| Sujet | Auteur Réponses (Vues) Dernier message |
| Anybody worked for Bespoke Lab (South Korea) before? | 1 (258) |
| Help us refine the new list of services ( 1... 2) | 19 (3,539) |
| ProZ.com community choice awards 2024: announcement of winners | 0 (764) |
| I need your assistance | 3 (1,336) |
| I am invited to vote in the "ProZ.com Community ChoiSe Awards"... | 11 (3,603) |
| New ProZ site being developed. Members are invited to give feedback on the prototype. ( 1... 2) | 23 (6,264) |
| Project History (plus feedback!) features updated. Members are invited to use it! ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11... 12) | 171 (156,423) |
| Corporate membership: new Blue Board policy plus ongoing survey | 10 (4,987) |
| ProZ.com's journey to 25 years: site upgrades and future enhancements | 1 (892) |
| Proz is 25, new release ? | 4 (1,240) |
| New member benefit: download your ProZ.com glossaries | 3 (1,644) |
| Middlebury Institute of International Studies Scholarship for ProZ.com members | 1 (8,861) |
| Introducing AI to KudoZ: human expertise and AI combined in support of the most helpful answer ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6) | 82 (16,374) |
| New Series: Meet the Team | 2 (845) |
| ProZ.com Premium membership: what is it and what does it include? | 2 (1,024) |
| Certificate Proz Network translation - I don't know what kind of translation to choose. Ideas? | 2 (5,195) |
| Announcing translator feedback (WWA) improvements ( 1, 2, 3, 4... 5) | 62 (43,017) |
| New Mentoring Program in the making. And I am new, too! | 0 (611) |
| Improving the invoicing tool ( 1, 2, 3... 4) | 53 (30,797) |
| Report, track, and verify your continuing professional development using ProZ.com ( 1... 2) | 17 (5,876) |
| Plus features: CPN screening of interpreters / partnership with Boostlingo interpreting platform ( 1... 2) | 20 (12,815) |
| Plus features: "Call me" button and priority messaging (aka. "real-time communications") ( 1, 2... 3) | 32 (18,119) |
| ProZ.com Continuing professional development (CPD) points system now available | 9 (1,868) |
| New industry report on CAT tools now available | 6 (1,637) |
| AI set to make waves on KudoZ: volunteer testers needed ( 1... 2) | 18 (3,774) |
| Announcing a new "What I am working on" feature ( 1, 2, 3, 4... 5) | 71 (41,862) |
| New AI-integrated version of CafeTran (CAT tool included in ProZ.com membership) | 2 (1,963) |
| CafeTran Espresso is integrating Human-AI powered by ChatGPT | 2 (1,438) |
| What additional fields of expertise should be available in the ProZ.com lists? | 10 (5,862) |
| Five more training courses added to the Plus membership package of resources | 0 (937) |
| Announcing the ProZ.com community choice awards, now open for nominations ( 1... 2) | 19 (14,258) |
| Announcing time zone and date/time localization ( 1, 2, 3, 4... 5) | 65 (56,370) |
| New Plus package benefit: Free download of Henk Sanderson's IATE terminology packages ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6) | 87 (65,427) |
| 26 hours of interpreter training added to the Plus membership subscription | 2 (4,132) |
| Modest improvement to form for entering rates in profiles ( 1... 2) | 24 (20,787) |
| Announcing new site area: State of the industry reports for freelance translators | 7 (11,847) |
| What is the purpose of Browniz? | 4 (4,219) |
| 2012 State of the industry report for freelance translators published | 14 (7,989) |
| ProZ.com industry report 2022 is now available | 0 (1,673) |
| Announcing the Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship program ( 1... 2) | 28 (22,828) |
| New networking service for members: ProZ.com Meetups | 3 (2,239) |
| Plus features: Announcing the Plus video library ( 1... 2) | 16 (9,132) |
| Campaign prize drawings: are you one of the winners of the first week? | 0 (1,113) |
| CafeTran is available to all ProZ.com paying members during Covid-19 pandemic ( 1, 2, 3, 4... 5) | 63 (36,033) |
| A new badge for translators without borders ( 1, 2, 3... 4) | 57 (55,975) |
| Participate in the new translation contest "Stories about nature" | 0 (1,032) |
| High number of dud sites - why? | 11 (4,322) |
| How to enter new specialist field? | 5 (3,797) |
| ProZ.com Mobile now available on iOS ( 1... 2) | 20 (11,425) |
| Plus features: Basket item #1 -- CafeTran Espresso ( 1, 2, 3, 4... 5) | 63 (36,198) |