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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Spécialisé en :
Enseignement / pédagogie
Droit (général)
Certificats / diplômes / licences / CV
Général / conversation / salutations / correspondance
Points PRO : 122, Réponses aux questions : 118, Questions posées : 76
Historique des projets
2 projets indiqués 2 retours positifs des donneurs d'ordre
Détails du projet
Résumé du projet
Translation Volume : 200 pages Terminé : Dec 2005 Languages: roumain vers anglais
Translation of abstracts of patents
Agriculture, Ingénierie (général), Construction / génie civil
positif Scopeknowledge: We have found the translation work done (By Ioana) for our patent documents are of very good quality. We also appreciate for her commitment to the stiff deadline for the completion of the work. We wish her all the best.
Translation Volume : 150 words Duration: Sep 2004 to Mar 2006 Languages: roumain vers anglais
Over 150 linguistic checkings
Linguistic check of potential brand names on the market, similarities with Romanian words (translation, eviocations, ideas, opinions, tones, pronunciation).
Publicité / relations publiques
positif Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Very accurate, precise,sends results on time, enthusiastic, very nice to cooperate with.
Échantillons de traduction proposés: 2
anglais vers roumain: Outage Management IT system
Texte source - anglais Executive Summary
A primary concern on the minds of many utility company executives is how
to improve the companies performance against regulatory imposed
indices and streamline their approach to the management of the network.
In a more competitive global economy with price sensitive customers, return on
investment is more important now than ever before. The de-regulation within the
industry and fall in the stock market has caused many organizations to re-evaluate
their thinking and approach to technology investment.
World-class utility organizations are more and more seeking to achieve business
value through network efficiency initiatives. Through automation, these
organizations are achieving tangible, bottom-line benefits through process
modifications, reduction in outage restoration times, improved collaboration
across multiple departments and within multi-utility franchises, and lower cost of
ownership achieved with off-the-shelf solutions. All of which directly impacts the
bottom line.
This paper will highlight the results of industry research showing that systems like
eRespond™ can improve performance, accelerate deployment and enable utility
companies to reap the benefits of standardized solutions for Network Operations
Management, in particular Event/Outage Management. In addition to these
benefits, it was shown that LeT Systems products and services helped reduce
costly downtime and reduced risk for customers.
Our findings revealed that our customers realized returns on investment (ROI)
above expectations. Initial investments yielded payback periods within 12 months
of deployment, providing returns covering all investment costs well within the
business case scenario.
The goal of this white paper is to address the business value of Network
Operations Management systems such as eRespond™ and examine the impact
on cost of ownership. This paper will examine the issues and challenges within
critical lines of businesses within most utility companies and identify the associated
costs and benefits typically incurred for enterprise deployments related to
The paper will also highlight the economic benefits of the strategic architecture
adopted by LeT Systems and examine its effectiveness now and for the future.
Upon review of this white paper, you will gain insight to the relevant costs and
associated benefits of Network Operations Management and how ROI is achieve
with real bottom line results.
Traduction - roumain Rezumat
Primă preocupare a multora dintre conducerile companiilor de utilităţi este cum să-şi îmbunătăţească performanţele companiilor pe baza indicatorilor regulamentari impuşi şi accelerează metoda de administrare a reţelei. Într-o economie globală concurentială cu clienţi sensibili la preţ, rentabilitatea investitiei este acum mult mai importantă ca niciodată. Liberalizarea din cadrul industriei şi scăderea bursei de valori au determinat multe organizaţii să-şi reevalueze concepţia şi metoda de investiţie în tehnologie.
Organizaţiile utilitare de nivel internaţional încearcă din ce în ce mai mult să obţină o cifră de afaceri prin iniţiativele de eficienţă ale reţelei. Prin automatizare, aceste organizaţii obţin beneficii tangibile, nete prin modificarea procesului, reducerea duratelor de restaurare a întreruperii, colaborarea îmbunătăţită dintre diverse departamente şi în cadrul francizelor multiutilitare şi costul scăzut al proprietăţii obţinut cu soluţii standard. Toate acestea au un impact direct asupra rezultatului net.
Această lucrare va pune în evidenţă rezultatele cercetărilor industriale arătând că sistemele ca eRăspuns pot îmbunătăţi performanţa, pot accelera dezvoltarea şi pot facilita companiile utilitare să culeagă beneficiile soluţiilor standardizate pentru Managementul Operaţiunilor de reţea, în special Managementul Evenimentului/ Întreruperii. Ăe lângă aceste beneficii, s-a arătat că produsele şi serviciile LeT Systems au ajutat la reducerea costului timpului de întrerupere şi a redus riscul pentru clienţi.
Cercetările noastre au descoperit faptul că clienţii noştri au realizat rentabilitatea investitiei (ROI) peste aşteptări. Investiţiile iniţiale aduceau perioade de rambursări în termen de 12 luni de la desfăşurare, oferind profit ce acoperă toate costurile de investiţii din cadrul planului de afaceri.
Scopul acestei cărţi albe este acela de a adresa cifra de afaceri a sistemelor de management ale operaţiunilor de reţea cum ar fi eRăspuns şi de a examina impactul asupra costului de proprietate. Această carte va analiza problemele şi confruntările din cadrul liniilor critice de afaceri din majoritatea companiilor utilitare şi va identifica costurile asociate şi beneficiile apărute în mod obişnuit pentru desfăşurările întreprinderii cu privire la eRăspuns.
Cartea va evidenţia de asemenea beneficiile economice ale arhitecturii strategice adoptate de LeT Systems şi va analiza eficienţa acesteia în prezent şi pe viitor.
