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Training topic: SDL Trados Training & Certification

This discussion belongs to training » "Training topic: SDL Trados Training & Certification".
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Helen Jane Hadley
Helen Jane Hadley
Local time: 17:39
espagnol vers anglais
+ ...
SDL Courses - Getting Started for Translators 1 Sep 6, 2016

I am considering signing up for the SDL Trados - Getting Started for Translators 1 course and would like to know a little more about what the course involves. Is there any material included with the course or is just a three hour remote lesson? Also is the offical SDL Trados exam included in the price of the course? Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Local time: 12:39
anglais vers espagnol
More dates on course: Getting Started Part 1 Sep 14, 2016

Is there any chance you will schedule another session before 19:00 GMT in this month of September 2016 ( "Getting Started Part 1" course in English) ?

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
More dates on course: Getting Started Part 1 Sep 15, 2016


Is there any chance you will schedule another session before 19:00 GMT in this month of September 2016 ( "Getting Started Part 1" course in English) ?

Dear Shirley,

Thank you for your interest in training at

Since the month of September is coming to it's end, a new session "SDL Trados Studio 2015 Getting Started Part 1: Translating" has been announced for October as requested: Hope this helps.

My bests,

Marijana Asanin
Marijana Asanin  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:39
espagnol vers serbe
+ ...
"SDL Trados Studio 2015 Intermediate/Advanced" more dates Oct 3, 2016

Are there going to be any sessions of "SDL Trados Studio 2015 Intermediate/Advanced" in the morning (CEST time)?

Thank you,

Kind regards

[Edited at 2016-10-25 10:19 GMT]

Enrique Garcia
Enrique Garcia  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:39
anglais vers espagnol
+ ...
SDL Trados Training in the Americas Dec 8, 2016

Please schedule Trados training at a reasonable time for those of us living in the Americas. All the training opportunities are scheduled either in the middle of the night or during our working hours. I haven't been able to attend any training because of this. Or, make the content available in an on-demand format.

Suggestions for scheduling would be having courses at 20:00 EST or 21:00 EST. That way most of the Americas would be covered for training after our work day is over.

Elisabetta Lopalco
Elisabetta Lopalco  Identity Verified
Afrique du Sud
Local time: 18:39
espagnol vers italien
+ ...
SDL trados studio getting started part 1 and 2 Aug 17, 2017

I know it is probably asking too much, but I will try anyway!
It would be great to have a SDL trados getting started course part 1 and 2 on a Thursday at 10/11 or Friday at 9/10 SAST time. Unfortunately, my current schedule is not working well with the proposed timetable.
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,

Rachael Gillam
Rachael Gillam
Local time: 16:39
français vers anglais
Getting Started - Part 2 - Alternative dates? Aug 2, 2018

Would there be an alternative option to September 6th for the Getting Started - Part 2 course? I'm keen to attend but only see one date option that unfortunately I can't make work. Thanks!

Rita Rocha
Rita Rocha  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:39
Membre (2015)
anglais vers portugais
+ ...
SDL Trados Studio 2017 Intermediate Oct 26, 2018


will you host any SDL Trados Studio 2017 Intermediate or Advanced training courses until the end of the year?

Best regards,
Rita Rocha Grave

Hermenegildo Gonhamo
Hermenegildo Gonhamo
Local time: 18:39
portugais vers anglais
+ ...
SDL Trados Studio 2019 Advanced Dec 10, 2018

I have no experience in using any SDL Trados Studio, yet I would love to take the course above. Is it a good idea? Shouldn't I start with beginner, etc.?

Mohd Elfateh Shareef
Mohd Elfateh Shareef  Identity Verified
Émirats Arabes Unis
Local time: 18:39
anglais vers arabe
+ ...
Ceertified professional Mar 26, 2019

I selected a certified SDL course I followed the instructions and paid .. till now waiting as nobody feedback
I want either attend the course or get my money back !!!
please give a specific reply

Post removed: This post was hidden by a moderator or staff member because it was not in line with site rule
Abdallah Saeed
Abdallah Saeed  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:39
anglais vers arabe
+ ...
SDL TRADOS Reading materials Dec 30, 2019

Hello all. Is there any way that you recommend me some preliminary reading materials for SDL TRADOS ? Appreciate

[Edited at 2019-12-30 16:53 GMT]

Ian Pulham
Ian Pulham  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:39
Link for company Sep 24, 2020

My company would like to pay for me to take some courses here. No-one in the personnel dept. is a member of and they can't access the links to the courses. How can I sent them a link so that they can arrange payment?


Ian Pulham.

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Link for company Sep 24, 2020

Ian Pulham wrote:

My company would like to pay for me to take some courses here. No-one in the personnel dept. is a member of and they can't access the links to the courses. How can I sent them a link so that they can arrange payment?


Ian Pulham.

Dear Ian,

Thank you for considering Training.

I have replied via email.

Let's keep in touch.

Kind regards,

Linda Caiolo
Linda Caiolo
Local time: 17:39
anglais vers italien
+ ...
help Aug 30, 2021

hy guys could you please help me signing in a webinar session? I do not how to do it

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Training topic: SDL Trados Training & Certification

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