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roumain vers anglais: Tactical System Technical Specifications
Texte source - roumain Schimbarea fizionomiei spaţiului de luptă integrat aduce cu sine noi valenţe - creşterea gradului de mobilitate, dinamism, reducerea timpului de reacţie - situaţie în care e nevoie de o raportare adecvată la spaţiul tridimensional şi la modul de acţiune al adversarului.
Toate schimbările au loc în condiţiile dispariţiei delimitărilor stricte dintre eşaloane, pregătirii şi desfăşurării operaţiilor militare pe direcţii, puncte decisive, centre de greutate şi pe obiective (strategice, operative sau tactice).
Evoluţia tehnicii în „era informaticii” indică, în termeni tot mai clari, faptul că epoca sistemelor de armamente greoaie, cu ajutorul cărora se desfăşurau acţiuni militare liniare, statice şi de lungă durată a trecut.
Câmpul de luptă se transformă în spaţiu de luptă integrat în care se desfăşoară acţiuni asimetrice, caracterizate printr-un nivel de mobilitate, dinamism şi flexibilitate fără precedent.
Acestei adevărate provocări la nivel conceptual şi tehnologic îi pot face faţă numai sisteme de armament caracterizate de eficienţă, flexibilitate şi durată redusă de ripostă, cu posibilităţi de întrebuinţare în medii diverse ale planetei, de a acţiona pentru scurt timp independent şi cu posibilităţi ridicate de coordonare din partea eşaloanelor superioare, aproape de orice rang.
Acţiunile militare vor face o trecere spectaculoasă de la „suprafaţă” la „punct”, de la „masivitate” la „supleţe”, de la războiul „cu tobe” la războiul „tăcut” – informatizat, electronic, cibernetizat, aşa zis „curat”.
Ca o consecinţă, pentru a face faţă solicitărilor impuse de spaţiul de luptă, sistemul XXXX trebuie să urmărească primordialitatea informaţiei, acţiunea tridimensională, în condiţii de mobilitate şi flexibilitate sporite şi reducerea duratei de reacţie prin optimizarea capacităţilor de analiză, decizie şi angajare.
Traduction - anglais The change in the structural features of the integrated combat space has brought about new capabilities – an increase in mobility, higher dynamism and shorter response times. This situation requires better adaptation to the three-dimensional space and to the enemy’s operational tactics.
All these changes have taken place together with a blurring of the clear-cut distinctions among echelons, among directions of preparation and execution of military operations, among decision centers, centers of gravity and objectives (strategic, operational or tactical).
The progress of the “computer age” technology has indicated in terms that are becoming increasingly clear, that the era of the cumbersome weapons used for conducting linear, static and long-term military operations has passed.
The battlefield has been transformed into an integrated combat space in which asymmetrical operations are conducted, characterized by unprecedented mobility, dynamism and flexibility.
This is a genuine challenge at the design and technological level, which can only be met by weapons systems that are characterized by effectiveness, flexibility and fast response, offering possibilities of utilization in a variety of world environments, enabling short-time independent activity and having high possibilities of coordination by the commanding echelons at almost any level.
Military operations will undergo a spectacular transition from “the surface” to “the point”, from “massive” to “supple” and from the “drums of war” to a “silent”, so-called “clean” war, which relies on information technology, electronics and computers.
Consequently, in order to meet the needs imposed by the combat space, the XXXX system must pursue information supremacy, three-dimensional action with increased mobility and flexibility, and a reduction in response time by optimization of analysis, decision-making and engagement capabilities.
français vers anglais: Foie Gras, Force-Feeding and Animal Welfare: Some Objectivity, Please! General field: Sciences Detailed field: Bétail / élevage
Texte source - français Quantification de la capacité d'ingestion des palmipèdes
Des chiffres assez fantaisistes circulent à propos des quantités d'aliment qui sont distribuées aux palmipèdes lors du gavage et, outre le fait que les quantités indiquées sont surestimées par rapport à la pratique, cette allégation est pour le moins critiquable. Que dire de la capacité d'ingestion quotidienne d'une tique qui peut consommer un volume de sang correspondant à 100 fois son propre poids, si ce n'est que ces comparaisons entre espèces sont sans objet ? La question est donc bien de savoir si les quantités d'aliment administrées sont compatibles avec les capacités d'ingestion spontanée des palmipèdes ? Lorsqu'un aliment est proposé à volonté à des canards préalablement alimentés par repas, leur consommation spontanée peut transitoirement atteindre entre 600 et 750g (Guy et al., 1998). Les quantités quotidiennes maximales en fin de période de gavage peuvent atteindre 950 à 1000g. Incidemment, il a aussi été observé que des oies pouvaient consommer quotidiennement plus de 3kg de carottes pendant plusieurs jours (Données non publiées). Le canard mulard mâle et l'oie sont donc capables d'ingérer spontanément des quantités d'aliment comparables voir supérieures à celles qui leur sont imposées lors du gavage. Cette aptitude à surconsommer n'est cependant pas suffisante pour proposer une alternative au gavage, en revanche si elle est optimisée, elle peut permettre de réduire la durée d'alimentation forcée pour un objectif de production inchangé
Traduction - anglais Quantification of the Intake Capacity of Waterfowl
The figures that have been circulated as to the quantities of food that are administered to waterfowl during force-feeding are largely the product of imagination. In addition to the fact that the stated amounts are overestimated compared to actual practice, this claim is at least can be disputed. What could be said about the daily ingestion ability of a tick that can consume a blood volume corresponding to 100 times its own body weight, other than note that comparisons of different species are meaningless? The question is therefore whether the administered quantities of food are consistent with the capabilities of spontaneous ingestion of waterfowl. When food is offered freely to ducks that were previously fed a meal, their spontaneous consumption can temporarily reach between 600 and 750g (Guy et al., 1998). The maximum daily amounts at the end of the force-feeding period may reach 950 to 1000g. Incidentally, it has also been observed that geese could consume on a daily basis over 3kg of carrots over several days (unpublished data). Male mule ducks and geese are therefore capable of spontaneously ingesting food amounts that are comparable or even exceed those which are imposed on them during force-feeding. However, this ability for over-consumption is not sufficient to offer an alternative to force-feeding. Nevertheless, if optimized, it could shorten the duration of force-feeding to achieve the same production purpose.
