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Translation of IFU of a medical device for the next two weeks. Safety and Security Equipment, French into Latvian. Done! PhD Thesis Summary
( modifié) Safety and Security Equipment, French>Latvian Translating IFU for a medical device (English-Latvian). Almost done! Reviewing IFU of medical equipment. Almost done! Continuing my work on Covid-19 related text translation for the World Health Organization. I have just finished translating patient's medical record from Latvian into French. Proofreading Instructions for Use (medical device). Proofreading of a medical text (IFU) completed. I am working on a bilingual transcription. Latvian to English. Covid-19 related. I am working on bilingual audio transcription. Subject: COVID-19. Almost done!! I am reviewing interview surveys on the impact of Covid-19. I am working on the translation of "Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for COVID-19 Virus" for the OpenWHO platform: learning and training materials for health care workers. As a Volunteer Medical Translator. |