Freelance translators » espagnol vers allemand » Technique / Génie » Entreprise / commerce » Page 11

Below is a list of espagnol vers allemand traducteurs indépendants spécialisés en Technique / Génie: Entreprise / commerce. Pour plus de champs de recherche, essayez une recherche avancée en cliquant sur le lien à droite

238 résultats (membres payants de )

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Claudia Wachmann (X)
Claudia Wachmann (X)
Native in allemand 
german, media, tv, tourism, marketing
Daniela Dold
Daniela Dold
Native in allemand 
Spanish to German legal translator, English to German legal translator, English to German business translator, Spanish to German interpreter based in Graz, English to German interpreter based in Graz, English to German legal translation, Spanish to German business translation
J. Salízites (X)
J. Salízites (X)
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand
jurídico, economía, marketing, publicidad, técnico general Recht, Wirtschaft, Marketing, Werbung, Technik allgemein, Spanisch-Deutsch, ...
Konstantin Kühn
Konstantin Kühn
Native in français Native in français, allemand Native in allemand
yearly report, quarterly report, powerpoint presentation, website, newsletter, research report, flyer, charter, audit report, judgement press release, ...
SMR Translation
SMR Translation
Native in italien (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in italien, allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand
Italian, German, Spanish, Englisch, Übersetzer, Translator, traduttore, italiano, tedesco, spagnolo, ...
Samanta Schneider
Samanta Schneider
Native in espagnol Native in espagnol, allemand Native in allemand
german, spanish, finances, financial reports, laws, contracts, turism, economics, patents, IT, ...
Nora Spieler
Nora Spieler
Native in allemand Native in allemand
Christina Neundlinger
Christina Neundlinger
Native in allemand 
english, german, spanish, translation, interpreting, economics, finances, nutrition, dentistry, fashion, ...
Sascha Annisius
Sascha Annisius
Native in allemand (Variants: Germany, Saxon (Upper)) 
English, Spanish, German, interpreter, translator, editor, medicine, retail, sports
Nina Beyerlein
Nina Beyerlein
Native in allemand (Variants: Germany, Bavarian) 
español, valenciano, inglés, alemán, textos, literatura, periodismo, derechos humanos, energía solar, finanzas, ...
Gabi François
Gabi François
Native in allemand 
Alicia POP
Alicia POP
Native in français Native in français, anglais Native in anglais
french, english, italian, spanish, portuguese, german, dutch, arabic, japanese, chinese, ...
Eva Palamides
Eva Palamides
Native in allemand Native in allemand, hongrois Native in hongrois
Staatlich geprüfte, öffentlich bestellte und beeidigte Übersetzerin der ungarischen Sprache, Certified and sworn translator for Hungarian, Traductora certificada y jurada para el idioma húngaro, Dolmetschen, Übersetzen, Interpreting, translating, Interpretación, traducción, ...
Annika Hogekamp (X)
Annika Hogekamp (X)
Native in anglais (Variants: Australian, British) Native in anglais, allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand
science translations, engineering translations, technical translations, English to German, German to English, Spanish to German, Spanish to English, physics, mechanical engineering, machine tools, ...
Elena Pérez
Elena Pérez
Native in espagnol Native in espagnol, allemand Native in allemand
Spanisch, Deutsch, Übersetzer, game localization, software localization, beeidigte Übersetzung, vereidigte Übersetzungen, vereidigte Übersetzungen Deutsch, Übersetzer Freiburg, traductor, ...
Christiane Koschinski
Christiane Koschinski
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) 
french, dutch, spanish, law, patent, IT, technique, commercial
Rea Gutzwiller
Rea Gutzwiller
Native in allemand (Variants: Swiss, Germany) 
Spanish, French, English, Italian, German, translation, proofreading, fashion, marketing, tourism, ...
Beate Müller
Beate Müller
Native in allemand 
annual reports, financial Statements, IFRS, Audit Reports, tax documents, contracts, agreements, articles of association, terms and conditions, financial, ...
Vittorio Ferretti
Vittorio Ferretti
Native in allemand Native in allemand, italien Native in italien
Ruth Wiedekind
Ruth Wiedekind
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) 
automotive, automobile, steel, tubes, purchasing, patents, manufacturing, production engineering, industrial engineering, production processes, ...

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