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risk profile的译名探讨 Auteur du fil: clearwater
clearwater Chine Local time: 08:58 anglais vers chinois AUTEUR DU FIL
Elinee wrote:
如果作为reviewer, 会把“风险预测”作为哪个级别的“错误”?Low level mistake or just mark it as "better use 概况"?
[Edited at 2007-04-28 07:18]
没做过reviewer,不过要是有人把risk profile译成“风险预测”,我觉得这种译法不够准确,至于错误的严重性不是我所关心的。我觉得作为译者,精益求精始终是原则。
对于偶尔出现的硬性错误,客户会给我指出来,经相互交流后确定大家都认为比较正确的译法。但这丝毫不会影响我们原先约定的报酬。 | | |
EllyLiu Chine Local time: 08:58 anglais vers chinois
Jianjun Zhang wrote:
Elinee wrote:
欢迎另开贴讨论。:) | | |
EllyLiu Chine Local time: 08:58 anglais vers chinois
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
译文可读性的问题有时候是译者的问题,有时候是读者的问题;那些费解的 manuals/guides 要看是一般产品或是某些特别专类的产品。在北京的某全球性大公司厂里出品的机械,他们的使用手册是欧洲母厂提出的原稿,翻译成中文后,大概只有车间的工人读得懂,一般只搞文字的人除非进到车间跟那些工人一起工作两、三个礼拜,否则读起来非常费劲理解,而且可能完全误解。
Elinee wrote:
介绍你读 Anthony Pym 的翻译理论,从他的理论可以计算翻译成本,让翻译者知道如何拿捏不确定文本意义时的处理方法、如何应付中介商人的质疑,让人不会死钻牛角尖,把自己搞成天下第一的翻译大师模样。
可读性的问题是有感而发,单纯说可读性是如何引发的,确实有失公允。关于可读性,或许可以做一长篇:) 在此略过了
[Edited at 2007-04-29 07:52] | | |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taïwan Local time: 08:58 anglais vers chinois + ...
Elinee wrote:
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
Anthony Pym 的翻译理论可以用来计算翻译成本,让翻译者知道如何拿捏不确定文本意义时的处理方法、如何应付中介商人的质疑,让人不会死钻牛角尖,把自己搞成天下第一的翻译大师模样。
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EllyLiu Chine Local time: 08:58 anglais vers chinois
clearwater wrote:
这种现象普遍存在的话, lucky! | | |
clearwater Chine Local time: 08:58 anglais vers chinois AUTEUR DU FIL
Elinee wrote:
clearwater wrote:
这种现象普遍存在的话, lucky!
对方要是不太计较、容易相处,那么自己也会显得很大度、时时为对方考虑、着想。而要是对方斤斤计较、处处为难,那么自己肯定会觉得心有不爽,只想赶紧完工、以后不想再有来往。 | | |
risk profile could be translated as 风险状况 | Apr 30, 2008 |
I believe 风险状况 (status, situation) is better than 风险概况 (summary, description) because only a "status, situation" could be strengthened, monitored, as well as being reflected and reported.
Please find the following sample:
"Recommend actions to strengthen the bank wide risk profile, for example special control initiatives , insurance programmes etc"
Kindly seek others' opinions. | | |
Angus Woo Local time: 08:58 chinois vers anglais + ...
風險在進行投資分析的時候, 是無法進行"概況"的, 因為風險本身就是由於無法預先確定, 才被叫做風險, 也就是可能但不一定發生的事情, 所以只可能對風險進行"預測", 而沒有辦法對未知的事情進行"概括", 文本當中經常有單獨講風險的條款.
這個是根據其內在含義來翻譯的, 而不是按照字面, 所以個人認為這個譯文沒有錯.
現實生活中, 我也沒有見過哪位分析員敢說自己把風險進行了概括的. 誰敢說把未來未知的風險全部都概括在自己的分析報告之中? 萬一出現了意想不到的風險, 怎麼辦? 只能說預測, 因為即使預測錯了也是可以完全不承擔責任的.
當然, 如果在不同語境下可以有不同解讀. 因為在有些情況下, 指的其實是risk exposure.
