Which program is suitable to process these texts ?
Auteur du fil: mrchan
Local time: 13:08
malais vers chinois
+ ...
May 2, 2002

Sample 1



<GX TYPE=tile ID=buyer>

Billing Address

Buyer: <GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.name></GX>

<GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.isResPhone> Residence Phone: <GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.rPhone></GX>


<GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.isBizPhone> Business Phone: <GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.bPhone></GX>


<GX TYPE=cel
... See more
Sample 1



<GX TYPE=tile ID=buyer>

Billing Address

Buyer: <GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.name></GX>

<GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.isResPhone> Residence Phone: <GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.rPhone></GX>


<GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.isBizPhone> Business Phone: <GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.bPhone></GX>


<GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.isFaxPhone> Fax Phone: <GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.fPhone></GX>


Address: <GX TYPE=cell ID=buyer.addrOne></GX>


Samples 2



See also:

To display tool tips

+$#KUsing online Help


+ BROWSE0002:000d

$ To identify a tool or control


+ BROWSE0002:000e

$ To display tool tips

# 19J21F_

K General preferences;preferences;preferences:general;Show Tool Tips option


Sample 3





CAPTION \"Print\"

FONT 8, \"MS Sans Serif\"


LTEXT \"Printer:\",1093,6,4,25,8

GROUPBOX \"Range\",1072,5,27,106,75,WS_GROUP

RADIOBUTTON \"&All\",1056,11,40,98,10,WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP



I am not asking for translation but willing to know which program is suitable to process the texts above.

I think sample 1 is XML ?

sample 2 = ?

I guess sample 3 is Visual Basic ?

Please help.

[ This Message was edited by: on 2002-05-03 09:53 ]

Marisapad  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:08
anglais vers italien
+ ...
Are you taking a test at SDL? May 3, 2002

I mean, sample 1 is probably XML, but there are cases in which your customer wants you tu use just Word to translate it. In any case, you would just skip all parts contained into < and > and translate for instance \"Billing Address\", \"Buyer:\" etc.

If you have FrontPage or DreamWeaver, try pasting there the text you have and see what happens. If you have just to answer \"Which program is suitable to process this text?\", just answer Word, FrontPage or any other XML program.
... See more
I mean, sample 1 is probably XML, but there are cases in which your customer wants you tu use just Word to translate it. In any case, you would just skip all parts contained into < and > and translate for instance \"Billing Address\", \"Buyer:\" etc.

If you have FrontPage or DreamWeaver, try pasting there the text you have and see what happens. If you have just to answer \"Which program is suitable to process this text?\", just answer Word, FrontPage or any other XML program.

Then PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION to sample 2: this is simply RTF, that is, Word text files that must be be compiled to become an OnLine Help. The special characters are used to identify a link, a jump and similar.

So, in those cases, the translator MUST know that

+$#KUsing online Help

is just a TOPIC TITLE, and that


$ To identify a tool or control MUST BE NORMALLY TRANSLATED


K General PReferences;preferences; preferences:general;Show Tool Tips option

MUST BE NORMALLY TRANSLATED, BUT considered as a listing of an Alphabetical Index (where the first level item is the first word, the second level item is separated from the first one with : etc.)

(Summarizing: $ and K must be translated, + and # must NOT be translated).

The answer to the a.m. question is \"Word, saving file as RTF\", but be careful, if you don\'t know exactly what a Online Help file is, you\'ll then have troubles translating it in case your customer gives you actually something to do!

Sample 3 is in general a resource file (Visual basic, Visual Studio etc.) , and must be translated with Word, saving the file as TXT. Also in this case, you should know exactly what to translate, why and how, otherwise you\'ll then have troubles translating it in case your customer gives you actually something to do!

Hope this helps


Local time: 13:08
malais vers chinois
+ ...
> Marisapad : Thank you May 3, 2002

Even I have no experience translating \"HELP\" and \"Visual Basic\" codes but this is a \"MUST\" test from SDL. Thanks for your valuable guidance and help.

By the way, I\'d heard of a program called ROBO-Help. Is this program dedicated for \"HELP\" translation ?

Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:08
Membre (2003)
anglais vers chinois
+ ...
MS Word will be good for you to do translation May 3, 2002

I just looked at these 3 samples. I think MS Word will good enough for you to handle the translation.

