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[View Powwow Report] powwow: London Stammtisch

January 27, 2007, 3:00 pm
Royaume-UniLondon, South BankIn personanglais
Chill out and enjoy each other's company in London's South Bank!

After meeting fairly regularly with other Prozians in London at different venues and after the last fun Christmas Powwow Katharina and I decided to create a regular 'London Stammtisch' on the last Saturday of each month.

The word 'Stammtisch' is German and pertains to a table in a restaurant or pub reserved for regulars. Our colleague Rebekka Gross, co-organizer of the recent Edinburgh Regional ProZ Conference, is doing a similar thing in Edinburgh.

We wanted to hold it somewhere on South Bank because this is easily accessible by train, tube and / or bus. We have not decided on a nice and friendly pub and are greatful for any suggestions.

Event Organizer:

Oliver Walter

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (72) / Confirmed: 31
Name NoteWill Attend
Arianna Tremayne  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Oliver Walter  \"Organizer\" \"Photographer\" Since it starts at 15:00 we'll need somewhere that's suitable for a drink, rather than a meal.  y
Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart  \"Photographer\" Of course I'll be there!  n
Laura Pastondi   :( I won't be in London...  n
Thomas Pfann   Looking forward to it...  y
Laura Huttu   Wont be in London..  n
Djidji74   Yes, I will be pleased to meet up with prozians in London.   y
XSarah Appleby (X)   Just a suggestion: The Horniman at Hays Galleria close to London Bridge is not bad and quite reasonably priced (for London :). This will be my first Powwow  y
aykon   Sorry not this time, I'll be in Cancun - and coincidentally, there's a powwow, too! Will be attending your Stammtisch in the future.  n
XSarah Gall (X)   I won't be able to make it after all as I won't after all be in London. Hope to make it next time though!  n
XSonia Franchini   The December Powwow was great - I look forward to our Stammtisch!  y
Condi_   Hi to Everyone, Just a brief note to let you know that I can verify IDs as long as you can produce an identity document which displays your photgraph & details (original please) and your Proz-ID number. I look forward to meeting you all, Cheers, Constanze  y
Alessia Scipione   Hello!! I am coming I enjoyed very much the Christmas powwow  y
TranslateGate   I am planning to be in Milan for that week-end and to attend the powwow there. However, I might change my plans and stay in London; in that case I will definatelly join your powwow instead! Mauro  n
HughDESS   Enjoy !  n
lingling chen   Look forward to meeting you all  y
XNancy Burgess (X)   Sounds like it might be fun!   y
Jeanie Eldon   Great, look forward to meeting everyone!  n
Gulen Sahin   Gulen Sahin  n
Wojtek Gaworzewski   Hi, just received your invite. Sounds fun.  n
Sergey Ripinsky   Hello, don't know what a powwow is but perhaps should come to learn!  y
Eloisa Galluzzi dos Santos   I'll be there, no matter where!  y
Rachael Singh   With a bit of luck and juggling, I'll be there! Quick suggestion - there's a place right next to Waterloo Station called Cuba; small but friendly.  n
v.cresevich  \"Photographer\" Hi! I like the idea of meeting regularly and I think South Bank is an excellent choice...see you there!  n
XMarina Jovancevic Levato (X)   Look forward to meeting you all!!!  y
Dagmar Epple   Hi looking forward to seeing you there!  n
Aysun Demir   First time will join to a powwow, will be there but need more information about what is gonna happen...  n
Xjanerieger (X)   Sorry, can't make it this time, but am definitely interested in regular Stammtisch and will do my best to be there next time  n
Hanyi Magnusson   Happy New Year! Would love to attend--but only will be in London on 26th of Jan for couple of hours on my transit to Asia, maybe next time--wish you all a good Stammtisch round!  n
Shahab Arif   Any decision on Venue yet? Please keep us posted...  n
Sebastian Lopez   Very busy right now, but will try my best to attend.  n
JohnLake   ...  y
canaria   I'd be interested  y
JudyK   Unfortunately, like Jane, I can't make this one, but would be very interested in future meetings  n
Dr Fouadrazek   I will attend and the venue South Bank is convenient  y
Lenah Susianty   unfortunately, we've been invited to Burns night! next time then!  n
LIN LIN  \"Photographer\" Would like to join, please keep me updated on the venue!...  n
Josephine Bacon   Josephine Bacon  n
XRad Graban (X)   It will be my first one, so will try my best to make it  n
Russell Jones   I'l try to make it. Any details yet?  n
Leniana Koroleva   I would really like to be there with you !  n
Laura D'angelo   Hello, yes I will be there!  y
XHenriett Varga (X)  \"Photographer\" Good idea, I will be happy to join you. See you next week.  y
XSofi Gendron (X)  \"Reporter\" Yes sounds like a great idea!  n
XSandrine Petronilho (X)   sounds interesting and it will be my first powwow  n
Lisa Roberts   Will try my very best to make it, look forward to meeting you all :)  n
Andrea Reinacher   Yes, I will attend. I have never been to a Powwow...  n
Niki Lemos  \"Host\" I would love to join you. Keep me posted about the venue and Happy New Year!  n
XMar Ferrero   ...  y
XFinlegal (X)   I would like to be there. It will be my first powwow  n
Wendy Cummings   Will come if I can - I await further details  n
GillW (MCIL)   am interested. Keep me posted! Thanks  n
Dominique Lambert   We would be interested next month  n
Julie Barber   ...  n
XRebecca Parker - Into English Ltd. (X)   I'm just starting out as a translator, I would love to comeand pick peoples' brains!  y
Sophie McCartney   Sofi Zel  y
XAnna Wilson   Yes, I'd like to be there. I hope it isn't too late at night though... By the way, there is a very nice pub/restaurant with really good food on the Thameside... I think it's called The Ship? Not sure. It is not far from the Hinde.  y
Maja Źróbecka, MITI   My first powwow. I will be there and will bring a friend :)  y
perihan sadovski   yes, I'd love to be there!  y
Karolina Cichocka   I managed to move my pupils to other times. I'll be there. Yuppi! I might be late though.  y
Monika Sojka   I can't make it this time round but will definately be there next month  n
yomura   ...  y
Inna Judina   I'll try to make it, even I'm working. So, maybe  n
Robert Allwood   Will it go on till closing time? You obviously need stamina for that!  n
Jessica Van Doremalen   Jessica van Doremalen  n
mportal   I hope to get there, but not until sometime after 6pm, (assuming that some people will still be there then). Looks like it will be a great party!   y
Katherine Hodkinson   look forward to meeting you all  y
Gert Hirschfeld  \"Reporter\" Wow, what an attendance. I'better sign up quickly. Was great to see you in Greenwich and a regular meeting is an excellent idea. Seeya! Errr, well... where exactly?  y
Jaquelina Guardamagna   What a popular powwow! I'm sorry I won't be able to join you this time. (I'm flying to Argentina tomorrow!!) Look forward to the next Stammtisch! Have a great time!!!  n
Pacific   Would like to attend if it is in the afternoon. Could you let me know the time and venue, please.   y
Alina Matei  \"Photographer\" I should be there :) It woudl be lovely to meet everyone again  n
BabelOn-line  \"Photographer\" Just woke up, sorry! Can I still register? Is the venue cfmed (S&L)?  y