[Edited at 2008-04-30 17:33] | |
Shang Chine Local time: 08:58 anglais vers chinois
profile v. 概要/简要分析
风险分析就是风险预测。 | | |
那如果是“risk profiling”呢? | Jul 27, 2009 |
如果是“risk profiling”,Profile作为作为动词,那如何解释?
我认为Risk Profile n. 风险概况 Risk Profiling 风险概况分析,妥否?
另我是新人,楼上的能否给个Anthony Pym 经典理论著作的名称或电子书链接? | | |
clearwater Chine Local time: 08:58 anglais vers chinois AUTEUR DU FIL
sapphirezhu wrote:
如果是“risk profiling”,Profile作为作为动词,那如何解释?
我认为Risk Profile n. 风险概况 Risk Profiling 风险概况分析,妥否?
另我是新人,楼上的能否给个Anthony Pym 经典理论著作的名称或电子书链接?
即分析风险概况 | | |
wherestip États-Unis Local time: 18:58 chinois vers anglais + ... risk management | Jul 15, 2011 |
risk profile 通常指一个投资个人或团体 “可以参与并承受的风险种类以及风险程度”。
至于用哪四个中文字来概括表达这个意思比较恰当呢? 即, “风险 xx”中,“xx” 为何?
我个人的意见是多用几个字把意思表达清楚、准确。 但是话说回来,为求简练, “风险剖析”、“风险概况”、 “风险预测” 等 都不能算错。 也就是说,我认为这几种处理方法�... See more risk profile 通常指一个投资个人或团体 “可以参与并承受的风险种类以及风险程度”。
至于用哪四个中文字来概括表达这个意思比较恰当呢? 即, “风险 xx”中,“xx” 为何?
我个人的意见是多用几个字把意思表达清楚、准确。 但是话说回来,为求简练, “风险剖析”、“风险概况”、 “风险预测” 等 都不能算错。 也就是说,我认为这几种处理方法都可以接受。
其实,我觉得 “风险特征” 或者 “风险范畴” 比 “风险预测” 更接近英文原意。
Risk Profile, Risk Appetite, and Risk Tolerance
The definitions and use of Risk Profile, Risk Appetite, and Risk Tolerance vary considerably in professional articles and position papers across the (re)insurance industry. To properly consider the dynamic tradeoff between risk and return we provide the following definitions.
Risk Profile: the broad parameters a firm considers in executing its business strategy in its chosen market space.
Risk Appetite: the level of uncertainty a company is willing to assume given the corresponding reward associated with the risk. A company with a high risk appetite would be a company accepting more uncertainty for a higher reward, while a company with a low risk appetite would seek less uncertainty, for which it would accept a lower return.
Risk Tolerance: a stated amount of risk a company is willing and able to keep in executing its business strategy — in other words, the limits of a company’s capacity for taking on risk.
[Edited at 2011-07-15 17:33 GMT] ▲ Collapse | |
wherestip États-Unis Local time: 18:58 chinois vers anglais + ... A few examples of the typical usage of the term | Jul 15, 2011 |
risk profile
The degree to which various risks are important to a particular individual.
What questions should I ask myself as I prepare to develop my risk profile?
Ask yourself when you plan to use your investmentin a few years to buy a home, start a business, or pay for college, or in the future for retirement. After you have decided how long your money will work, the focus of your preparation should shift to personal preferences:
1. Is capital preservation more important to you than outpacing inflation?
2. Are you willing to accept fluctuating values when investing for the long term?
3. Are you more comfortable with dividends and income, or with growth through capital appreciation?
4. Will you accept above-average risk to generate above-average returns?
- Mark G. Steinberg, President, Trabar Associates, Boston, MA
I often ask people to map their own risk profile. With only a little bit of reflection, each person knows which types of risks he or she is willing to take. They realize pretty quickly that risk taking isn’t uniform.
Asset Allocation: Determine your Risk Profile
The best assets allocation depends of the risk profile. By answering some questions, we will help your to find which risk profile (and consequently which portfolio allocation) better suits you.
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DanielChen Chine Local time: 08:58 anglais vers chinois + ... i prefer "风险状况“ | Jul 18, 2011 |
至少很多银行文件采取了这个译发,已经很普遍了。 | | |
icylave Chine Local time: 08:58 Membre (2013) chinois vers anglais + ... |
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