Langues de travail :
anglais vers allemand
allemand vers anglais
espagnol vers allemand

Availability today:

March 2025

Paulo Fernandes
Services de traduction

Heure locale : 01:34 AST (GMT-4)

Langue maternelle : allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand, portugais (Variants: South African, Cape Verdean) Native in portugais, anglais Native in anglais
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3 positive reviews
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Type de compte Traducteur et/ou interprète indépendant, Identity Verified Utilisateur confirmé du site
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Blue Board affiliation:
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Copywriting, Website localization, Transcreation, Project management, Interpreting, Transcription, Software localization, MT post-editing
Spécialisé en :
Droit : contrat(s)Médecine (général)
Droit : brevets, marques de commerce, copyrightDroit (général)
ImmobilierEntreprise / commerce
TI (technologie de l'information)Finance (général)
Ordinateurs : matérielInternet, commerce électronique

Bénévolat / Travail pro bono Est disponible pour travailler bénévolement pour des organisations à but non lucratif enregistrées
Activité KudoZ (PRO) Points PRO : 8, Réponses aux questions : 9, Questions posées : 21
Payment methods accepted Paypal | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portefeuille Échantillons de traduction proposés: 2
Glossaires courier
Études de traduction Other - Institute for translation studies University of Heidelberg
Expérience Années d'expérience en traduction : 24. Inscrit à : Jun 2020. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Références allemand (Dalhousie University, verified)
anglais (University of Wolverhampton - Exchange student, verified)
anglais vers allemand (International school in Cologne, Germany, verified)
Affiliations N/A
Logiciels Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Aegisub, Alchemy Publisher, Amara, AutoCAD, Bablic, BaccS, Belle Nuit Subtitler, CafeTran Espresso, CaptionHub, CaptionMaker/MacCaption, Captiz, Catalyst, ChatGPT, Crowdin, DeepL, DejaVu, DivXLand Media Subtitler, Dreamweaver, Easyling, EZTitles, FinalSub, fiveLoadSub, Fluency, FrameMaker, Frontpage, Fusion, Ginger Page, GlobalizeIt, Google Translator Toolkit, Heartsome, Helium, IBM CAT tool, Idiom, Indesign, J-CAT, Lilt, Lingotek, Lingviny, Localizer, LocStudio, LogiTerm, Lokalise,, MadCap Lingo, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, MetaTexis, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MotionPoint, MovieCaptioner, MOX Gateway, Multicorpora, Multilizer, Net-Proxy, Ninsight Ayato, OmegaT, Pagemaker, Pairaphrase, Passolo, Personal Translator, PhraseApp, Plunet BusinessManager, Poliscript, Powerpoint, Projetex, PROMT, Protemos, Translation Center, Qordoba, QuaHill, QuarkXPress, Redokun, Rulingo, SDLX, Silver Bullet Suite, Smartcat, Smartling, STAR Transit, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Subtitle Workshop, Swordfish, Text United Software, titlebee, Titlevision Submachine, TOM Agency, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Transifex, Translate, Translation Exchange, Translation Workspace, TranslationProjex, TransSuite2000, Uniscape CAT tool, VoxscribeCC,, Wincaps Q4, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System

Site web
CV/Resume anglais (DOCX)
Events and training
Pratiques professionnelles Paulo Fernandes respecte les pratiques professionnelles's - Liste des pratiques.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Learn more about additional services I can provide my clients
  • Transition from freelancer to agency owner
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Screen new clients (risk management)
  • Find trusted individuals to outsource work to
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Learn more about interpreting / improve my skills
  • Learn more about the business side of freelancing
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Improve my productivity

I am a full-time medical translator specialized in the field of Regulated Industries - Life Sciences

Linguistic Skills:
+ Translation/Post-editing/Proofreading and editing
+ Quality Control/Linguistic Validation/Back Translation/Reconciliation/Harmonisation
+ Terminology management
+ Language Consulting/Evaluation/Complaint management/Account management

+ Clinical Research
+ Marketing authorisation (incl. post-authorisation)
+ Labelling
+ Medical devices
+ Legal (contracts)

Content Expertize:
+ICFs, patient material, specialist material, summaries, synopses, protocols, letters to authorities, letters to physicians, SAEs, AEs, CTAs,
+ SmPCs, Variations, PILs
+ Instructions for Use (eCOA), Medical Software
+ SOPs

other experiences:

NEW ZEALAND AGENCY Translator, Contractor with focus on IT-Translations, English-German since May 2022 

Topic / Role

  • IT-texts / Translator / Reviewer
  • Life Science
  • Linguistic Validation
  • Glossary Development
  • TM Management


Professional Tasks

·       Translation and Linguistic Revision of IT-related content.



LEADING CRO (clinical trials) Translator/Reviewer (English – German) (since 2021)

Topic / Role

  • Life Science Translator
  • Clinical Trials
  • Regulatory Content
  • Linguistic Validation
  • Glossary Development
  • TM Management


Professional Tasks

·       Translation and Linguistic Revision of Life Science related content. German, English – Subtitles Translator – Music, Film, Marketing, Education, … (Since August 2020)

Topic / Role

·      Subtitles Translator 

·      Subtitles Reviewer

Professional Tasks

·       Mastering style guide for subtitling specifications

·       Mastering paraphrasing contextual meaning to fit the screen while being faithful to original tone and style. English – German Subtitle Translator, Video Media (since 2020)  


Topic / Role

·      Subtitle Translator 

·      Captions Writer

Professional Tasks

·       Mastering style guide for cations

·       Mastering paraphrasing contextual meaning to fit the screen while being faithful to original tone and style.


mediCAD Technical Blog Content writer/Translator/Reviewer (since   

                                           January 2020)


Topic / Role

·      Translator (new product release)

  • Medical equipment in the orthopedic surgery field 

·      Content Writer

·      For SEO optimized texts experience with searchmetrics suite.

