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Poll: Have you donated to a worthy cause this year?
Auteur du fil: Staff Staff Staff
Dec 19, 2011

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you donated to a worthy cause this year?".

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Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:39
hébreu vers anglais
No. Should I feel guilty? Dec 19, 2011

There's a recession.....and charity begins at home

Catherine Brix
Catherine Brix
Local time: 00:39
suédois vers anglais
+ ...
Medecins Sans Frontieres... Dec 19, 2011

operates independently of any political, military or religious agendas - just people providing care on the basis of need alone.
I figure no matter how difficult my financial situation, I'm still way better off than those suffering the horrors of war and poverty. While I don't necessarily think people should feel "guilty" for deciding otherwise, I do believe intelligent human beings should be able to put things into perspective and acknowledge that most of what we consume is unnecessary a
... See more
operates independently of any political, military or religious agendas - just people providing care on the basis of need alone.
I figure no matter how difficult my financial situation, I'm still way better off than those suffering the horrors of war and poverty. While I don't necessarily think people should feel "guilty" for deciding otherwise, I do believe intelligent human beings should be able to put things into perspective and acknowledge that most of what we consume is unnecessary and the money could be put to better use. A little goes a long way ... that chocolate bar/cigarette/beer/wine/bag of potato chips/cup of coffee could well equal a couple of vaccinations or clean water for a few families ...

Happy holidays!

Catherine Shepherd
Catherine Shepherd  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:39
espagnol vers anglais
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Matthew 6:3 Dec 19, 2011 not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

Mónica Algazi
Mónica Algazi  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:39
Membre (2005)
anglais vers espagnol
AMF Dec 19, 2011

Thanks to a message from Prozian friends Lucía Colombino and Marcela Dutra, I investigated a bit and also bought a few mosquito nets through the Against Malaria Foundation.
Seems to be a reliable organization.
Happy holidays,

[Edited at 2011-12-20 13:31 GMT]

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:39
anglais vers espagnol
+ ...
I donated to the Thrifty Translators Fund... Dec 19, 2011

...comprised of yours truly.

Ty Kendall wrote:

There's a recession.....and charity begins at home

Seriously, pollster, who are you to ask such a personal question? Bloody rude, if you ask me.

Michael Grant
Michael Grant
Local time: 08:39
japonais vers anglais
No need to feel guilty, even a little bit helps... Dec 20, 2011

I live in Tokyo, so I donate to the earthquake/tsunami relief fund every day by dropping my change into the donation box at the convenience stores I use every day.

Nothing major, I know, but it does add up...


[Edited at 2011-12-20 01:16 GMT]

Lifeng Yang (X)
Lifeng Yang (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:39
anglais vers chinois
+ ...
婷婷春蕾 (A fund for Chinese Western Rural Area Poor Little Girls) Dec 20, 2011

I donated through one of the best security trading web forum in China.
淘股吧 (。

Nicole Schnell
Nicole Schnell  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:39
anglais vers allemand
+ ...
In memoriam
It doesn't have to be money. Dec 20, 2011

I have become a bit allergic to writing checks or making donations over the phone. Why? Because once you are on any charity organization's list, you will be bombarded and terrorized on the phone or my mail over and over and for years to come. During holiday season you will receive approximately 10 phone calls per week, which makes you feel like a heartless swine also 10 times a week if don't grab your check-book or your credit card immediately. For this reason, I have turned to non-monetary dona... See more
I have become a bit allergic to writing checks or making donations over the phone. Why? Because once you are on any charity organization's list, you will be bombarded and terrorized on the phone or my mail over and over and for years to come. During holiday season you will receive approximately 10 phone calls per week, which makes you feel like a heartless swine also 10 times a week if don't grab your check-book or your credit card immediately. For this reason, I have turned to non-monetary donations only. Any bag of cat food snubbed by my stupid cat? We will bring it to the next cash-strapped cat shelter. The same goes for leftover Halloween candy. We drop it off at a charity because homeless kids like candy, too. We regularly donate non-perishable food items to our local food bank or bring blankets and bedding to homeless-shelters. Or we simply offer to go shopping for our wonderful, old neighbors because they are too old and too sick to drive their car.Collapse

Aisling O'Callaghan
Aisling O'Callaghan
anglais vers irlandais
+ ...
Bóthar Dec 20, 2011

An Irish charity focusing on sustainable development rather than handouts. Goats, camels and chicks this year rather than another pair of socks

It's a great cause!

James_xia  Identity Verified
anglais vers chinois
+ ...
I'm with this point. Dec 20, 2011

Nicole Schnell wrote:

I have become a bit allergic to writing checks or making donations over the phone. Why? Because once you are on any charity organization's list, you will be bombarded and terrorized on the phone or my mail over and over and for years to come. During holiday season you will receive approximately 10 phone calls per week, which makes you feel like a heartless swine also 10 times a week if don't grab your check-book or your credit card immediately. For this reason, I have turned to non-monetary donations only. Any bag of cat food snubbed by my stupid cat? We will bring it to the next cash-strapped cat shelter. The same goes for leftover Halloween candy. We drop it off at a charity because homeless kids like candy, too. We regularly donate non-perishable food items to our local food bank or bring blankets and bedding to homeless-shelters. Or we simply offer to go shopping for our wonderful, old neighbors because they are too old and too sick to drive their car.

Yes. It doesn't have to be money...Ocassionally, I have become part of the volunteer organization of local community where I lived. They don't require more than a couple of times of participation in the events they may organize every year.

Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
Muriel Vasconcellos (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:39
espagnol vers anglais
+ ...
Several Dec 20, 2011

Heifer International (gives farm animals to poor people in developing countries), Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), Public Broadcasting, Greenpeace, The Gorilla Foundation, Meals on Wheels (there but for the grace of God go I...)

I used to give a lot more. It's no big deal. I can't imagine not donating to something.

I'm careful to give to charities that have low overhead, and there are lots of websites to help determine this. If I don't want to read their e-mails, I s
... See more
Heifer International (gives farm animals to poor people in developing countries), Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), Public Broadcasting, Greenpeace, The Gorilla Foundation, Meals on Wheels (there but for the grace of God go I...)

I used to give a lot more. It's no big deal. I can't imagine not donating to something.

I'm careful to give to charities that have low overhead, and there are lots of websites to help determine this. If I don't want to read their e-mails, I simply delete them.

Chun Un
Chun Un  Identity Verified
Membre (2007)
anglais vers chinois
+ ...
Yes Dec 20, 2011

Wikipedia... I donate to it every year.

David Wright
David Wright  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:39
allemand vers anglais
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@ mario Dec 20, 2011

you don't actually have to answer, you know!

Ahmed Maher
Ahmed Maher  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:39
anglais vers arabe
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Wikipedia Dec 20, 2011

It is the second time I donate for Wikipedia this year.

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Poll: Have you donated to a worthy cause this year?

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