Langues de travail :
anglais vers letton/lette
letton/lette vers anglais
allemand vers letton/lette

Valters Feists
Creative. Analytical. Fluent. Excellent.

RIGA, Lettonie
Heure locale : 04:43 EET (GMT+2)

Langue maternelle : letton/lette 
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Email: [email protected]
Tel. +371 29 666 322

I specialise in business and technical translation of documents that require high accuracy, flawless native style and the desired impact on the readership.

My skills are further strengthened by my experience in copywriting, journalism (in Latvian and in English — since late 1990s), editorial work, comparative terminology research, as well as education and close cooperation with several of the respective industries.

Working as a translator since 1995 and delivering a broad variety of projects — from localisation to prose/poetry and advertising copy — I have mastered both formal and creative translation.

I translate technical manuals, press releases, articles, websites, correspondence, advertising brochures, internal documents, tender bids, legal contracts, training material, multimedia courses, HR and customer survey forms and responses, medical files, interviews, essays, subtitles, certificates, slogans, names, artwork titles and annotations ... and many more!

My approach combines:
> professional CAT tools usage (Wordfast, SDL/Trados, MemoQ, XTM Cloud...)
> confidentiality & support
> compliance and teamwork with the customer
   (guidelines, terminology, availability and deadlines)
> always proofreading from the reader's point of view.
In sum: Best readability on the market!

Latvian – native
English – refined, near-native, UK/US variant as required
French, Lithuanian – intermediate
German, Italian – reading and essential writing/speaking knowledge.

Language pairs (main)
English – Latvian
French – Latvian
Latvian – English
Lithuanian – English
German – Latvian
Italian – Latvian

Recent major projects — years 2016 / 2015 / 2014
> Encryption/security for multimedia communications software: review of 30,000 translated words.
> Railway infrastructure: translation of 18,000 words.
> Travelators/Escalators, installation & maintenance:translation of 16,000 words.
> Monolingual dictionary: editing/clarification of >12,000 entries, etymology, variations and entry layout checking.
> Latvian subtitles: translation for 3 award-nominated and 1 award-winning feature films; music documentaries and concerts.
> Bilingual dictionary: adding of >6,500 entries.

Projects 2004 to 2012
> Information technology and telecommunications: computers, peripherals, software interfaces, telephones, VoIP, video
> Everyday technology: household and kitchen equipment, consumer electronics
> Advertising: Google Adsense ads copy and keywords for these sectors: professional and consumer products; PCs; mobiles and IT solutions; entertainment/concerts
> Security and safety: surveillance equipment, hardware and software; security instructions for industrial sites; handling of waste and hazardous chemical substances
> Art, culture, history and society: news articles, interviews, essays, media releases
> Personal: documents and correspondence
> Medicine: medical equipment, patient information, clinical records, healthcare and health services development, pharmaceuticals, clinical trial document kits and outcomes.
> Urban development and real estate, transport infrastructure, machinery, public works.

In the above projects I have had the role of translator, proofreader, editor, copywriter, summariser, back-translator and interpreter.

Computer skills
PC user since 1987
Email user since 1994
Web user since 1995
Web development since 2000
Studied maths and programming in early 1990s.

1995-1998: studied translation theory and English at the University of Latvia, including interpreting.
1997: French language intermediate course diploma, at the Cultural and Linguistic Centre of the Embassy of France in Riga.
2003-2004: Biology course for pre-medical students.
2009: German language course on legal, judicial and governance topics.
English, Italian courses and native-speaker tuition in various years.

Inquire now
Order your translation / Discuss potential projects / Request a test piece

Email: [email protected]
Tel. +371 29 666 322 — day and evening (time zone: GMT+2 hours, EDT+7 hours)

English and French (traducteur letton), translation, localisation, proofreading...

Relevant additional experience

In 2000 to 2008, I participated in the researching, creation and approval of technical terms in the Latvian language while acting as a member of the Information Technology Terminology Subcommittee of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. I am accredited as a contributor to the official Latvian Information Technology dictionary (2001).

From 2002 to 2011, I was board member responsible for media releases and external communication with the Telecommunications Association of Latvia.

Since 2005, I network with the Riga Latvian Society's Latvian Language Advancement Group; providing help with lexicological, orthographic and terminological endeavours since 2007; web copywriter and webmaster with some PR functions for the Group since 2009.
Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.

Total des points gagnés: 1480
Points de niveau PRO: 1372

Principales langues (PRO)
lituanien vers anglais392
anglais vers letton/lette382
letton/lette vers anglais361
allemand vers letton/lette54
allemand vers anglais24
Points dans 20 paires de plus >
Principaux domaines généraux (PRO)
Technique / Génie382
Droit / Brevets135
Affaires / Finance118
Points dans 4 domaines de plus >
Principaux domaines spécifiques (PRO)
Médecine (général)132
Droit (général)71
TI (technologie de l'information)67
Entreprise / commerce44
Ordinateurs (général)15
Certificats / diplômes / licences / CV15
Points dans 69 domaines de plus >

Afficher tous les points gagnés >
Mots clés : : Traduction vers et a partir du letton; traducteur professionnel langue maternelle. Technique, affaires, beaux-arts, histoire, culture, musique, enregistrement, concerts, design, mode. See more.: Traduction vers et a partir du letton; traducteur professionnel langue maternelle. Technique, affaires, beaux-arts, histoire, culture, musique, enregistrement, concerts, design, mode, expositions, œuvres d'art, peinture, sculpture, photographie, musée, exposition, collection, artisanat, décoration, arts appliqués, littérature, fiction, livres, poésie, poète, architecture, architectural, développement, réalisation, théâtre, danse contemporaine, cinéma, cinématographie, film, réalisateur, acteur, vidéo, festivals, fêtes, célébrités, événements, patrimoine, nationale, ville, société, éducation, universités, collèges, gouvernement, nationales, municipales, urbaines, sociologie, Politique, recherche, noms, titres, marques, slogans, expressions, copie, texte, textes, rédaction, prix, citations, manuels d'utilisation, guides, sûreté, précaution; informatique; technologie information; Localisation; Software, PC, portable, imprimante, scanner, communiqués de presse, articles, interviews, sites web, télécommunications, téléphone; domestique; cuisine; équipement ménager; machines, santé, médecine, pharmacie, médicaments; essai clinique, dispositifs médicaux, cosmétiques; Alimentation; recettes; Patient questionnaire d'enquête; Ressources humaines; Lettre, correspondance officielle, personnelle; CV; certificat, diplôme; document; interprète; relecteur, relecture; terminologue; doublage, RVI; QA; LQA; français; espagnol, italien, allemand, traducteur letton; traduction.. See less.