The \"Sample 1\" is a html file. For viewing it look like, you can use \"Open\" file from a web browser. If for translation, open it by MS Word. Be sure only translate the words BETWEEN \">

Marisapad  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:08
anglais vers italien
+ ...
I'm so sorry for Kevin, but... May 3, 2002

... but he is wrong when he says that for sample 2 it is a garbage due to lack of fonts/symbols.

On the contrary, it makes perfectly sense and IT MUST BE AS IT IS, and translated as I told you!!!

Finally, also for Sample 3 he is unfortunately wrong. Word is the program to use, but, as I told you, the file should be saved in .TXT and in it the words to translate are:




... See more
... but he is wrong when he says that for sample 2 it is a garbage due to lack of fonts/symbols.

On the contrary, it makes perfectly sense and IT MUST BE AS IT IS, and translated as I told you!!!

Finally, also for Sample 3 he is unfortunately wrong. Word is the program to use, but, as I told you, the file should be saved in .TXT and in it the words to translate are:




\"&All\", and


Finally, if you want to know why they write \"&All\" and not just \"All\", you must know that the \"&\" symbol is used by the programming language to underscore the following letter (look at the menus you have on the screen: probably they all start with an underscored letter, that is also a keyboard shortcut to be used with the Alt key to open the corresponding menu).

That\'s why I was telling you that becoming a software translator may be dangerous if you don\'t know exactly WHAT to do, WHY, WHERE etc.

Good Luck!



Local time: 13:08
malais vers chinois
+ ...
> Kevin, Marisapad May 4, 2002

Sample 1 : Solved !


Kevin, Marisapad : I appreciate yours ideas. So I confirm sample 1 is XML. I prefer using Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.01 to handle it.

Sample 2 :


I knew web design and programming. But I never touch \"ONLINE HELP\" b4. Kevin, I get your points. If it\'s font problem, it may be more \'garbage\' but these texts seems to be rather neat. So I afraid what Marisapad said \'re true. I read Marisa
... See more
Sample 1 : Solved !


Kevin, Marisapad : I appreciate yours ideas. So I confirm sample 1 is XML. I prefer using Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.01 to handle it.

Sample 2 :


I knew web design and programming. But I never touch \"ONLINE HELP\" b4. Kevin, I get your points. If it\'s font problem, it may be more \'garbage\' but these texts seems to be rather neat. So I afraid what Marisapad said \'re true. I read Marisapad profile. Marisapad has deep experience about localization matters. Also, she mentioned about the SDL test. For sure she \'d taken the test b4 or either the paper \'s set by her ?

So, anyone please suggest me what software is dedicated for \"ONLINE HELP\" besides directly translating these texts using WordXP ?

Sample 3 :


Kevin, I think we should translate the texts within the double quotation marks. Should we ? As mentioned by Marisapad. I feel that this is the \"software localization part\" of the test by SDL.

Marisapad, do you mean :

\"&All\" is something like > All ?

\"S&election\" is something like > Selection ? Where we press \'ALT + A\' will open up \'All\' menu, and \'ALT + e\' to toggle the \'Selection\' option ?

So If I wish to get the following result > \"XX(A)\" , will the code be > \"XX(&A)\" ? Assume \'XX\' is the translation of \'All\' in Chinese.

Marisapad, I wonder If there were errors/troubles if I copy-N-paste the code > save as *.rc > open it using Microsoft Visual Basic/C ? > and translate as appropriate.

Happy to have yours response. I learn more with yours guidance. I am willing to share my ideas if I am qualified.

Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:08
Membre (2003)
anglais vers chinois
+ ...
You do not have to be a programmer first before you can translate these files. May 5, 2002


Samples 2


Sample 3


Hi, Tah Leang and Marisa,

Thank you for the messages and comments, from which I did learn something from you, but it seems to me the confusion or dispute here is caused by not understanding my advice correctly. I will be very happy to explain it again:

1. All these 3 samples can easil... See more

Samples 2


Sample 3


Hi, Tah Leang and Marisa,

Thank you for the messages and comments, from which I did learn something from you, but it seems to me the confusion or dispute here is caused by not understanding my advice correctly. I will be very happy to explain it again:

1. All these 3 samples can easily be handled by MS Word on PC. This is what I meant. Please open each file by using MS Word and do your Chinese translation. But the MOST important procedure at the end of the translation is to do a \"Save as\". In the \"Save as type\" scroll down window, select \"Plain Text\", name your file in a new name with \"txt\" extension. Then, the \"File Conversion\" window pops up, please select \"Other coding\", then select the Chinese code you used for your translation. This is the final delivery file to your client. By performing this procedure your client can \"copy and paste\" or \"dump\" your translation directly into their application program, and there will be for certain NO any corruptions happen to the Chinese codes after they are uploaded. If your client wants a different file format, it would be very easy for him or her to change it from there.

