Freelance translators » espagnol vers allemand » Technique / Génie » Entreprise / commerce » Page 1

Below is a list of espagnol vers allemand traducteurs indépendants spécialisés en Technique / Génie: Entreprise / commerce. Pour plus de champs de recherche, essayez une recherche avancée en cliquant sur le lien à droite

235 résultats (membres payants de )

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Thilo Müller
Thilo Müller
Native in allemand Native in allemand
Translation, Proofreading, Editing, Thilo Müller, Competitive rates, German, Spanish, English, Trados, Transit, ...
Wieland Haselbauer
Wieland Haselbauer
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand
DejavuX, SDL Trados Studio, SEO translation, Memoq, Idiom Worldserver, Crowdin, XTM, laser optics, camera sensors, injection moulding, ...
Rebecca Eller
Rebecca Eller
Native in allemand Native in allemand
Judith den Otter
Judith den Otter
Native in allemand Native in allemand
Börse, Wirtschaft, Clearing, Settlement
Sprachenhelf (X)
Sprachenhelf (X)
Native in allemand Native in allemand
Adam Homsi
Adam Homsi
Native in arabe Native in arabe, tchèque Native in tchèque
[email protected], Translation, Arabic, Czech, Slovak, Dutch, computer, IT, software, localization, ...
Claudio Bauer
Claudio Bauer
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand, espagnol (Variant: Latin American) Native in espagnol
Iron and Steel Industry, Automotive Industry, Food Processing Industry, Mechanical Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, Process Engineering, Power Generation, Quality Management, Hüttenindustrie, Automobilindustrie, ...
Gabriel Luis
Gabriel Luis
Native in espagnol Native in espagnol, allemand Native in allemand
Lagerautomatisierung, Patente, Outdoor, Bauwesen, warehouse automation, patents, outdoor, building and construction, outdoor
Eva Horetzeder
Eva Horetzeder
Native in allemand Native in allemand
German translations, Switzerland, English, French, Spanish, food industry, automotive industry, tourism, marketing, advertising, ...
Birgit Wilpers
Birgit Wilpers
Native in allemand Native in allemand
translation, english, german, spanish, german translation, german translator, translator for horticulture, translator for gardening, translator for botany, translator from english to german, ...
Thomas Hirsch
Thomas Hirsch
Native in allemand Native in allemand
German, Spanish, English, French, Tourism, Marketing, Banking, Business, Technical, Gourmet, ...
Kornelia Berceo-Schneider
Kornelia Berceo-Schneider
Native in allemand Native in allemand, espagnol Native in espagnol
literary translations with feeling, english, spanish, german, general translations, interpreting, tourism and travel-related translations, Human Resources, ethics code, code of conduct, ...
Alex Denver
Alex Denver
Native in anglais Native in anglais
Valeska Nygren
Valeska Nygren
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand, anglais Native in anglais
law, medicine, business, humanities, children's books, translating, writing, editing, proofreading, summarizing, ...
Sandra Robitsch
Sandra Robitsch
Native in allemand Native in allemand
English, Portuguese, French, Spanish to German translations
Rafaela Bielecki-Weyenberg
Rafaela Bielecki-Weyenberg
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand
Translation of scientific texts and legal documents, interpreting services English & German, specialization in social science, international development and medicine.
Maria Simmen
Maria Simmen
Native in allemand (Variant: Germany) Native in allemand
german native, english, spanish, translation, business degree, übersetzen, englisch, spanisch, deutsch, Betriebswirtschaft, ...
Ingrid Mende
Ingrid Mende
Native in allemand Native in allemand
Ulrike Löffler
Ulrike Löffler
Native in allemand Native in allemand
Übersetzer, spanisch, staatlich geprüft, ermächtigt, traductor, alemán, traductora jurada, beglaubigte Übersetzungen, traducciones juradas, Experte, ...
Native in allemand Native in allemand
<font size +2><font color=#990000><b>ÜBERSETZER, TRANSLATOR, ÜBERSETZUNGEN, TRANSLATION SERVICES, CONTRACTS, VERTRÄGE, distributorship agreement, purchase agreement, terms and conditions, contract on services, ...

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