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allemand vers italien
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March 2025

Michelle Estefania Aguilar Guerrero
Ling&Cultural Mediation/Tourism Systems

Ponte San Nicolò, Veneto, Italie
Heure locale : 16:29 CET (GMT+1)

Langue maternelle : italien Native in italien
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What Michelle Estefania Aguilar Guerrero is working on
Oct 22, 2020 (posted via mobile):  translation of little sentences ...more, + 1 other entry »
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Born in Quito, Ecuador, I grew up speaking Spanish natively and some English with my father. My first challenge was to learn by heart ten English verbs with him every day. The second challenge was in 2004 at the age of twelve when I moved to Italy and from the sixth grade I began learning Italian, which is now like my second native language. In 2007 at the first year of high school I approached to German which was a very difficult language for me. In my first test I had a very low mark. Now is the language I love most. The challenge here was to have changed school and lost three months of German basis. At the second year I began studying French and I haven’t stopped since then. In 2012, I chose intentionally a challenge with myself: continuing studying German and at the same time beginning Russian. I improved these languages both at the University in Padua and during the Erasmus in Germany: in both cases I have always had professors native speakers. Finally, another language opportunity came up at the second year: I chose Portuguese which belongs to my daily routine. Now I am looking for other challenges to keep me both practising the languages I know and improving my personal skills.

Mots clés : German, English, French, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, linguistics, slang, culture. See more.German, English, French, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, linguistics, slang, culture, tourism and travel, statistics, geography, medical, nutrition. See less.

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Sep 22, 2021