1 |
Tschechisch, Finanzwesen, Bankwesen, Versicherungswesen, Marketing, Gastronomie, Pharmazie, Wirtschaft, Maschinenbauindustrie, Bauwesen, ...
2 |
poproNative in tchèque  , slovaque 
z cestiny do slovenciny, z cestiny do slovenstiny, FROM CZECH TO SLOVAK, Czech and Slovak professional translations, English to Czech, English to Slovak
3 |
Mess- und Regeltechnik, Prozessautomation, Metallverarbeitung, Fahrzeugtechnik, Elektroingenieur, Sicherheitsdatenblätter, Elektrische Stromversorgung, Übersetzung der technischen Dokumente, Microsoft Project, Measurement & control, ...
4 |
Jana ŠrámekováNative in slovaque (Variants: Czech, Standard - Slovakia) 
law, automotive, engineering, slovak, english, german
5 |
Slovak, CAT, wordfast, trados, studio 2009, studio 2011, ttx, xliff, sdlxliff, telecom, ...
6 |
translation, english, german, slovak, spanish, french, portuguese, translator, angličtina, nemčina, ...
7 |
french, lithuanian, estonian, latvian, english, translation, localization, spanish, translation
8 |
gerat, slowakisch, Technik, Industrie, Bauwesen, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik, studio
9 |
Czech, trados, memoQ, Across, medical, technical, Czech technical translation, Czech Medical translation, software localization, Czech software localization, ...
10 |
german, slovak
11 |
IT, law, finance, automotive industry, HW, SW, engineering, medical, nature, general, ...
12 |
nuclear science and technology
13 |
Polish polonais Pologne traduction translation proofreading
14 |
German, Italian, Slovak, Swedish, Deutsch, Slowakisch, Italienisch, Schwedisch, svenska, slovakiska, ...
15 |
English, German, Slovak, Czech, technical, mechanical engineering, power engineering, electrical engineering, automotive, software, ...
16 |
automoto, automotive, technical, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Tschechisch, ...
17 |
ArrayIndustrie automobile / voitures et camions, Construction / génie civil, Ingénierie (général), TI (technologie de l'information), ...
18 |
Life science, clinical trials, informed consent forms, instructions for use, manuals and software for medical devices, patient information, production manuals, SAE and SOP procedures, package inserts and labels, regulatory documents, ...
19 |
Automotive, Fahrzeugbau, Montage, Technik, Elektro, Maschinenbau, Anlagenbau, Dolmetschen, Übersetzen. CAT-Tools, Trados, ...
20 |
ArrayÉlectronique / génie électronique, Automation et robotique, Construction / génie civil, Ordinateurs : systèmes, réseaux, ...