Freelance translators » portugais vers allemand » Art / Littérature » Art, artisanat et peinture » Page 1

Below is a list of portugais vers allemand traducteurs indépendants spécialisés en Art / Littérature: Art, artisanat et peinture. Pour plus de champs de recherche, essayez une recherche avancée en cliquant sur le lien à droite

19 résultats (membres payants de )

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Sara Bock Vieira Araújo
Sara Bock Vieira Araújo
Native in portugais Native in portugais
tradução, alemão, german, portuguese, português, técnica, jurídica, translation, Übersetzungen, deutsch, ...
Stefanie Sendelbach
Stefanie Sendelbach
Native in allemand Native in allemand
native german translator, german mother tongue, german translator, german translation, german translations, english german translator, chinese german translator, translations from english to german, translations from chinese to german, translation from english to german, ...
Angelika Meyer
Angelika Meyer
Native in allemand Native in allemand, anglais Native in anglais
Translation, Copywriting, Transcreation, SEO, Revision, Proofreading, Editing, Post-Editing, Content Management
Birgit Schrader
Birgit Schrader
Native in allemand Native in allemand
arts, culture, architecture, agriculture, wine, tourism, history, law, science, education, ...
Friederike Hans
Friederike Hans
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand
Recht, Law, Direito Kataloge f. d. Industrie, catalogues for Industry, Catálogos para a Indústria Tourismus, Tourism, Turismo Kultur, Culture
Paula Graf
Paula Graf
Native in portugais (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in portugais, allemand Native in allemand
português, alemão, inglês, espanhol, italiano, negócios, marketing, administração, gestão, organização, ...
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand, portugais (Variant: European/Portugal) Native in portugais
portuguese, german, english, translator, software, electronics, music, technology, education, automotive, ...
Andrea Wiethoff
Andrea Wiethoff
Native in allemand Native in allemand
software, crusher, screens, website, ashalt plants, concrete plants, computer, Belletristik, Gedichte, Poems, ...
Native in allemand , espagnol Native in espagnol
academic, academic papers, academic texts, academic translations, accuracy, accurate, adaptation, ad hoc, ad hoc statement, ad hoc statements, ...
Kerstin Braun
Kerstin Braun
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand
biology, environment, waste, energy, music, tourism, copywriting, books, children's books, fiction, ...
Rita Coelho-Brandes
Rita Coelho-Brandes
Native in portugais (Variant: European/Portugal) 
Spielzeug, Kommunikation, Werbung, Vertrag, Scheidung, Urkunden, Windenergie, Kinderwagen, Betriebsanleitungen, Prospekte, ...
Moriçá Torres
Moriçá Torres
Native in portugais 
ArrayCinéma, film, TV, théâtre
Paulo Fernandes
Paulo Fernandes
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand, portugais (Variants: Cape Verdean, European/Portugal, Mozambican, Angolan, South African, Brazilian) Native in portugais, anglais Native in anglais
certified translation, English translation, legal translation, contract translation, birth certificate translation, driver's license translation, marriage certificate translation, death certificate translation, legal translator, medical translator, ...
Marco Mesquita
Marco Mesquita
Native in allemand Native in allemand, portugais Native in portugais
German, Portuguese, English, professional, quality, technical translator, reliable, localization, industry, machinery, ...
Cristina Saur
Cristina Saur
Native in allemand Native in allemand
german, spanish, english, deutsch, spanisch, englisch, alemán, inglés, castellano, español, ...
Stefan Pahnke
Stefan Pahnke
Native in allemand 
droit, droit de contrats, traduction financière, soustitrages, journalisme, politique
Christiane Koschinski
Christiane Koschinski
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) 
french, dutch, spanish, law, patent, IT, technique, commercial
Marina Schewe
Marina Schewe
Native in allemand 
german, copywrithing, cinema, luxury products
Native in anglais (Variants: Canadian, Singaporean, US, British, New Zealand, Australian, Indian, UK) Native in anglais, polonais (Variants: Old Polish, Standard-Poland, Silesian (śląski)) Native in polonais
Translation, localization

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La traduction implique plus qu'une simple conversion mot à mot d'une lanque à une autre. Les traducteurs doivent soigneusement comprendre le sujet de tout texte qu'ils traduisent ainsi que les cultures associées aux langues source et cible.

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