Expand your business to other countries or markets
One of the main tasks you may need to focus on if you wish to expand your business or professional activity to other countries or markets is the establishment of effective communication strategies. In this regard, language professionals provide three services that can greatly help you:
1. Interpretation
Interpreters are used to travelling with government workers, business people and groups in their sales or research visits to other countries, where they go with their clients to events, fairs, conferences, meetings, etc. Sometimes these are the first visits to a place or a client, while on other occasions these are regular or repeat visits. In all cases, the task of interpreters consists on giving them instant language support through the different types of interpretation (simultaneous, consecutive, chuchotage, etc.). In this way, they are able to communicate effortlessly with whoever they want or need to. We also provide telephone interpreting services and language assistance in teleconferences and videoconferences.
2. Translation
Tthe surveys published by the chambers of commerce indicate that companies who translate their documents reach more markets and have better sales. It is necessary to understand that a small investment in translation may allow us to largely increase the number of people that our information can reach. This always has consequences, and in the case of companies, these consequences are a greater impact and better sales, which lead to expansion and growth.
The documents that language professionals translate for companies or professionals expanding their business to other countries or markets are varied, and range from marketing and advertising material (leaflets, advertising campaigns, etc.) to websites, including reports, audits, annual reports and many other types of documents and contracts, such as permits, authorizations, employment contracts, service contracts, business premises lease contracts, etc.
3. Language consultancy
Language consultancy services will assess your particular case and advise you on the best action and communication plan for your company. Language consultants are experts in communication and international trade, and will be pleased to help you, whatever your needs.
4. International expansion is necessary
The current financial climate is quite challenging, although the changing position and strength of currencies encourages companies to keep working and to maintain their competitiveness with the foreign markets help. Some companies are expanding to the international markets for the first time. However, for many companies international expansion is no longer a choice and has become something necessary that allows them to keep obtaining benefits and to advance positions in their particular sectors and markets.
5. The most successful companies trust international expansion
In fact, most successful companies do follow this international expansion. You can follow their example:
Even smaller companies obtain great results when they decide to translate their website, their online shop or their marketing materials into other languages. Dare to break the language barrier and let more people get to know your company.
6. Structured and professional approach
The structured and professional approach of translators and interpreters will enable you to face these changes easily and problem free. With their help, you can position your company from the start as a proactive company that understands the international market and its peculiarities. At the same time, you will be respecting the language and the culture of the market you expand into.
7. Where do I start?
You can start by calling or writing to a language professional of your choice to share with your current situation. On a case per case basis, language professionals will advise you about specific strategies to focus your efforts and achieve your aims. In some cases the first step is to translate and adapt the client´s website and marketing materials. In other cases, however, it may be better to start with other basic legal or customs issues. Please do not hesitate to contact them if you have any other query.
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