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Search results: (26 matches)
Scams Agency might be a scam Payment Card Details I guess they make the whole process so long in
order to motivate you to enter your payment card
details at the end because you already invested so
much time and effort and just want to get
Alexandra Villeminey Mar 7, 2024
Scams Agency might be a scam Dear Translators, be aware that the agency
TranslateSync might be a scam. Not only do they
not answer any emails or phone calls, their
payment threshold is 1000USD which you will never
Alexandra Villeminey Mar 1, 2024
Machine Translation (MT) "Proofreading" you say? MT or human trans I encounter more and more "proofreading" jobs
where the translation agency says it was done by a
translator but it is obvious that it's a MT. Now I
always ask for a sample of the text to b
Alexandra Villeminey Dec 13, 2022
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you keep record of all the projects you've worked on? It's all in my emails No, I delete all files and if it happens that I
have to access them again I can find the final
files in my outgoing emails.
Alexandra Villeminey Dec 11, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What to you see as the biggest threat to your business income? Sickness The risk I won't be able to work for some reason. Alexandra Villeminey Jun 20, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever received a gift or a bonus from a client? Voted no but actually yes Once I completely messed up a project for a client
where I used to work inhouse, still being a
freelancer, and in return they got me flowers.
This was actually very nice because I really f
Alexandra Villeminey Jun 9, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think SEO translations are a legitimate job? It's not only translating keywords This is a very complicate job that requires lots
of training. There are agencies that specialize
only on this!
Alexandra Villeminey Apr 15, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you think is the latest age one should stop freelance translation? Maybe the poll isn't so silly after all I think many do work until they die because as a
freelancer they never had a suitable retirement
plan which is really sad. I always said I would
work forever but recently I signed a retir
Alexandra Villeminey Dec 11, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you offer a lower rate to attract a new client? I don't but I guess it depends I guess it depends on how many clients and work
volume you have normally. I only accept new
clients if they pay more than my current clients
because I have more than enough work. But I k
Alexandra Villeminey Nov 15, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you willing to present a sample of your actual work to a potential client if asked? No, because it's confidential Never, even not if it is on published websites
because the end client might not want me to tell
others that I did the job, especially when the
client sent the job to a agency and the agenc
Alexandra Villeminey Oct 28, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use MT (Machine translation) in your work? Do you inform your clients? Do these more than 20% who use MT inform their
clients that they are going to use such

[Edited at 2016-09-21 12:53 GMT]
Alexandra Villeminey Sep 21, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Income tax: how much do you have to pay in your country of residence? ? [quote]neilmac wrote: Spain: 15% Income tax,
21% VAT, the last time I looked, which was
yesterday (a client informed me that I had billed
them with the wrong tax rate and I had to recti
Alexandra Villeminey Sep 14, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Averagely, how many jobs do you turn down due to your busy schedule? ? Or it indicates that she is a professional
translator who knows how to promote
herself. [quote]ILAN RUBIN
wrote: [quote]Mary Worby wrote: I turned
down two jobs yesterday. Tha
Alexandra Villeminey Aug 11, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the most important lesson that you have learned as a translator? No more interns I finally understood why agencies mainly work with
freelancers and not with interns. The motivation
and performance of a freelancer is simply not
comparable with an intern who will get the
Alexandra Villeminey Jul 25, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: How many words do you typically translate per day? Employees complaining And at our company former employees complained
that 2000-2500 words per day are too demanding...
Alexandra Villeminey Oct 30, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you satisfied with your income as a translator? Yes, but... Yes, if it wasn't for the taxes and the payment
Alexandra Villeminey Oct 20, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you prefer an in-house position? Looking for inhouse positions? For everybody who is interested in an inhouse
position, our company Villengua
( in Spain is looking for EN-DE
Alexandra Villeminey Aug 7, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you prefer to work with end clients or agencies? Agencies Unfortunately, we are having a lot of trouble
getting paid from Spanish end clients, so my
preference goes to foreign agencies.
Alexandra Villeminey Jul 20, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? Not anymore I got my eyes operated two years ago and I
definitely recommend this small intervention to
Alexandra Villeminey Sep 7, 2013
Translator resources Translation of Website Hello, I have a doubt in regards to the
translation of websites. I recently had a client
that asked me to translate his website but could
not provide the source documents. Which options
Alexandra Villeminey Oct 13, 2012 training Free Webinar on Upcoming 4 series Course on Introduction to Medical Terminology When will be possible to see the video? And can I ask you when it will be possible to see
the introduction video? Because I am thinking
about purchasing the complete course but I would
like to see first if it is what I am lookin
Alexandra Villeminey Jul 31, 2012 training Free Webinar on Upcoming 4 series Course on Introduction to Medical Terminology Where is the trailer? Is it possible to see the trailer of this webinar?
I tried to see it in the video centre but I
couldn't find it. I would like to purchase the
videos but I prefer to see the trailer
Alexandra Villeminey Jul 28, 2012
German Sonderzeichen in Wordfast Weiß jemand wie ich in Wordfast Sonderzeichen wie
etwa deutsche Anführungszeichen oder geschützte
Leerzeichen einfügen kann? Tastenkombinationen
wie Alt+Strg+Leerzeichen helfen da auch
Alexandra Villeminey Dec 12, 2010
German TM importieren TM importieren Danke, ja du hast recht. Jetzt geht's

[Bearbeitet am 2010-05-27 14:48
Alexandra Villeminey May 27, 2010
German TM importieren TM importieren Trados 2007 Hi, danke für deine Antwort. Es geht um Trados
2007 und um den Import eines TMs in Form einer
Alexandra Villeminey May 26, 2010
German TM importieren Hallo an alle, eine kurze Frage und zwar hatte
ich bisher keine Probleme beim Importieren von
TMs, allerdings ist diese Option nun plötzlich
ausgegraut und folglich nicht mehr verfügb
Alexandra Villeminey May 26, 2010

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