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What's happened to the IoL?
Auteur du fil: Julie Arbon
Julie Arbon
Julie Arbon  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:13
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Sep 26, 2008

Does anyone know what's happened to the UK Institute of Linguists? The website has been down for a while. Nobody has replied to my many emails, and the phones are going straight through to voicemail. They were, however, happy to collect my annual subscription a couple of weeks ago!

If anyone has any information, please share it with us!

CJG (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:13
néerlandais vers anglais
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They are still there Sep 26, 2008

I noticed that their website was down a couple of days ago. I paid my membership fee too so I thought I would check! I have just called them and they are there - they assure me it is business as usual, but they are having 'major problems' with the website.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:13
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Curious developments Sep 26, 2008

I was contacted two days ago by a new client who said they had tried to find a translator via the IoL's "find a linguist" feature on its website. Discovering that the website was down, they telephoned the IoL (should that be CIoL?) and were informed that the Institute was no longer giving contact details of members, but instead would act as their agents. I hope this is not so. If this is true, and they now intend to act as an agency using their membership list as a translator database, I do not ... See more
I was contacted two days ago by a new client who said they had tried to find a translator via the IoL's "find a linguist" feature on its website. Discovering that the website was down, they telephoned the IoL (should that be CIoL?) and were informed that the Institute was no longer giving contact details of members, but instead would act as their agents. I hope this is not so. If this is true, and they now intend to act as an agency using their membership list as a translator database, I do not see why we should have to pay a subscription.Collapse

Angela Dickson (X)
Angela Dickson (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:13
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better not be... Sep 26, 2008

Tim Drayton wrote:
I was contacted two days ago by a new client who said they had tried to find a translator via the IoL's "find a linguist" feature on its website. Discovering that the website was down, they telephoned the IoL (should that be CIoL?) and were informed that the Institute was no longer giving contact details of members, but instead would act as their agents. I hope this is not so. If this is true, and they now intend to act as an agency using their membership list as a translator database, I do not see why we should have to pay a subscription.

Tim, I hope that's not true. I'm a member and have had no notification that the Find-a-Linguist service is to cease.

The IoL does have a subsidiary agency attached to it - IoL Language Services Ltd, I think it's called. Could it be that your client called them instead of the main IoL?

Julie, if you're an IoL member of any stripe you're entitled to join TransNet, a yahoo group for translator members of the IoL. Contact me privately if you'd like the contact details of the moderator. There have been discussions on TransNet about the Institute's website problems.

[Edited at 2008-09-26 09:58]

Julie Arbon
Julie Arbon  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:13
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It's good they're still there. Sep 26, 2008

It’s reassuring to know that they still exist, but alarming to hear of the alleged changes to the ‘find-a-linguist’ directory. I think at the very least they should have advised their members of future developments.

Anyway, thanks everyone for your replies. Angela, I shall contact you privately for more info regarding TransNet.

Karen Stokes
Karen Stokes  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:13
Membre (2003)
français vers anglais
All's well Sep 26, 2008

The IoL is fine - there have been problems with the website this week but otherwise everything else is (or should be) operating normally. In fact I'm just off to spend the weekend with a whole host of IoL members at this year's Members' Day in Liverpool.

I'm quite involved with the Chartered Institute through the Translating Division and in other ways and can reassure you that there are no plans at all to end the Find-a-Linguist service.



Julie Arbon
Julie Arbon  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:13
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Relief! Sep 26, 2008

Thanks Karen, for clearing that one up for us. Let's hope the website is back up and running again sometime soon.

inkweaver  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:13
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Transferring between servers Sep 26, 2008

The IoL is transferring between servers, at least this is the information I got from City University in London. I wrote to them requesting information on their distance learning courses and this is what they told me. The website should be available again shortly.