This is a safest and simplest way to handle these three Chinese translation files. The way that Marisa talks indicated to me that she does not know the difference between the Chinese text and the Italian text. Yes, you can save your file anyway the client want, but the procedure I suggested is proven to be the safest way by my experiences in working with Asian languages.

2. I do not think you have to be a web master or a programmer first before you can translate these files you sited. I think the most important thing is that you MUST know well the subject and required vocabulary; secondly, you must know well what you can touch or translate and what you cannot touch or alter. You can find that rule very quickly. To know programming will definitely a big help, but don\'t be intimidated by it. The way I work with my clients is that I always ask them to let me do a free final check after they uploaded. When you see how the translation file is in operation, it is very easy for you to spot the bugs and fix them.

3. As for \"Sample 2\", like Marisa said \"$ and K must be translated, + and # must NOT be translated\", this is what I would do:



+ BROWSE0002:000d

$ 对工具或控制进行识别


+ BROWSE0002:000e

$ 显示工具提示

# 19J21F_

K 一般常规

4.As for \"Sample 3\",what you can translate are these words:

\"Print\", \"Printer\", \"Range\", \"&All\", and \"S&election\". In Chinese, they are like this (Note: They all are in quotation marks. The tricky ones are \"&All\", and \"S&election\". Such feature does not work well with Chinese. You can suggest to put the 1st English letter in a parenthesis, ie. ( ), this this case would be \"全部(A)\" and \"选择(S)\".If I were you, I would discuss with your client about it first.):



CAPTION \"打印\"

FONT 8, \"MS Sans Serif\"


LTEXT \"打印机:\",1093,6,4,25,8

GROUPBOX \"范围\",1072,5,27,106,75,WS_GROUP

RADIOBUTTON \"&全部\",1056,11,40,98,10,WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP




[ This Message was edited by: on 2002-05-05 20:18 ]Collapse

Local time: 13:08
malais vers chinois
+ ...
> Kevin : You give me a solid idea May 6, 2002

Thanks for your input, Kevin. I agree and prefer the methods you just wrote to process XML, ONLINE-HELP, and Programming Codes. (I ask for dedicated program to process these text is because : dedicated program coloring your codes and make life easier to differentiate between the real-content and those reserved-code.) Instead I \'ll refuse any task requiring me to translate ONLINE-HELP and Programming Codes at this instance. But now I have to fullfil the requirement of a test from a translation a... See more
Thanks for your input, Kevin. I agree and prefer the methods you just wrote to process XML, ONLINE-HELP, and Programming Codes. (I ask for dedicated program to process these text is because : dedicated program coloring your codes and make life easier to differentiate between the real-content and those reserved-code.) Instead I \'ll refuse any task requiring me to translate ONLINE-HELP and Programming Codes at this instance. But now I have to fullfil the requirement of a test from a translation agency called SDL. So I ask for your help. I \'ll follow yours guidance to complete the \'globalization section\' of the test. Thanks again Kevin (and Marisapad), but I may bother you again asking for help in the near future Collapse

Martin Bastian
Martin Bastian
Local time: 05:08
allemand vers néerlandais
+ ...
Great help! Dec 3, 2007

Deear Marisapad and Kevin, (and Chan Tah for placing the question!)

Thanks very very much for being so supportive and for explaining everything so thoroughly! You have REALLY helped me today!

Local time: 13:08
anglais vers chinois
Shortcut Dec 3, 2007

Shortcut symbol (&X) shoud be placed after translaton of menu option in parentheses, such as 全部(&A) for &All. If & is missing, it doesn't work.

lbone  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:08
anglais vers chinois
+ ...
SDL standard test Dec 4, 2007

They are part of SDL's standard test.

They keep asking testers the very same questions year by year. It is more a promotion for their products than an actual test.

MJ Zambonino
MJ Zambonino
Local time: 06:08
anglais vers espagnol
+ ...
Doubt about sample B Jun 30, 2008

Hi! I was reading this discussion with interest and I wasn't quite sure about something. Should +$#KUsing online Help (which appears twice in sample B) be translated?

Thank you for the answer and for this interesting discussion.

Local time: 08:08
What does it need for translating ? Jan 27, 2013


Can you help me finding what this type of translating needs, please ?


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Which program is suitable to process these texts ?

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