La analiza acestei cărţi albe, veţi obţine o perspectivă internă a costruilor relevante şi a beneficiilor asociate ale Managementului de Operaţiune de reţea şi cum este obţinută rentabilitatea investiţiei cu rezultate nete reale.
roumain vers anglais: Financial: Receivable Recovery
Texte source - roumain RECUPERARE CREANTE
• Monitorizarea continua a creantelor indiferent de valoarea acestora
• Scurtarea perioadei scurse intre emitere facturii si incasarea acesteia
• Reactie rapida la comportamentul neobisnuit al clientului pentru a reduce valoarea facturilor cu termen de scadenta depasit,pentru a evita ajungerea la prescriptie a creantelor
• Evitarea pierderilor financiare pentru companie provenite din gestionarea defectuoasa a creantelor-de exemplu prin constituirea de garantii de catre clientii rau platnici
• Verificarea bonitatii pentru consumatorii eligibili noi care nu au fost clientii captivi ai EON Moldova
Procedura de lucru
1.Departamentul Managementul Creantelor verifica dupa 12 zile de la emiterea facturii lunare ,accesand sistemul OPEN SGC ,stadiul platilor pentru consumatorii eligibili mari (Key Account)-nominalizati.
Departamentul Clienti Comerciali verifica dupa 30 zile de la emiterea facturii lunare, accesand sistemul OPEN SGC ,stadiul platilor pentru restul consumatorilor eligibili.
2.Dep. Managementul Creantelor:in cazul in care plata nu a fost efectuata in termenul de scadenta de 10 zile de la emiterea facturii, in termen de 5 zile de la data scadentei ,clientul va fi contactat telephonic in vederea reamintirii datoriei de a plati factura de energie.Nota telefonica se va finalize cu completarea unei fise standard anexate care trebuie completata conform anexei nr.1.Toate convorbirile ulterioare cu clientul vor fi finalizate cu completarea acestor fise telefonice.Fisele telefonice se arhiveaza la dosarul clientului.Daca clientul nu a platit in termen de 10 zile de la data scadentei i se trimite o scrisoare amicala de reamintire a datoriei acestuia de a platii factura de energie-anexa nr.2.Contactul telephonic si redactarea Scrisoarii sunt in sarcina Departamentului Recuperare Creante si se executa doar pentru Key Accounts nominalizati.Dep.Bussines Customers nu executa operatiunile de la punctul 2.
Traduction - anglais RECEIVABLE RECOVERY
• Permanent monitoring of the receivables, no matter their value
• Reducing the period past between the invoice issue and its cashing
• Fast reaction to the unusual behaviour of the customer in order to reduce the value of invoices with exceeded payment maturity, to avoid the reaching to the prescription of receivables
• Avoiding the financial losses for the company coming from the faulty management of the receivables – for example by constituting guarantees by the bad payer customers
• Checking the creditworthiness for the new eligible customers who were not the captive customers of E.ON Moldova.
The working procedure
The working procedure
1.The receivable Management Department checks after 12 days from the monthly invoice issue, accessing the OPEN SGC system, the stage of the payments for the big eligible consumers (Key Account) – appointed.
The Commercial Customers Department checks after 30 days from the monthly invoice issue, accessing the OPEN SGC system, the stage of the payments for rest of the eligible consumers.
2.The receivable management Department: in case that the payment hasn’t been effectuated at due date of 10 days from the invoice issue, in term of 5 days from the due date, the customer will be contacted by phone in view of reminding him of the obligation to pay the energy invoice. The phone notice will end with the completion of a standard form annexed which must be completed according Annex 1. All further phone calls with the customer will be finalized with the completion of these phone forms. The phone forms are archived in the customer’s file. if the customer didn’t pay in term of 10 days from the due date, he is being sent a friendly letter as reminder for his obligation to pay his energy invoice – Annex 2. The phone call and the elaboration of the letter are the responsibility of the Receivable Recovery Department and they are executed only for appointed Key Accounts. The Business Customers Department doesn't eecute the operations at point 2.
roumain vers anglais (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) anglais vers roumain (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) français vers roumain (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) anglais vers roumain (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) anglais vers roumain (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași)
français vers roumain (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași) français vers roumain (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași)
*Textiles - retail, fashion industry
*Public administration
*Phare projects: regional development, HR, tourism
*Business correspondence
*Technical: specifications, electric power supply, patents, engineering, constructions
*General: certificates, diplomas, school records, contracts, essays
"Translation is at best an echo." (George Borrow) Education:
- Bachelor's degree with honours in English and French (English and French language and literature) - "Al.I.Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania.
- Certified translator by the Romanian Ministry of Justice for English and French languages, since 2001
Member of ATR (Association of Romanian Translators) since 2005
Professional experience:
*1999-2001: Inhouse translator, Assistant Manager at SC Cristian SA, knitwear manufacturing and exports company
*2001-2005: Inhouse translator (civil servant) at Bacau County Council, local public administration institutution
*2003-2004: English lecturer, beginner course for civil servants, within a Human Resources Phare Project
*Since 2001: Working also as a certified translator, freelance projects
Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.
Total des points gagnés: 239 Points de niveau PRO: 122
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (2 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
roumain vers anglais
Specialty fields
Ingénierie (général)
Construction / génie civil
Publicité / relations publiques
Other fields
Mots clés : EU documents, essays, short stories, legal, contracts, education papers, certificates, tendering documents, technical specifications, public administration. See more.EU documents, essays, short stories, legal, contracts, education papers, certificates, tendering documents, technical specifications, public administration, tourism, brochures, official correspondence, regional presentations, general translations. See less.