Irene Chao
Irene Chao  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
anglais vers chinois
Does Iol help to bring you jobs ? Sep 26, 2008

Hi everybody,

I am a new user of the Recently I just passed the translation examination and attain the Dip. in translation. Could any ones who are members of IoL suggest to me if the IoL could bring you jobs ?

Astrid Elke Witte
Astrid Elke Witte  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:13
Membre (2002)
allemand vers anglais
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No, I do not think you will get any jobs through the IOL Sep 26, 2008

Hi Irene,

I have never had any jobs through the IOL, but, then, I do not have my name in the Find-A-Linguist list. I filled in the form once, and then the awful thought occurred to me that they would be openly displaying my e-mail address on the Internet, which would result in masses of spam suddenly arriving in my e-mail box at my own domain once the e-mail address was harvested by robots. Therefore I could not join the list.

Nevertheless, I have never associated the I
... See more
Hi Irene,

I have never had any jobs through the IOL, but, then, I do not have my name in the Find-A-Linguist list. I filled in the form once, and then the awful thought occurred to me that they would be openly displaying my e-mail address on the Internet, which would result in masses of spam suddenly arriving in my e-mail box at my own domain once the e-mail address was harvested by robots. Therefore I could not join the list.

Nevertheless, I have never associated the IOL with jobs.

What is useful, however, is to have passed the Diploma in Translation. Advertising that fact in the right places, such as your profile page here on, will certainly help to bring you jobs.


Gillian Searl
Gillian Searl  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:13
allemand vers anglais
Me neither Sep 26, 2008

I sometimes get jobs through the German equivalent but not CIoL. Somehow I am not surprised that their website is down or that nobody knows what is happening with them. After going through the Diploma and becoming a member I have never been impressed with the way they work. Professionalism only seems to extend as far as the members and no further. Why should it take months and months to get the results from the Diploma? Why can you never get through to a human being when you call? Of if you do t... See more
I sometimes get jobs through the German equivalent but not CIoL. Somehow I am not surprised that their website is down or that nobody knows what is happening with them. After going through the Diploma and becoming a member I have never been impressed with the way they work. Professionalism only seems to extend as far as the members and no further. Why should it take months and months to get the results from the Diploma? Why can you never get through to a human being when you call? Of if you do they don't seem to be able to answer your question. Don't "professional" organisations put up a sign on the website saying "Under construction" or "we apologise that the site isn't available"?

JPW (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:13
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You think that's bad? Sep 26, 2008

Gillian Searl wrote:

I sometimes get jobs through the German equivalent but not CIoL. Somehow I am not surprised that their website is down or that nobody knows what is happening with them. After going through the Diploma and becoming a member I have never been impressed with the way they work. Professionalism only seems to extend as far as the members and no further. Why should it take months and months to get the results from the Diploma? Why can you never get through to a human being when you call? Of if you do they don't seem to be able to answer your question. Don't "professional" organisations put up a sign on the website saying "Under construction" or "we apologise that the site isn't available"?

When I contacted the Irish equivalent, they told me not to send them a cheque, as "We'd only lose it."

Doesn't exactly inspire you either, does it?

Mind you, their newsletter's not too bad.

Rachel Fell
Rachel Fell  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:13
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Seems to be working - ? Sep 26, 2008

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:13
turc vers anglais
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Yes Sep 27, 2008

Irene Chao wrote:

Hi everybody,

I am a new user of the Recently I just passed the translation examination and attain the Dip. in translation. Could any ones who are members of IoL suggest to me if the IoL could bring you jobs ?

Yes, the vast majority of serious work enquiries that I receive come via the "find a linguist" section of the IoL's website.

Irene Chao
Irene Chao  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:13
anglais vers chinois
Spam mail ? Sep 27, 2008

I have the same worry as that of Astrid. As for my case, I just got the Diploma of Translation by the IoL, however, I am wondering that whether I shall join the IoL and see what will happen to me. Well, spam mail problem is my main concern.

Have you really got much spam mail, Tim ?

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What's happened to the IoL?

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