Freelance translators » arabe vers anglais » Affaires / Finance » Assurances » Page 1

Below is a list of arabe vers anglais traducteurs indépendants spécialisés en Affaires / Finance: Assurances. Pour plus de champs de recherche, essayez une recherche avancée en cliquant sur le lien à droite

93 résultats (membres payants de )

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Mohamed Amer
Mohamed Amer
Native in arabe Native in arabe
English, Arabic, Translation, Subtitling, Law, Technology, Medicin, General, Engineering, Finance, ...
Stephen Mason
Stephen Mason
Native in anglais Native in anglais
ArrayPoésie et littérature, Appellations (personnes, entreprise)
Mohamed Gaafar
Mohamed Gaafar
Native in arabe (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in arabe
Arts, Social Science, fine arts, technincal, business, finance, political, commercial, Legal, Law, ...
Aso Mohamed Salah
Aso Mohamed Salah
Native in kurde Native in kurde, arabe (Variants: Standard-Arabian (MSA), Iraqi) Native in arabe
Kurdish Sorani, Kurdish, Iraq, Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, MSA, Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, English-Kurdish Translator, Iraqi Kurdish, ...
Omar Ali
Omar Ali
Native in arabe Native in arabe
Marketing, PR, SDL Studio, Economy, software localization, technical manuals, Auto, banking, legal, religion, ...
Carl Stoll
Carl Stoll
Native in anglais Native in anglais, espagnol Native in espagnol
business, Chemie, chemistry, chimica, chimie, contracts, contratos, contrats, contratti, derecho, ...
Kickwords Limited
Kickwords Limited
Native in anglais Native in anglais
translation services, translation online, translator, certified translations, usa, canada, uk, translate, word translate, language translator, ...
Ahmed Algelany
Ahmed Algelany
Native in arabe Native in arabe
Dear Sir, Eng. & Arabic, including but not limited to: • Legal translation: memos-cases-certificates (birth, death, marriage, graduation, salary)- official documents, contracts and agreements, powers of attorney, ...etc. • Technical translation (devices-machines- catalogs of tools, ...
Dilshad Fatah
Dilshad Fatah
Native in kurde (Variant: Sorani) Native in kurde
Arabic, Kurdish, law, safety, social, civil aviation, finance, translator, proofreader, editor, ...
Haitham El Ebiary
Haitham El Ebiary
Native in arabe Native in arabe
English, Arabic, Translation, Interpretation, Editing, Proofreading, Localization, Legal Translation : contracts, treaties, patents, ...
Joe Member
Joe Member
Native in anglais Native in anglais, néerlandais (Variants: Flemish, Aruba, Netherlands, Frisian) Native in néerlandais
I'm joe!
Mohammed Hamed
Mohammed Hamed
Native in arabe (Variants: Egyptian, Libyan, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Kuwaiti, Iraqi, Lebanese, Saudi , Palestinian, Sudanese, UAE) Native in arabe
Arabic, IT, technology, software, localization, legal, financial, medical, general, auditing, ...
Abdelhalim MEKBEL
Abdelhalim MEKBEL
Native in kabyle , arabe (Variant: Algerian) Native in arabe
Translation, editing; proofreading, English; Kabyle, Arabic, French, general, technical,
Latifa Salama
Latifa Salama
Native in arabe (Variants: Syrian, Kuwaiti, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Tunisian, Saudi , Egyptian, Jordanian, Iraqi, Lebanese) Native in arabe
A native Arabic speaker works as a freelance translator, High-quality, Timely Translation”. Self-motivated, organized, disciplined and goal oriented. Working under time pressure.
Emad Abderrahman
Emad Abderrahman
Native in anglais Native in anglais, arabe Native in arabe
German, English, Arabic, Legal, Localization, Religion, Finance, Commerce, Literature, Management, ...
Tarek Salem
Tarek Salem
Native in anglais (Variant: US) Native in anglais, arabe (Variant: Egyptian) Native in arabe
English, Arabic, economic translation, translation, legal translation, general translation, Forex translation, IEP translation, Individualized Education Plan translation, 504 plan translation, ...
Ahmad Suhaib
Ahmad Suhaib
Native in arabe (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in arabe, hindi Native in hindi
Arabic, English, Urdu, Hindi, proof reading, translation.
Amr Mohammed
Amr Mohammed
Native in arabe Native in arabe
Dear Sir or Madam, This is Amr Ezz, Pamphlets, Manuals, Reports, Ads, and use various CAT tools such as Trados, SDLX, Catalyst, Passolo, ...
Simone Fahim
Simone Fahim
Native in arabe (Variant: Standard-Arabian (MSA)) Native in arabe
arabic translation services, translators, localization, linguist, linguistic, language services, arabic language translation, translation, translations, subtitling, ...
Jane Huang
Jane Huang
Native in anglais Native in anglais
patent, game, medical, localization, globalization

Les traducteurs ainsi que les interprètes permettent la communication entre les cultures en traduisant une langue à une autre. Les traducteurs travaillent avec du texte écrit par opposition à la langue parlée.

La traduction implique plus qu'une simple conversion mot à mot d'une lanque à une autre. Les traducteurs doivent soigneusement comprendre le sujet de tout texte qu'ils traduisent ainsi que les cultures associées aux langues source et cible.

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