Chinese model can do the catwalk on runway as good as the models from other countries, even though the Chinese model doesn't get the same compensation or receive the same recognition. I have the patience and time to wait and see, because I should have at least another 20 years to live.
Kevin [Edited at 2005-10-22 21:04]
It's agonizingly difficult to change people’s conceptions once they are imbedded. Look what happened to the African Americans, 100 years after the country had witnessed the atrocity of the civil war, there were Malcolm X, King… We still have a long long way to go, Kevin. I am not particularly hopeful about being able to see the moment of true equality between yellow and white skin in this life time, though I firmly believe that day would eventually come.
[Edited at 2005-10-23 02:27]
[Edited at 2005-10-23 06:05] | |
Angus Woo Local time: 21:03 chinois vers anglais + ... An open question | Oct 23, 2005 |
Lesley McLachlan wrote:
This is the classic division (in international relations theory) between realists and liberals
But, what about 'controversy'? good or bad?
Your answers would be as good as mine. | | | Angus Woo Local time: 21:03 chinois vers anglais + ... The Chinese aren’t Turks. | Oct 23, 2005 |
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
Ideas may always be good while the means to achieve the result often evil. That's the problem. There is a passage in Hitler's "Mein Kampf" (Chapter 6, Rassendiskussion) stating that the Germans shall not be week in dealing with the question of Jews for there won't be any question after that the problem be solved, just like the Armenian question was no longer remembered after that the Turks had solved the problem. The same applies to the Turks, who were driven out of their orginal territory. Who will remember the history and rectify the wrongdoings (or rightdoings)?
The principle I abide to would be: "Don't do to others whatever you wouldn't accept in their place." Quite the other way round as "Don't do to others what you don't want others do to you," huh?
My idea is just like what I said about the compensation for a translation job: Either you accept it or not; nobody urges you with a missile or a gun when you don't agree with the deal. People are smarter nowadays and they know what they want. They know how to protect/defend themselves. They know how to cut a deal fairly. There are things which nice girls don't do, but some girls do them nicely. Well, is'nt it clear enough how this world functions?
[Edited at 2005-10-22 15:15]
The Chinese intelligentsias also happen to have a good memory. And what is making the political elites of this so-called “civilized world” (personally I would prefer the expression “a better developed world”.) even more desperately anxious is the fact that China, more likely than not, is about to have both the political and the military muscle to rectify the wrongdoings. The developed nations (not just states) are just not sure whether or not China would actually use that Might to make things “Right”. Japan is one good example. Given their mentality, they tend to believe that China would, simply because they don’t understand the Chinese culture at all and also because they have failed to realized that such a reckless move simply contradicts the very interest of but the Chinese people. Chinese aren’t stupid.
Yet the possibility of this fairy tale becoming a reality, no matter how slim the chance might seem, above all is scary enough. Therefore we got this “containment” in place. The fledging might-to-be must be contained by the rock-solid mights.
The principle “Do only as you shall be done by” is not only right but also the very reason why there are some who are so frightened by the prospect of a stronger China – They are dreading that they shall be done by for what they have done.. Simple as that.
Being a Chinese myself, I don’t feel like I am in a desperate need for any reparation. Life goes on, only a fool would sacrifice tomorrow for what happened yesterday.
Disappointingly, I am reasonably convinced that there will always be some narrow-minded radicals who would still embrace this plausible idea -- “China threat”. Like it or not, not everyone is as open-minded as Wenjer.
[Edited at 2005-10-23 03:42] | | | Kevin Yang Local time: 05:03 Membre (2003) anglais vers chinois + ... That is a good start, but not what I meant by “servant”. | Oct 23, 2005 |
Lesley McLachlan wrote:
Who works for who...
高抬贵手.Some of us have worked in Chinese-owned language schools. Does that count?
Thank you for updating me with that piece of information. That is a good start, but not what I meant by “servant”. Any teacher with your mentality gets to teach in a Chinese language school would make me concerned. Have you ever thought you would mislead those students in New Zealand?
[Edited at 2005-10-23 08:44] | | |
[Edited at 2005-10-24 00:57] | |
Kevin Yang Local time: 05:03 Membre (2003) anglais vers chinois + ... |
[Edited at 2005-10-24 00:58] | | | Kevin Yang Local time: 05:03 Membre (2003) anglais vers chinois + ... "Taikonaut" sounds the best to me. | Oct 23, 2005 |
Lesley McLachlan wrote:
Kevin Yang wrote:
"美国《新科学家》杂志也在自己网站上的宇航频道针对神六进行了一次民意调查,题目很有意思,主题是"你认为中国太空人应该如何称呼?",其中12% 的人赞同应该称为汉语的Yuhangyuan(宇航员,有31%的人则赞同用汉语的太空加上希腊语的水手组合为Taikonaut(太空人,还有一个选择则叫幸运,选择这一项的人竟高达58%。"
[Edited at 2005-10-21 21:29]
American astronauts, Soviet cosmonauts, Chinese ?
What do you really want? That might tell us something too...
Personally, "Taikonaut" sounds the best to me. So what does that tell you? You are welcome to make your own pick."That might tell us something too..."
[Edited at 2005-10-23 19:38] | | |
[Edited at 2005-10-24 05:47] | |
“关他啥事?”, 简直荒谬. | Oct 24, 2005 |
神六上天,做为炎黄子孙, 谁能不兴奋, 不高兴!?
唯一不愿意看到中国伟大成就的人,应该是那一些还以为自己’超人一等’的强权拥护者. 他们的自私心理,根深柢固,不可理喻.但是强权政策的没落是指日可数的.对于那些还是把头埋在沙里,指望将自己的利益建筑在别人的痛苦身上的人,将会被世人所遗弃.(那些自以为"是",不顾各国平等及尊严的国家与政客,其下场也将一样).
言归正传 -
中国人对’astronauts’的中文翻译,由中国决定,国外人士进行什么’ 民意调查’, “关他啥事?”, 简直荒谬. | | | Angus Woo Local time: 21:03 chinois vers anglais + ... 光是這些反應, 這個錢就值得花。有甚麼能比得上得到中國人的凝聚力更划算的買賣? | Oct 24, 2005 |
Commuease wrote:
神六上天,做为炎黄子孙, 谁能不兴奋, 不高兴!?
唯一不愿意看到中国伟大成就的人,应该是那一些还以为自己’超人一等’的强权拥护者. 他们的自私心理,根深柢固,不可理喻.但是强权政策的没落是指日可数的.对于那些还是把头埋在沙里,指望将自己的利益建筑在别人的痛苦身上的人,将会被世人所遗弃.(那些自以为"是",不顾各国平等及尊严的国家与政客,其下场也将一样).
言归正传 -
中国人对’astronauts’的中文翻译,由中国决定,国外人士进行什么’ 民意调查’, “关他啥事?”, 简直荒谬.
只要有了向心力,這些錢值得。如果中國人能和日本人一樣齊心,能換回多少個9亿人民幣啊。 | | |
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