8,838 registrants

ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2014

Conference recap


Date: Sep 30, 2014
Registrants: 8,838
Attendees: 4,780
Sessions: 35


Group discussion

Chat room

Time: 10:00 to 20:00

Succeed at ProZ.com

Time: 10:00 to 10:50

Free Tools for Translators

Time: 10:15 to 11:00

How a freelance translator can leverage MT for greater efficiency and still maintain quality

Time: 11:15 to 12:15

Getting Starting with an MT system for small and medium business contexts

Time: 11:45 to 12:45

Technical translation: is it really about terminology?

Time: 12:45 to 13:45

Translation Economics – Pricing

Time: 13:00 to 13:45

Machine Translation panel for LSP's

Time: 14:00 to 14:45

Managing client expectations

Time: 14:15 to 14:45

Machine Translation panel from a freelancer perspective

Time: 15:00 to 16:00

The art of asking questions

Time: 16:00 to 17:00

Patenting strategies of medical biotech companies

Time: 16:15 to 17:25

Medical documents for academic publishing: Creating English content with precision, accuracy, and style

Time: 17:15 to 17:45

Understanding the differences between Literal, Cultural and Artistic translation

Time: 17:45 to 18:45

Technical translations: Choosing the right terminology

Time: 17:45 to 18:25

Becoming a tech-savvy translator and interpreter in the Digital Age

Time: 18:15 to 19:25

How Translators Can Assess PEMT Opportunities

Time: 19:00 to 20:00

Welcome video

Time: 09:55 to 10:00

Using trade fairs to efficiently gain new customers (in German)

Time: 10:00 to 10:05

21st Century Technologies you cannot keep ignoring: CAT/MT and Virtual Interpreting

Time: 10:05 to 10:10

Human Translators and Machine Translators: Possibilities of Interaction

Time: 10:10 to 10:15

From code of ethics & standards of practice to national certification: Leaving the semi-professional status behind

Time: 10:15 to 10:20

Technical translations: Choosing the right terminology

Time: 10:20 to 10:25

Understanding the differences between Literal, Cultural and Artistic translation

Time: 10:25 to 10:30

Searching outside the Box: Internet Search Techniques to Find the Information You Need

Time: 10:30 to 10:35

The Fastest Way to Get More Clients

Time: 10:35 to 10:40

Ethical Codes for Translators and Interpreters

Time: 10:40 to 10:45

Methodology for specialized translations Example with Medical & other technical translations

Time: 10:50 to 10:55

Vendre ses services de traducteur indépendant : les 3 plus grandes erreurs à éviter

Time: 10:55 to 11:00

Tradutor humano e tradutor máquina: possibilidades de interação

Time: 11:00 to 11:05

5 myths about income diversification for translators

Time: 11:05 to 11:10

5 hábitos de traductoras exitosas: Servicios al cliente

Time: 11:10 to 11:15

Jak začít? (úvod pro začátečníky)

Time: 11:15 to 11:20

Hlasová výchova v tlumočnické praxi – aneb Jak nepřijít o hlas a nervy? (Jiří Svoboda)

Time: 11:20 to 11:25

Proč je užitečné být na překladatelských a tlumočnických portálech?

Time: 11:25 to 11:30

Conference feedback

Thank you for the lecture!

Member since: Oct 24, 2012

Very useful and interesting information. Thank you for organizing this event.

Hanneke Lustig
Member since: Jan 7, 2014

The conference was very useful, inspiring and helpful. Thanks

Thanks, great event and very inspiring!

Very inspiring and useful for generating new ideas to develop one's business and skills. Thank you!

Petr Mundev
Member since: Dec 14, 2011

Very useful, I will keep learning with the videos in the next days.
Thanks. Happy International Translation Day to ProZ organizers.

Elvira Carrión
Member since: Oct 1, 2014

Leave feedback → - View all feedback →

Search chat logs


Chat session:

Chat session is based on session start and end time. There may be some overlap.

Time From To Content
10:33 Apr 8, 2014 Lbenito_atril: 1174606 All We are giving a presentation to introduce DVX3: http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/604/program/9439
10:35 Apr 8, 2014 Lbenito_atril: 1174606 All If you want to test DVX3 to see these features yourself, you can download the Trial Version of DVX3 from the Downloads section of our website, at http://www.atril.com
10:37 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All Hi Atril Team,
10:37 Apr 8, 2014 Lbenito_atril: 1174606 All Hello, Ali.
10:37 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All My question will be simple
10:37 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All Whats the best 3 functions that you emphasze in Dejavu compared to other CAT Tools?
10:37 Apr 8, 2014 Drew MacFadyen: 601248 All The live Q&A for http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/604/program/9439 will begin in 10 minutes
10:37 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All Can you list 3 functions?
10:38 Apr 8, 2014 Drew MacFadyen: 601248 All I will let the Atril team reply...but will add that many of the functions/atributes that the translation community thinks of as "standard" in CAT Tools...we're inovated/created by Atril.
10:41 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All But thereshould be dfferences. For example if we take a paragraph and create a project in different cat tools, with the same TM there will be different list of matches.
10:42 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All Or there will be exact list of matches?
10:42 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All Has anyone tried it before? Are all cat tools catch matches from TMs in the same way and in the same order?
10:44 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All DeepMinner sold apart or together?
10:45 Apr 8, 2014 Lbenito_atril: 1174606 All Deepminer is available in all paid editions of DVX3: http://www.atril.com/content/compare-our-products
10:45 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All I think chats are shown with delay.
10:45 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All Thanks for answers Samira
10:49 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All I am not so unfamiliar with DejaVu, I can use it in general. I can use most of cat tools in general. But now I want a cat tool which will be my the only choice.
10:50 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All I am not so happy with CafeTran, Fluency, Across
10:50 Apr 8, 2014 Cathy_Atril: 1469690 All Hi, Samira, I'll be emailing to You/Blandine/Claudio any online orders that stay in checkout, at B landine's request, so that you can contact the people. And you can contact me if you need any help
10:50 Apr 8, 2014 Cathy_Atril: 1469690 All for incoming orders or people who want to order with the event offer
10:51 Apr 8, 2014 Lbenito_atril: 1174606 All Confirmed segments are supposed to be confirmed, i.e. you are sure that their translations are correct and do not need to be worked on anymore. If this is not the case, you should not mark them as con
10:51 Apr 8, 2014 Lbenito_atril: 1174606 All Segments that are not confirmed will be overwritten by the "force propagate" function.
10:52 Apr 8, 2014 Cathy_Atril: 1469690 All Ok, that's all, thanks!
10:52 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All I wanted to buy Atril 4-5 days ago and asked a discount from your sales department. They told me to participate in this event and get the discount. Could you please instruct me how to get discount?
10:53 Apr 8, 2014 Ali Bayraktar: 710657 All the version I will buy will the version you told about here?