Langues de travail :
français vers anglais
espagnol vers anglais

carole patton
20 years in the translation business

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Langue maternelle : anglais 
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I am a native English Speaker and have been working as a full-time freelance translator in the FR-EN/ES-EN language combinations since 2004.

Subjects I regularly translate include the following:
Legal and Finance (mainly contracts, agreements, mergers and acquisitions, financial reports and accounts), Company Management (procedures and human resources documents), Technology, Industry (including technical manuals), IT, Marketing, Press Releases, Multimedia Presentations, NGOs and Social Organisations, Healthcare, Consumer Products and Services, Cosmetics, Health and Beauty, Tourism and Gastronomy.

Professional Qualifications
Insitute of Linguists - Diploma in Translation (2004)
Science - Merit Technology - Distinction

TEFL (Merit) - International House, Barcelona (2005)

Chartered Institute of Management, London (2003)
Introductory Diploma in Management

University Qualification
BA(Hons)French & European Studies

Previous Professional Experience
4 years in Social Services Finance and Policy

This is what a couple of my clients had to say:

"je suis la réalisatrice du film [ ] que vous avez soustitré pour le
festival de Marseille. Je trouve que le travail a été particulièrement bien encore mes congratulations pour le bon travail ( cela ne m'est pas arrivé souvent)"

"...nous virons en
moyenne 90 personnes sur 100 qui postulent chez nous et sur les 10 restants
on en garde un apres un premier job donc bravo franchement..."
Mots clés : Science, technology, social policy, welfare benefits, foreign affairs, history, literature, arts, travel, tourism. See more.Science,technology,social policy,welfare benefits,foreign affairs,history,literature,arts,travel,tourism,gastronomy,cinema,documentary, subtitling, immigration. See less.

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Nov 27, 2023

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