Postings about this event

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Powwow: London, South Bank - United Kingdom
Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
allemand vers anglais
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Venue Jan 12, 2007

Thanks for all the suggestions. I intend to visit London in the next couple of days and check out these locations and some other ones I had in mind.
I'd like to keep it close to Waterloo Station though as it is just so convenient.
Anyway, hope you all had a great Christmas Season and good a good start into the New Year. See you all soon!

Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
allemand vers anglais
+ ...
Hello! Jan 21, 2007

Hi everybody!
I am very happy to meet you all in a week's time and thank you very much for registering!
Katharina and I had a walk along the Thames on London's South Bank today to find an appropriate venue for all.
There are several possibilities:
1. The Old Thameside Inn, near London Bridge station.
2. The Horniman
3. The Slug & Lettuce in Wardour Street (near Charing Cross)
and one more pub, which has to be phoned.
As most managers were not there a
... See more
Hi everybody!
I am very happy to meet you all in a week's time and thank you very much for registering!
Katharina and I had a walk along the Thames on London's South Bank today to find an appropriate venue for all.
There are several possibilities:
1. The Old Thameside Inn, near London Bridge station.
2. The Horniman
3. The Slug & Lettuce in Wardour Street (near Charing Cross)
and one more pub, which has to be phoned.
As most managers were not there and it was very hard to get any reservation at all for a large group of people on a Saturday afternoon I will have to phone these venues up tomorrow and then in the evening specify the location.
I very much look forward to meeting you all and to a chilled out afternoon with fun and good conversations!
See you all soon!

Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
allemand vers anglais
+ ...
Dear Anna, Jan 22, 2007

I think you mean the Thameside Inn, which is just opposite the Golden Hinde. It is a good venue, which leaves us enough space and also has a restaurant. It is on two levels. Booking just has to be confirmed. We also tried The Anchor a few meters further up but unfortunately the do not reserve... And with a turn out like this Powwow we just wouldn't want to risk having no space...
Venue will be finalised tonight!

Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
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+ ...
Slug & Lettuce Jan 23, 2007


It was very ambitious of me to try to get a reservation on a Saturday afternoon on London's Southbank. Unfortunately no-one will reserve.
So - we are meeting at the

Slug & Lettuce
80 - 82 Wardour Street
Tel: 0207 437 1400

Here is a link to the venue.

They give us enough room for all of us, are not too no
... See more

It was very ambitious of me to try to get a reservation on a Saturday afternoon on London's Southbank. Unfortunately no-one will reserve.
So - we are meeting at the

Slug & Lettuce
80 - 82 Wardour Street
Tel: 0207 437 1400

Here is a link to the venue.

They give us enough room for all of us, are not too noisy, and one can have a meal / snack if required.

Any questions, please let me know!


Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
allemand vers anglais
+ ...
Verified IDs Jan 23, 2007

Russel and Constance can verify IDs, so bring along some form of ID and your ProZ number and you will get your IDs verified...

Alessia Scipione
Alessia Scipione  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
anglais vers italien
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What time? Jan 24, 2007

Hi Arianna, what time are we meeting to the "Slug & Lettuce"?

Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
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Hi Alessia, Jan 24, 2007

We will be meeting at 3pm.

Anna Wilson
Anna Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
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IDs? Jan 24, 2007

What is it about verifying IDs? I would imagine few of us look like teenagers...

Robert Allwood
Robert Allwood  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
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Poss’s for subsequent events Jan 24, 2007

The Anchor or Doggetts Coat & Badge on the river, the Youngs pub on river, or the one down the side road opp Waterloo Stn, or the George, off Boro High St.
There are also pubs that have function rooms you can book for free, eg Ivy House, Southampton Row 020 7831 6999. also has function rooms.

Alessia Scipione
Alessia Scipione  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
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Thank you Jan 24, 2007

Hi Arianna
Thank you for the information. I will see you all there at 3pm. I am looking forward to:-)

Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
allemand vers anglais
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@ Robert Jan 24, 2007

Thank you very much for the suggestions! We litterally walked along the Thames last Sunday for an hour asking each and every larger Pub for reservations but the combination of Saturday + Thames just made it impossible to book (without meal). And as the group was getting so large we did not want to risk not having enough room. We will definitely take into account any suggestions - as the word 'Stammtisch' implies, it would be a table reserved for regulars...
Thanks again!

Arianna Tremayne
Arianna Tremayne  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
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Closing time Jan 24, 2007

We will stay, chat and chill as long as anyone feels good and comfortable. Some will stay longer, some will leave earlier - it is all up to us! (And to our staminaicon_smile.gif )

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
italien vers anglais
For Anna- ID Verification Jan 24, 2007

The ID verification is not for Powwow purposes; it is just that Powwows offer an opportunity for verification. This is a option (confirmed by a tick against your name on the site) to show colleagues and potential clients that you are who you claim to be, since a fair number of members still operate under pseudonyms, dual (or more) identities and probably false ones too. Paying by credit card is another way of doing it, whether for membership etc. or specifically for the purpo... See more
The ID verification is not for Powwow purposes; it is just that Powwows offer an opportunity for verification. This is a option (confirmed by a tick against your name on the site) to show colleagues and potential clients that you are who you claim to be, since a fair number of members still operate under pseudonyms, dual (or more) identities and probably false ones too. Paying by credit card is another way of doing it, whether for membership etc. or specifically for the purpose with a nominal amount.
Not certain I can attend yet but will do my best.

Condi_  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
Membre (2006)
anglais vers allemand
+ ...
Verifying IDs Jan 24, 2007

ID's can only be verified upon presentation of a identity document displaying your photograph and confirming your personal details; I also need to register your Proz-Number.

See you soon,


Anna Wilson
Anna Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
anglais vers russe
+ ...
IDs? Jan 25, 2007

I still do not understand - why do we need this? We've been told to bring our friends - do they have to bring IDs, too?

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