Translation, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Transcreation, MT post-editing, Transcription
français vers anglais
Specializes in
Art, artisanat et peinture, Internet, commerce électronique, Droit : brevets, marques de commerce, copyright, and 5 more.
13 positive reviews
pinned feedback
Enthusiastic and professional. We hope to work together for a time to come.
An excellent first job, thank you, Jenn! There will be more. Ingrid
Generous and professional
Comfortable communication, high quality, fast and flexible, any time again.
Outsourcer feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)
Dec 06, 2017
Milega SL
Willing to work with again: Yes
Oct 08, 2014
Atalaya Global
Willing to work with again: Yes
There is no other feedback to show at this time.
Thank you so much, Matthew. It was a delight to work with you :).