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中国大陆的互联网于上世纪90年代后期才起步。那时,美国的互联网也不是十分普及。我记得那时想上 AOL (America Online),得通过电话线拨号,拨上很久还不一定能拨通。那时,美国的翻译社找翻译通常是按照在 ATA 注册的译员名单,或他们自己积累的译员名单,先打电话给译员,谈妥一切后再用传真机把需要翻译的文件传真给译员。哪像现在,翻译社利用群发电子邮件的功能,只要发一个 Email 就能收到一呼百应的效果。在上世纪90年代,根据美国有关政府部门的统计,英译中或中译英的价格几乎是所有语言对中最高的,平均价格在 $0.30/word (不是 $0.03/word)以上。其原因很简单,英译中比英译俄、俄译德之类的翻译要难得多(即使现在用机器翻译+MTPE 也是如此);中译英则更难。如今,英译日、日译英的价格仍可维持在较高水平($0.20/word or character 上下),但英译中或中译英的价格却不可同日而语!
[Edited at 2022-05-04 02:42 GMT]
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Ning Nie Australie Local time: 01:52 anglais vers chinois + ...
The US government has an extensive database that contains the prices for numerous goods and services including translation. The system is aimed at ensuring transparency so anyone can access it and review the available offers. It was designed by the General Services Administration (GSA), which is the centralized agency of the US government that helps to support the federal agencies with real estate, products, and services supply. All of its providers are required to pass certification to the high quality delivered. After that, a company can access the database and take part in the bidding process by submitting a proposal that includes the price list for the services.
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