français vers anglais: Network security
Texte source - français La diffusion des technologies numériques est en marche. D’une manière générale, ce mouvement est émancipateur grâce à l’accès à l’information, à la communication et à la connaissance d’une plus grande partie de la population. Cependant la construction effrénée de ces cyberespaces ne s’échafaude pas sans essais et erreurs, sans maladresses, sans soubresauts malencontreux, sans conséquences néfastes qu’il faut affronter ou, pour le moins, dominer : idéologie ambiante « il est interdit d’interdire » de la toile qui suscite l'apparition d’effets nuisibles ou pervers amplifiés par la résonance de la taille du réseau, irruption de sites qui hébergent des serveurs suspects, encombrement des réseaux par des contenus illicites ou des messages non sollicités, pollution des messageries, propagation de virus, circulation de fausses informations, nids pour des implantations de sectes, de mafias, refuges pour les réseaux de cyber-criminels, voire bientôt de cyber-terroristes.
Traduction - anglais The spread of digital technologies is in full swing. Generally, this trend promotes emancipation enabling increasingly large sectors of the population to gain access to information, communication and knowledge. However, the unbridled scaffolding of such cyberspaces does not take place without trial and error, clumsy attempts, ill-fated jolts or pernicious consequences that must be confronted, or at least contained. The pervasive “prohibition is prohibited” ideology of the Web is engendering harmful or perverse effects amplified by the resonance of the network’s sheer size: the outbreak of sites hosting suspicious servers, the overload of networks with illicit information and non-solicited mail, corruption of messages, propagation of viruses, rampant disinformation, nests embedding all types of sects and mafias and sanctuaries for gangs of cyber-criminals or aspiring cyber-terrorists.
hébreu vers anglais: Procedure - Storage of ESD-Sensitive Components
Texte source - hébreu אחסון וקיוט במחסן רכיבים
רכיבים רגישים יאוחסנו ו/או יקוייטו באריזה מקורית (של היצרן) או באריזת מגן. פתיחת אריזה מקורית, לרבות ארגז חיצון אשר מכיל סימון אזהרה לחשמל סטטי, תבוצע בתחנה מוגנת פא”ס וע"י אדם מוגן פא”ס בלבד. קיט רכיבים (לרבות רכיבים לא רגישים) לא יכיל פריטי אריזה (ארגזים, שקיות, סרטים דביקים וכד') מחומר מבודד. סגירת אריזה באמצעות סיכות אסורה. יש להגן על רכיבי ** ורכיבים דומים, שהוצאו מאריזתם המקורית, ע"י נעיצת רגליהם בספוג מוליך (שחור). אין להשתמש באריזה מזוהמת, קרועה, מנוקבת, או בעלת צבע ורוד דהוי
Traduction - anglais Storage and Kitting at the Components Warehouse
Sensitive components shall be stored and/or kitted in their original (manufacturer’s) packaging or in a protective packaging. Opening of original packages, including external crates, that bear an ESD warning shall be performed at protected workstations by protected personnel only. Component kits (including non-sensitive components) shall not contain any packaging items (crates, bags, adhesive tape, etc.) made of insulative material. Closing packagings by means of staples or clips is prohibited.
** and similar components that were removed from their original packaging shall be protected by inserting the leads into conductive sponge (black). Packagings that are contaminated, torn, punctured or colored faded pink shall not be used.
français vers anglais (Major multinational) roumain vers anglais (MA, Bucharest University, verified) hébreu vers anglais (BA, Brooklyn College, verified) anglais vers roumain (MA, Bucharest University, verified) français vers anglais (ITA Recognized translator)
hébreu vers anglais (ITA Recognized translator) hébreu vers anglais (ITA Recognized translator) roumain vers anglais (ITA Recognized translator) français vers anglais (ITA - Recognized traslator)
Environmental technologies, wastewater treatment, asbestos abatement, etc. - hundreds of pages for a major international player in the environmental industry.
Legal - contracts, tenders, due diligence, etc.
Business and finance - corporate, insurance, reports, etc.
Sandra contributes her finely-honed linguistic skills and professional experience including several years as a full-time translator at an internationally-recognized post-graduate business institute and at multinationals. Kenneth, a trained Technical Writer and translator, contributes his technical training and rich experience documenting cutting-edge technologies.
Sandra and Kenneth have the synergy to ensure translation excellence. They review each other’s work before release to the customer thereby providing a value-added, quality-controlled translation. Regular translation customers include leading multinationals.
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