Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators


Our work is centrally directed to achieve maximum quality

We are a group of freelance translators, all of us fully bilingual French � Spanish. Some of us proficient in English or Russian too.

We offer quality translation + proofreading services at 0.10 USD per source word. You get two professionals for the price of one!

Among the projects we have handled in group are:

43.000 word Outdoor Equipment
40.000 word Videogames
52.000 word Tourism
22.000 word Merchandising
29.000 word Compared Education
31.000 word Security Systems
30.000 word signalling and security catalogue

Our main assets:

-Professional, reliable and accurate : we guarantee quality !
-Passionate for what we do : every project is handled with enthusiasm !
-Fully bilingual and brilliant at reading comprehension : we understand your message !
-Skilled writers in our mother tongue : we shall choose the most suitable way of saying it !
-A team who works in group : each group is made up of a variable number of translators selected for each job according to their particular skills and a leader who proofreads all the job done.


Mar�a Jos� Mantero
15 years translating in-house and as a freelancer. She is currently a part-time instructor at the School of Commerce in Pau (France) and at the School of Engineering in Tarbes (France) among others.

She is a certified translator at the Court of Justice in Pau (France) where she collaborates as an interpreter for French and Spanish languages.

Commercial, technical, law, humanities and tourism are her favorite fields.

Fernando Muela

11 years experience. Has worked as a freelance translator for several agencies and companies in Spain, France, Belgium and Malta.

Experience in the following areas (in alphabetical order): Art, Automotive, Business, Cinematography, Commerce, Cuisine, Education, Enology, Fashion, Food, Geography, History, Legal, Marketing, Machine tools, Medical, Music, Science, Software, Tourism.

Translations of official documents, tourist guides, technical articles, technical specifications, text books, user manuals, web sites, medical reports, post-adoptive reports.

V�ronique Le Ny

Has worked as an in-house translator for two and a half years. Also a freelancer since 2000.

An expert in these fields:
Public Works
Legal documents
Banking & Finance

Claudia Iglesias

Has worked as a freelance translator for two years.
Educated in France where she attended University she has also lived in Spain and in several Latin American Countries.

Business, marketing, humanities, literature, theatre and tourism are her favorite fields.

Also voiceover experience.

Team language pairs 7
  • espagnol vers français
  • anglais vers français
  • anglais vers espagnol
  • français vers espagnol
Team leader
Patricia Posadas
Patricia Posadas
Meeting your needs
PhD in Educational Sciences
<B><font size +2> Eight and a half years� experience as a translator. Two and a half years translating full-time.<br> <br> Specialist Fields : Education, Psychology, Sociology, Political Thought, Economy, Philosophy, Statistics, Anthropology, Evaluation.<br> <br> Other fields she works in regularly: marketing, general business, human resources, accounting, finance, software, tourism...<br> <br> Educational Background<br> <br> PhD. in Educational Sciences by Universidad del Pa�s Vasco . <br> Postgaduate Studies: Education and Society in the Basque Country. (Features of Bilingual Cultures) University of the Basque Country. <br> BA in Educational Sciences <br> Certificate of French Language in Language School of Bilbao (Spain). <br> Certificate of English Language in Language School of Bilbao (Spain). <br> Certificate of Proficiency in English, Cambridge University.</b><br>
Team members 6
Fernando Muela Sopeña
Fernando Muela Sopeña
The passion for the right word
Claudia Iglesias
Claudia Iglesias
Has been working as a freelance translator for two years. Educated in Algeria and France where she attended University she has also lived in Spain and in several Latin American countries (Chile, Venezuela, Dominican Republic). Business, Marketing, Humanities, Literature, Theatre and Tourism are her favorite fields. Also an interpreter.

Véronique Le Ny
Véronique Le Ny
Les mots pour le dire avec style
maría josé mantero obiols
maría josé mantero obiols
Traducteur assermenté Fr/Esp
15 years translating in-house and as a freelancer. She is currently a part-time instructor at the School of Commerce in Pau (France) and at the School of Engineering in Tarbes (France) among others.
She is a certified translator at the Court of Justice in Pau (France) where she collaborates as an interpreter for French and Spanish languages.
Commercial, technical, law, humanities and tourism are her favorite fields.

Expertise in economics and finance
Bilingual education FR-ES. Experience as a manager, a professor and a translator. Specialization in economics, business, marketing, finance, banking... See profile for further details.

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