Professional Tasks

·       Develop fresh content for marketing and innovation teams about new health tools in surgery

·       Technical writing, technical translation, Mastering style guides



SIEMENS, Outsource Contractor Siemens Healthineers (Siemens Healthcare), QA Reviewer, Spanish, Training Modules for using medical devices. (Since January 2020)

Topic / Role

·      Quality Reviewer for Siemens Training Modules.

·      Localization of Siemens videos and written materials.

·      Subtitle localization and QA-review for training videos

·      Content Writer Innovation Team product releases

·      Assign language suppliers 

·      Creation of glossaries to maintain consistency in company communication.

·      Development of Translation Memories to facilitate future translations.

·      Creation of style guides to help orientate communication staff on appropriate use of language.

Professional Tasks

·       Develop extraordinary analytical skills to provide customer ready communication of Siemens assets.


INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMIC SECURITY, Freelancer offering language services with focus on Anti-Corruption and Internet-Scamming cases (since 2010).                                                  


·       All types of Translation of Projects of Legal Nature

·       Communication with Governmental Organizations, Lawyers, Customers in all languages I master (English, German, French, Portuguese, and Spanish)


·       International Communication for operational use at Institute of Economic Security.


PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD MADRE Y MAESTRA, English / German Lecturer as a foreign Language, Santo Domingo, 


·       Teacher of German / English as a foreign language

Professional Tasks

·       Teacher of German as a foreign language (all levels)

·       One semester Portuguese lessons as emergency replacement, because the actual lecturer failed


Independent Contractor for Language Services (since 2004)

Translator/Copywriter/Desktop Publisher/ Reviewer

Language Pairs: English – German, English – Portuguese, English – French, English – Spanish


Topic / Role

·       Selling Languages Services to worldwide customers

Professional Tasks

·       Translator Freelancer

·       Reviewer

·       Copy editor

·       Proofreader


  HALIFAX GRAMMAR SCHOOL, German Teacher, Halifax Grammar School, Halifax Canada, 2003 

Topic / Role

·      Responsible for all German lessons from grade 8 to secondary IB students

Professional Tasks

·       Responsible for complete German Program from Grade 8 to 12 IB students

·       Preparation for International Baccalaureate exam in German literature


DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY,  German Assistant Teacher, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, (2001-2002)

Topic / Role

·      German as a foreign Language Teacher (Beginners).

Professional Achievement

·       Management of German as a foreign language course for Canadian students

·       Master of Arts Degree

Certified translation and rush translation service for U.S.A. and Canada. 

USCIS compliant translation of documents, simply order online.

All certified translations implemented in the U.S.A. or Canada must be accurate and consistent in content. This is a requirement of the regulations. The translator must sign the translation and include a certificate of accuracy.

Money-back if the translation is not accepted (this has never happened).

The English translations of my online translation agency strictly adhere to these regulations. I am an experienced translator with extensive training in translation services.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to call me 786-667-76227 or send me a copy of your document. Or click on this link Certified translations for U.S. and Canada

Need certified translations for your U.S.A. or Canada documents?

Look no further. I am a leading provider of certified translation services in the U.S.A. and Canada, with a team of experienced and qualified translators who can handle any type of document.

My certified translations are accepted by all government agencies, educational institutions, and businesses. We also offer a variety of other translation services, including:

  • Education certificate translations
  • Medical translations
  • Death certificate translations
  • Birth certificate translations
  • Divorce certificate translations
  • Personal translations

I am committed to providing my clients with the highest quality translation services at a competitive price. I offer a free quote service, so you can get an estimate of the cost of your translation before you commit.

To get started, simply upload your documents to my website or contact me by phone or email. I will be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get the translation you need.

Contact me today to get started with your certified translation and make an order online by clicking on certified translation service!

I look forward to helping you with your translation needs.

Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.

Total des points gagnés: 8
(Tout niveau PRO)

Principales langues (PRO)
allemand vers anglais4
anglais vers allemand4
Principaux domaines généraux (PRO)
Affaires / Finance4
Principaux domaines spécifiques (PRO)
Marketing / recherche de marché4
Investissement / titres4

Afficher tous les points gagnés >
Mots clés : certified translation, English translation, legal translation, contract translation, birth certificate translation, driver's license translation, marriage certificate translation, death certificate translation, legal translator, medical translator. See more.certified translation, English translation, legal translation, contract translation, birth certificate translation, driver's license translation, marriage certificate translation, death certificate translation, legal translator, medical translator, medical translation, financial statement translation, accounting translator, business translation, commercial translation, translation agency Germany, translation services, certified translation services, translation agency, English-Spanish translation, English-French translation, German-English translation, German-English translator, certified translation, certified translator, ATA certified translator, family history translation, genealogy translation, novel translation, USCIS translation, immigration documents translation, USCIS approved translator, USCIS approved translation, university certificate translation, diploma translation, university certificate translation, certified linguist, certified translator, ATA certified translator, legal translator, German -English translator, legal translator, English-German translator, certified translator for U. S.A., certified translator for Canada., German-English translator for legal, Spanish-English translator for legal, ATA certified Danish-English translator, ATA certified German-English translator, patent translation, resume translator, academic translation, academic translator, academic transcript translation, college transcript translation, high school diploma translator, Canada certified translator, U.S.A. certified translator, Canada certified translator, clinical trial translator, medical reports translator. See less.

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Feb 23