Langues de travail :
allemand vers anglais
anglais vers allemand
espagnol vers allemand

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March 2025

A. & S. Witte Partnerschaft
Expertise in IP/legal/accounting/finance

Bremen, Bremen, Allemagne
Heure locale : 09:15 CET (GMT+1)

Langue maternelle : anglais Native in anglais, allemand Native in allemand
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10 positive reviews
Message de l'utilisateur
The obvious choice for your intellectual property, legal and accounting, as well as financial sector translations.
Type de compte Indépendant et donneur d'ordre
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Project management, Terminology management
Spécialisé en :
Droit : brevets, marques de commerce, copyrightDroit : contrat(s)
Droit (général)Finance (général)
Certificats / diplômes / licences / CVEnseignement / pédagogie
Droit : taxation et douanesBrevets


All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
Historique des projets 22 projets indiqués

Payment methods accepted Virement bancaire, Xoom, TransferWise, Skrill, Payoneer
Company size <3 employees
Year established 2011
Currencies accepted Euro (eur)
Portefeuille Échantillons de traduction proposés: 5
Standards / Certification(s) SDL Certified
Études de traduction Graduate diploma - Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Expérience Années d'expérience en traduction : 21. Inscrit à : Oct 2007. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Références allemand vers anglais (Chartered Institute of Linguists)
allemand vers anglais (German Courts)
allemand vers anglais (Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer)
anglais vers allemand (German Courts)
anglais vers allemand (Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer)

Affiliations CIOL, BDÜ
Logiciels ABBYY FineReader OCR, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Abbyy FineReader 14, RWS MultiTerm 2022, RWS Trados Studio 2022, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Site web
Events and training
Pratiques professionnelles A. & S. Witte Partnerschaft respecte les pratiques professionnelles's - Liste des pratiques.

E-mail address can be found in CVs. The only CV accessible on this profile that does not contain a watermark is the French one.

If CV is not displayed the first time round, please refresh the page.

42 new sizeable SDL MultiTerm termbases created in March 2019. Some 2,000 entries added across 16 termbases in November 2019. Some 4,350 termbase entries added in April 2020. New taxation and customs duties termbase created in October 2020, 2750 entries. About 2,800 termbase entries added across various termbases - May 2021. Major multilingual termbase update in September 2021, among other subjects in the field of logistics.


-> Gain from our optimised, internal processes while still enjoying the ease of communicating directly with the actual service provider.

-> Able to translate into British English (native speaker version) or otherwise, American English

-> Second pair of eyes included in German to English, English to German, French to English and Spanish to English

-> Able to translate into German/Germany (native speaker version) or otherwise, upon request, able to arrange for a translation into Austrian High German (ditto) or Swiss High German (ditto) that meets our quality assurance requirements 


We at A. & S. WITTE PartG (estd. 4/2011), i.e. Astrid Elke, holder of a DipTrans IoLET (GER to ENG credential, verified as per her profile at as well as a holder of a Certified Pro badge in GER to ENG), and Sebastian Witte, Court-certified translator for English/Spanish <> German and English <> Spanish ( Certified Pro in ENG to GER and SPA to GER, cf. his profile at ), specialise in the translation of all kinds of documentation in relation to trademarks, including trademark certificates, trademark applications, trademark litigation, articles on trademarks and company trademark profiles, as well as other intellectual property rights, such as patents (incl. patent litigation, like the parties' briefs), designs, utility models, copyright, in competition law as a related field of expertise and also in the law of obligations (such as general terms and conditions of business, contracts), commercial, partnership and company law, property law (land law etc.), data privacy, employment law, insolvency law, financial accounting (in accordance with IFRSs, GASs/DRS, German GAAP/HGB, Swiss GAAP FER, Austrian GAAP/UGB, US GAAP, UK GAAP), real estate, financial markets, including financial oversight and regulation, the banking sector along with banking regulation, human resources, mergers and acquisitions, incl. due diligence reviews, and taxation.

In-depth knowledge in this closely linked number of core fields. These are complemented by the specialist area of Education (for example degree certificates, etc.).

Appropriate style as per what the respective specialist field requires.

Our availability calendar is updated on a regular basis.

We collaborate with a team of carefully selected specialised linguists with a proven track record in their main fields and sound expertise (as evidenced by KudoZ points and/or relevant industry experience). Hence the large number of language pairs: ENG <> GER, SPA <> GER, ENG <> SPA, POR <> GER, FRA <> GER, ITA <> GER. The team proficiently handles legal, accounting, intellectual property law, education, commerce, finance, architecture and insurance.

