Membre depuis Jun '07

Langues de travail :
anglais vers turc
néerlandais vers turc
français vers turc
allemand vers turc

Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren
Médicale et pharmaceutique, multilingue

Heure locale : 11:55 CET (GMT+1)

Langue maternelle : turc (Variants: Izmir, Standard-İstanbul ) Native in turc
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9 positive reviews
What Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren is working on
Mar 21, 2022 (posted via  welocalize ...more, + 3 other entries »
Total word count: 2538

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Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren
Technical, medical and scientific expert

Selection softwares in house : Studio 2019, Studio
2014, Trados, MemoQ, Across

Here, to bring you face-to-face with your
translation partner, I have dropped a piece of brief information about myself.
I am sure, all this information will start fruitful cooperation between your
organisation and mine... Surely, you may email me for more information as I can
provide you a more personalised assistance and guide you more individually through
my experiences and find out whether my translation skills are meeting your needs.

My name is Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren. My last name
is a reflection of international set-up that my family makes up (Dutch husband,
nowadays German myself-, two kids raised in Germany in command of three

I am a Turkish native speaker, a post-graduate
chemist and a full-time professional translator from English, Dutch, French and
German specialised in technical and pharmaceutical (cosmetics, medical and natural
sciences) fields.

After having lived, worked and studied in various
countries (including the Netherlands, South Africa,  Germany, and Turkey where I spent my life
until I became 25) I took part in various research projects in the field of
chemistry (as a research assistant in European Space Agency, Netherlands;
research assistant in Unilever, Netherlands). Then I decided to move to South
Africa and did my postgraduate studies where I received BSc Hons and MSc degree
in Chemistry TUKS, South Africa.

Although I like diversity in translation, research
and development on technology, natural sciences, sensors, robots, medical
instruments and clinical studies account for most of my work. For most of those
projects I am working alone unless the client exacts or I prefer for a peer
reviewer actively working in those fields.  All my translation is a three-step procedure: 1.
translation (bilingual; almost a segment-based translation); 2. review
(bilingual; checking for the inconsistencies, morphological or terminological
confusion both in the source and in the target; 3. proof-reading (This is the
refinement step, after which the translation is expected to taste like an original
document.) Should it happen that your enterprise would like to assign me a
translation project, I am glad to provide you more detail about my work and my colleagues
I occasionally work with. Those colleagues, either as editors or
translators, are permanently monitored and evaluated in terms of their
performance on accuracy, morphology/style, spelling, punctuality and terminology.

Looking forward to hearing from you and building
a strong, communicative and reliable business partnership with you and with your company.

Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren

Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.

Total des points gagnés: 96
Points de niveau PRO: 89

Principales langues (PRO)
allemand vers turc36
anglais vers turc36
néerlandais vers turc12
turc vers néerlandais4
français vers turc1
Principaux domaines généraux (PRO)
Technique / Génie20
Art / Littérature20
Sciences sociales12
Points dans 2 domaines de plus >
Principaux domaines spécifiques (PRO)
Idiômes / maximes / proverbes24
Droit (général)12
Mécanique / génie mécanique12
Médecine (général)9
Droit : taxation et douanes4
Chimie / génie chim.4
Points dans 3 domaines de plus >

Afficher tous les points gagnés >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects1
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
anglais vers turc1
Specialty fields
Chimie / génie chim.1
Other fields
Mots clés : natural sciences, medicine, automobile, pharmaceutical and technology, computer, software, telecommunications, çevirmen, Turkish translator, from french. See more.natural sciences, medicine, automobile, pharmaceutical and technology, computer, software, telecommunications, çevirmen, Turkish translator, from french, from Dutch, from German, from English, teknik, çeviri, Almanya, uygun fiyata, teknik, tıbbi, ilaç, kimya, bilimsel, conference interpreter, fast service, hızlı hizmet, Trados, MemoQ, Across, Studio 2019. See less.

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Jan 6