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Translating around 10,000 words for a Human Rights NGO with recommendations to be considered by countries hosting a major sports event. EN-PT Just finished translating a US birth certificate and criminal record certificate and had them notarized this afternoon. 1 user1 user I have just completed two proofreading jobs (a client's test from a fellow translator and a 1,500 UN / migrations related text) and a 900 word corporate communications (GDPR related) text.
( modifié) Manager's report for an investment fund, around 3,500 words, EN-PT, working on the client's WordBee platform. Updating a corporate governance report for a listed company, around 1,500 words, PT into EN. This report updates progress of the company's compliance with CMVM's (Portuguese Securities Commission) recommendations regarding Corporate Governance (Corporate Governance Code). Just finished the (pro bono) translation of a short "request for funding" memo for an NGO under the management of the Society of Jesus. 1,000 words, PT into EN. Just finished 7,000 words, manual on Employee Performance Assessment
Short code of conduct for a sports apparel company in SE Asia
I have just completed a 12,000 word job on (medical) financial assistance (policy and application) for a university. EN to PT.
( modifié) 13,000 words in English read and summarised into around 1,000 words in European Portuguese. These were 8 articles for an oil sector corporate magazine. I have just completed a 2,000 word pro-bono project for the Society of Jesus about the 2015 Papal Encyclical "On Care for Our Common Home". English into Portuguese. I have had two very busy days and have just finished a summary about immigration and education for an international organization (EN»PT), a synopsis for a film producer (a TV spot for bottled water), PT»EN, bylaws for a Portuguese company (PT»EN) and a short prospectus for a financial product (EN»PT). Semi-annual report for a major listed company. PT-EN. Just finished: Linguistic evaluation of several (8) options for a name of a department in a pharmaceutical company (EN). Short translation for a KIID (Key Investor Information Document) (EN-PT). Proofreading of staff safety guidelines for an American (medical) company (EN-PT). |