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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Informal networking at BBC Bush House

August 30, 2008, 3:00 pm
Royaume-UniLondonIn personanglais
Thank you for bearing with me while I was busy finalising the meeting details. We've got a venue! Thanks to the wonderful Fouad Razek the next powwow will be held at the BBC Bush House on the Strand, home to the BBC World Service. Some of you might remember our previous meeting there, which was held in May last year.

The powwow will kick off at 3pm and we can stay at the Bush House until 10pm. There is a bar on the premises, where drinks and snacks can be purchased.

***Latest News***Latest News***Latest News***
For those who are interested, we are going to have a discussion moderated by Peter Linton on working with PDF files. The two main aspects to be discussed are:
1) how to handle PDF files (no single ideal solution) and
2) how PDF can deal with the problem of embedded files in MS Word.
The discussion will start at 4pm. Peter will bring his laptop and some handouts.

Please confirm your attendance as soon as you can, as I will have to pass on a list with your names to Fouad for security reasons.

For directions to the Bush House
click here

Any quibbles or questions, please let me know!

I look forward to meeting everyone - newcomers are (as always!) welcome.


P.S. I'm having real problems finding an alternative venue to Grafton Arms. Ideally, we are looking for a quiet and cosy upstairs bar or separate area in central London, which is open on Saturdays daytime. The catch is that it needs to be FREE OF CHARGE, as we don't have a budget. Please let me know, if you can recommend a place or if you have an alternative idea where we can host our monthly meetings.
Event Organizer:

Oliver Walter

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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (36) / Confirmed: 16 / Tentative: 5
Name NoteWill Attend
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Hannah - I'm too busy in July and as we're currently without a venue, I decided to skip July and go straight for August.   y
Oliver Walter  \"Organizer\" Yes, thank you. I expect to come - put me in the list!  y
ecf   ...  n
Aihong Lian   ...  n
Lanna Castellano   Lanna Castellano  y
Deschant   I've been in London for almost 2 years but I didn't know there were regular Powwows. I'll keep visiting this page for updates!  n
Hannah Sandford   ...  y
Alice Crisan   I will be there :)  y
English2French   Would like to attend this event. Will confirm.  y
Josephine Bacon  \"Host\" Josephine Bacon  
Bronwen Davies   I'd like to go but will have to check.   n
Catherine Dauvergne-Newman   ...  n
gwm   ...  y
Kristina Wolf   Can't make that date after all, hopefully next time  n
XSean Linney (X)   I won't be able to make it, unfortunately. Perhaps next time.  n
Oliver Lawrence   Hope to make it  n
XSarah Messeri (X)   Look forward to meeting everyone  y
Kate Warren   Sorry I can't make this. Many thanks to the organisers. Have fun!  n
Arlete Moraes   I will try to make it this time!  m
Dr Fouadrazek   Will attend and try to make it as pleasant as possible at Bush House  
Wordwatcher   ...  m
Francesca Albini   ...  
Helen Ferguson   I'd like to come.  y
Stanislaw Kulikowski   Looking good so far. A still bit shy "I'll be there"...  y
Arianna Tremayne  \"Photographer\" I will try to come and would like to bring my sister  y
stewartprior   Stewart Prior  y
Jenni Jelse   I'd like to come, but not sure yet  m
Xmpt_21 (X)   I will be there for my first powwow.  y
Jaquelina Guardamagna   I'd love to come! I think that I might be able to join you. (Jaquelina Guardamagna)  m
XPepa Dostinov (X)   Thats' the 2nd meeting I'm gonna miss coz will be working this sat-what a shame:(-Hope next time  n
Ute Fitzjohn   Sorry, moving house that weekend. Hope to see you in September  n
Ernestine Shargool  \"Photographer\" Yes, thanks! My first Powwow. :-) (Also a trip down Memory Lane for me, as I used to work for BBC World Service at Bush House.)  y
rchan   I'll try to come, it will by my first time (name= R Chan)  m
XPeter Linton (X)   Trip down Memory Lane for me too - my first and third jobs  y
SMueller   ...pity...last minute project to work on over the weekend. Next time.  n
Halina Arendt  \"Photographer\" I would like to join in on the 11th hour.  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: London - United Kingdom
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
anglais vers allemand
+ ...
Some powwow suggestions Aug 11, 2008

Hello everyone!
Since we are able to benefit from a great venue this time, our powwow could extend to more than just socialising. If some among you wanted to volunteer, we could offer short presentations or focused discussions on chosen topics. There is a thread in the forums, which I started a while ago, so please free to contribute or contact me directly:


Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
allemand vers anglais
+ ...
Tentative Aug 14, 2008

I am not sure if I am in the country... My sister comes to visit from Australia, and if I am here I would like to bring her along.

Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
allemand vers anglais
+ ...
Coming! Aug 25, 2008

Hi! Will bring along my sister and my husband: Three names:
Arianna Tremayne
Claudia Mirdita
Dougie Tremayne
Look forward to seeing you!

Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
anglais vers allemand
+ ...
Attendance list Aug 27, 2008

If you're using your nick name on ProZ, please contact me with your real name, so that I can pass it on to Fouad. BBC requires us to submit a list of attendees prior to the event.


P.S. Ari - your sister and husband are on the listicon_smile.gif

Halina Arendt
Halina Arendt  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
anglais vers polonais
+ ...
Does anyone know the exact venue? Aug 29, 2008

Bush House is a big building. Do we meet at 3:00 p.m at the front reception desk?

Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
anglais vers allemand
+ ...
Exact venue Aug 29, 2008

Please ask for Fouad Razek or "the translators meeting" at the main reception. Either myself or Fouad will come and meet you. You can reach me on 07957349085, if there are any problems.


gwm  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
Membre (2005)
Thank you.... Aug 31, 2008

Katharina, Fouad and Peter for making this a great get-together at a great venue with lots of info on an interesting subject!Gisela

Alice Crisan
Alice Crisan  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
anglais vers roumain
+ ...
gorgeous Powwow :) Aug 31, 2008

Dear Katharina,Fouad, Peter,Gamal,thank you for this lovely Powwow,for many useful informations,for all the great proZ members I met.I can hardly wait to see you all at the next Powwow !

Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
anglais vers allemand
+ ...
Special thanks again to Fouad, Gamal and Peter... Aug 31, 2008

... and to everyone who attended this powwow! It was great to meet you all. To sign up for the next event, please go to:

Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:40
allemand vers anglais
+ ...
PDFs and OCR Aug 31, 2008

(a) I join in the thanks to those who enabled this PowWow.
(b) I've not forgotten that at least one of you wants to know how I use graphics select on the screen to get text from a PDF image into an old OCR program that can't convert PDFs itself. Haven't the time today: hope to do it tomorrow (Mon).


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