The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

allemand vers anglais Investissement / titres Translation Glossary

allemand term anglais translation
Inhaberstückaktien bearer unit shares
Inhaberteilrechte fractional bearer rights
Inkasso-/Sammellastschrift collection debit entry
Insiderpapiere insider securities
Intensitaetsmodel reduced form model
interessewahrend on a discretionary basis
Entered by: Ted Wozniak
Investitionsvermögen Investment fund
Investmentsteuergesetz Investment Tax Act
Investor partizipiert mit 119% bis 124% an einem möglichen Gewinn der Aktie investor holds a (an attractive) 119% to 124% participation in the earnings from the stock
ISIN ISIN / International Securities Identification Number
je dividendenberechtigter Stückaktie per no par share entitled to dividends
Entered by: Paula Price
KAGG Kapitalanlagegesellschaftengesetz > Investment Company Act
Kapitaleinkünfte investment income
Kapitalforderung claim under equity instrument
kapitalmarktfähig other capital-market (debt) instruments
Entered by: Charles Stanford
Kapitalmarktfloater medium-term FRNs and long-term FRNs
Kapitalmarkttransaktion capital market transaction
Kapitalzusage capital commitment
Entered by: Ted Wozniak
Kassa-Instrument Cash instrument
Kassakurs cash price
Kauf bei - Verkauf bei pay for - sell at
Entered by: Beate Lutzebaeck
Kündigungsrecht early repayment option
Kennzahl indicator
Kernbeteiligungen core investments
Klassenfond asset class fund
Kommission außerbörslich off exchange agency trade
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Konditionssprung .
Konsensusgewinne consensus earnings
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Konsortialführer bei der Emission von Staatsanleihen lead manager for government bond issues
Kontingentprüfung customer entitlement (in this context)
Kontraindikator contra-indicator; contraindicator
Entered by: Douglas Arnott
Kontrollpaket controlling stake
Konvexität convexity
Kostenabschreibungsmethode Depreciated cost method
Kreditbuch loan book
Kreditereignis credit event
Kreditpreisschwankungen fluctuations in credit spreads
Kreditvergabe loan disbursement
Kreditverlagerung (credit) refinancing
Kuponschnippler coupon clipper(s)
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