On-time completion - every time. Our own, extensive, subject matter-specific SDL MultiTerm termbases help us ensure precision in translation and, where advisable, terminological consistency. Able to respond to your messages by way of precise communication, and, if need be, also at reasonably short notice. 

For contact details, see our website and our CVs above. We will respond to your e-mail without delay. Astrid's advanced level SDL Trados Studio and MultiTerm certifications can be viewed here.

We look forward to your enquiry.

Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.

Total des points gagnés: 179
(Tout niveau PRO)

Principales langues (PRO)
anglais vers allemand72
portugais vers allemand63
allemand vers anglais16
espagnol vers allemand12
espagnol vers anglais8
Points dans 2 paires de plus >
Principaux domaines généraux (PRO)
Affaires / Finance76
Droit / Brevets72
Principaux domaines spécifiques (PRO)
Droit (général)48
Finance (général)40
Droit : contrat(s)20
Certificats / diplômes / licences / CV19
Investissement / titres8
Enseignement / pédagogie8
Points dans 4 domaines de plus >

Afficher tous les points gagnés >
Mots clés : intellectual property, IP, trademarks, patents, patent litigation, briefs, domains, WIPO, DPMA, GPTO. See more.intellectual property, IP, trademarks, patents, patent litigation, briefs, domains, WIPO, DPMA, GPTO, Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, designs, Geschmacksmuster, utility models, Gebrauchsmuster, competition law, Wettbewerbsrecht, copyrights, Urheberrechte, OHIM, HABM, Klage, list of goods and services, International Class, Waren- und Dienstleistungsverzeichnis, Markenanmeldung, Marke, Nizza-Klassifikation, Domainname, Website, Denic, Gemeinschaftsmarke, Gemeinschaftsmarkenanmeldung, Deutsche Marke, Deutsche Markenanmeldung, Deutsche Markenregistrierung, financial accounting, Finanzbuchhaltung, Rechnungslegung, accounting, financial reporting, Finanzberichterstattung, IFRS, DRS, GASs, HGB, German GAAP, Swiss GAAP FER, Austrian GAAP, UGB-Rechnungslegung, US GAAP, UK GAAP, commercial law, Handelsrecht, Handesvertretervertrag, Vertriebsvertrag, German Commercial Code, company law, partnership law, Gesellschaftsrecht, property law, Sachenrecht, land law, Immobilienrecht, Grundstücksrecht, Land Register, Grundbuchwesen, real estate, Immobilienwirtschaft, Datenschutz, data privacy, employment law, DSGVO, GDPR, BDSG neu, new Federal Data Protection Act, Arbeitsrecht, employment contract, Arbeitsvertrag, insolvency law, Insolvenzrecht, German Insolvency Code, InsO, European Insolvency Regulation, EuInsVO, reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, Erbrecht, Testament, Erbschein, inheritance law, probate, last will and testament, certificate of inheritance, central banking, Notenbankwesen, monetary policy, Geldpolitik, Economics, Volkswirtschaft, banking sector, Bankensektor, Kreditwesengesetz, German Banking Act, banking regulation, Bankenregulierung, Basel III, CRD IV, capital requirements, Eigenkapitalanforderungen, financial markets, Finanzmärkte, bonds, Anleihen, covered bonds, besicherte Anleihen, Pfandbriefe, fixed-income securities, festverzinsliche Wertpapiere, securities trading, Wertpapierhandel, Finanzmarktregulierung, financial regulation, Finanzmarktaufsicht, financial oversight, BaFin, FINMA, FMA, SEC, FSA, credit ratings, ratings services, Ratingagenturen, M & A, mergers and acquisitions, Fusionen und Übernahmen, due diligence reviews, Due-Diligence-Prüfungen bezüglich der Zielgesellschaft im Rahmen von M&A Transaktionen, merger by way of absorption, Verschmelzung durch Aufnahme, division, Spaltung, spin-off, Abspaltung, demerger, taxation, Steuerrecht, income tax, Einkommenssteuer, Ertragsteuern, tax on income, corporate tax, Körperschaftssteuer, Education, Bildungswesen, degree certificates, Abiturzeugnis, Bachelorzeugnis, Masterzeugnis, Diplomurkunde, translator, Übersetzerin, translation, Übersetzung, beglaubigte Übersetzung, certified translation, Dolmetscher, interpreter, Verhandlungsdolmetschen, liaison interpreting, SDL Trados Studio, SDL Trados Studio 2019, SDL MultiTerm, SDL MultiTerm 2019. See less.

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Sep 11, 2024