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Poll: On a regular busy day working on a translation project, how many cups of coffee do you drink? Auteur du fil: Staff
This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "On a regular busy day working on a translation project, how many cups of coffee do you drink?".
This poll was originally submitted by Anne-Sophie Cardinal. View the poll results »
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Ty Kendall Royaume-Uni Local time: 23:41 hébreu vers anglais Does Tea count? | Oct 22, 2011 |
I'm English, so it's more tea than coffee really.
On a good day, I chain drink it. The moment the cup is empty, the kettle is on again | | |
Mary Worby Royaume-Uni Local time: 23:41 Membre allemand vers anglais + ...
I have a cup of coffee in the morning because my husband makes me one. If he's not there, I don't have any. | | |
William Murphy Italie Local time: 00:41 Membre (2009) italien vers anglais + ... Always 3-4 cups | Oct 22, 2011 |
It doesn't matter if I'm working or not, I always make and drink a pot of coffee in the morning. In the afternoon I switch to iced tea. | |
Interlangue (X) Angola Local time: 00:41 anglais vers français + ...
More often tea than coffee... Used to be much more, but a nutritionist convinced me it was not ideal | | |
Tuncay Kurt Turquie Local time: 02:41 Membre (2011) anglais vers turc + ... Tea > Coffee | Oct 22, 2011 |
I am Turkish so tea always has priority for me! 3-4 cups/day definitely "wake me up"! Especially in winter months I cannot even think of working late at night without my tea cup beside my laptop!
[Edited at 2011-10-22 08:44 GMT] | | |
Tea + coffee | Oct 22, 2011 |
1 cup of tea early in the morning + 3/4 cups of coffee (espresso) during the day... | | |
Mohammed Fahim Sri Lanka Membre (2010) anglais vers tamoul/tamil + ... I prefer Tea | Oct 22, 2011 |
I take tea so often in any normal day. It's habit in Sri Lanka to take tea 4-5 times a day with a small tea cup. We do not drink in big cups like people in the South East Asia. Such a big cup would be enough for 3 times for us, I think. But, it should be very hot. Like any other Sri Lanka, I do not like if the tea is not hot. | |
I don't drink coffee - tea yes, can chain drink it sometimes green tea | | |
Depends of the size of the cup | Oct 22, 2011 |
Plenty of tea for breakfast and then 2 /3 half cups stong coffee during the day. | | |
Michael Harris Allemagne Local time: 00:41 Membre (2006) allemand vers anglais
but only in the mornings. A bit of frothed milk and then 2 double espresso´s on top (each time )
[Edited at 2011-10-22 11:13 GMT] | | |
tea drinking little monster | Oct 22, 2011 |
I ve always a cup of tea (green one) when I work... and then comes a little monster and when I want to drink my cup is empty
I don´t remember drinking my tea, so this is for sure this little green monster. | |
Red Bull too | Oct 22, 2011 |
Too much. But sugar free. | | |
Steven Capsuto États-Unis Local time: 19:41 Membre (2004) espagnol vers anglais + ...
Typically, none. I don't much like the taste or the effects of it. It can be made palatable with lots of milk and sugar, and I drink it that way on rare occasions (preferably decaf).
On cold days, I go through a few mugs of hot decaf tea.
[Edited at 2011-10-22 17:44 GMT] | | |
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