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Jul 12, 2019 (posted Just finished the translation of a part of the customer interface of a factoring platform offered by a leading international bank, French to Italian, 9867 words...more, + 26 other entries »
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anglais vers italien: Court Order (extracts) General field: Droit / Brevets Detailed field: Droit (général)
Texte source - anglais BEFORE HER HONOUR JUDGE xxx IN CHAMBERS
UPON the Applicant and the Respondent acknowledging, agreeing and confirming that they will take action to obtain the recognition and enforcement of the Order herein in Italy as to ensure the protection of their parental rights and those of their son Xxx also in that country.
AND UPON the Applicant and the Respondent acknowledging, agreeing and confirming that the following provisions herein have been considered by them to be arrangements in the best interests of the child of the family, namely XXX, and in accordance with their agreement to jointly raised their son.
AND UPON the Applicant and the Respondent agreeing, acknowledging and confirming to the Court that upon Xxx relocating from Xxx the Applicant do have continuing access with Xxx in Italy. The Applicant shall give the Respondent at least 7 days' notice prior to any proposed access visits and the Respondent will endeavour to facilitate such access to operate in Xxx's best interests bearing in mind his age and schooling commitments.
The Applicant and the Respondent be granted joint custody of Xxx with care and control to the Respondent and regular and flexible access, to include staying access, to the Applicant as set out in the Recitals herein.
Subject to Recital I above, general leave be granted to the Applicant and the Respondent to take Xxx out of the jurisdiction of Rome, Italy from time to time for the purpose of holidays.
The hearing fixed on xx xxx 2018 at 9:30am be vacated.
There be no orders as to costs of this application.
VISTO CHE l'Attore e la Convenuta convengono, riconoscono e confermano che si attiveranno per ottenere il riconoscimento e l'esecuzione in Italia dell'Ordinanza espressa in questa sede allo scopo di garantire la tutela dei loro diritti genitoriali e dei diritti del loro figlio Xxx anche in tale paese.
E VISTO CHE l'Attore e la Convenuta riconoscono, convengono e confermano che le disposizioni seguenti sono da loro considerate come le migliori condizioni possibili nel preminente interesse del figlio della famiglia, cioè XXX, e in osservanza del loro accordo di crescere insieme il figlio.
E VISTO CHE l'Attore e la Convenuta convengono, riconoscono e confermano alla Corte che quando Xxx si trasferirà da Xxx, l'Attore continuerà ad esercitare il proprio diritto di visita in Italia. L'Attore dovrà comunicare alla Convenuta con un preavviso di almeno 7 giorni l'eventuale visita per vedere il figlio e la Convenuta farà il possibile per facilitare tali visite agendo nel preminente interesse di Xxx tenendo conto della sua età e degli impegni scolastici.
L'Attore e la Convenuta abbiano l’affidamento condiviso di Xxx, con collocamento prevalente presso la Convenuta e il diritto di visita regolare e flessibile, incluso il diritto di soggiornare insieme, riconosciuto all'Attore, come indicato nella Premessa del presente provvedimento.
Fermo restando quanto indicato nella Premessa I che precede, l'Attore e la Convenuta siano autorizzati a condurre Xxx fuori dalla giurisdizione di Roma, Italia, di tanto in tanto, per le vacanze.
L'udienza fissata per il xx xxx 2018 alle ore 9:30 sia annullata.
Nessuna ordinanza viene emessa relativamente alle spese legali della domanda in questione.
français vers italien (Scuola Superiore Interpreti e Traduttori, Roma , verified) anglais vers italien (Scuola Superiore Interpreti e Traduttori, Roma, verified)
Donatella Semproni respecte les pratiques professionnelles's - Liste des pratiques.
I am a professional translator, I love my job, I am experienced, I respect my clients.
I only translate into my native language, I have a good knowledge of my subject fields, I always deliver within the agreed deadline.
I constantly keep informed about professional updates as well as on terminological and cultural changes.
Language pairs: English-Italian; French-ItalianCredentials: Qualified Member of AITI - Italian Association of Translators & Interpreters, Membership No. 203029; profile
Areas of expertise:
Memorandum & articles of association, Distribution Agreements, License Agreements, Supply Agreements, Agency agreements, Privacy policies, Informed consent forms, Non-disclosure agreements, Alternative dispute resolution, ADR, Arbitration awards, Affidavit, Counterclaims, Defenses, Decrees, Orders, Judgment notifications, Writs of summons, GDPR texts
Annual reports, Financial statements, Shareholders agreements, Fund prospectuses, Trust deeds, IPO , KIID, Monthly commentaries of investment funds, Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, Company evaluations, Credit insurance policies, Articles on finance and investment, Banking and finance literature
Assessment methodologies, Codes of conduct, Corporate communications, Corporate policies, Training courses, Virtual data rooms, Privacy policies, Press releases, Marketing material, Marketing surveys, Newsletters, Operating and procedures manuals, Description of products, Safety handbooks
Website translation, brochures, advertisements, hotel descriptions, articles on travel
Art/History Essays and wall texts for major international galleries, museum cards on art and history
MTPE (Machine Translation Post-Editing): - for major e-commerce companies: product description with the use of the Clients’ own online tool;
- for a major LSP (financial field): Quality Assessment of proprietary Machine Translation engines and post-editing of the relevant output.
Professional Liability Insurance as a Qualified Member of AITI.
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