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français vers anglais: Vanilla General field: Autre Detailed field: Botanique
Texte source - français PAGE VANILLE
La vanille chez Plantex est avant tout une histoire de rencontre. La rencontre d’une plante aux propriétés aromatiques envoutantes et l’homme qui a su au fil des âges et des terroirs la sublimer pour en faire l’épice la plus recherchée et la plus appréciée.
Sur les traces des explorateurs qui sont allés dans les zones les plus reculées pour découvrir de nouvelles richesses. Plantex parcourt le monde au fil des rencontres afin de vous ramener le meilleur résultat du mariage d’une orchidée et de la main de l’homme. Originaire du Mexique, la vanille était utilisée par les Mayas et les Aztèques pour aromatiser une boisson à base de cacao. Cette association Cacao/Vanille fut ramenée par les conquistadors dans les Cours d’Europe pour en faire encore aujourd’hui un mariage parfait. Cette liane grimpante de la famille des orchidées a été introduite dans différentes régions où le climat était propice à sa culture. Mais la pollinisation naturelle opérée par une abeille endémique (la Melipone) en Amérique du Sud était impossible en dehors de son terroir d’origine. C’est sur l’ile Bourbon (la Réunion) du nom de la dynastie des rois de France que la rencontre entre le génie humain d’un jeune esclave réunionnais Edmond Albius et la nature opéra. La première pollinisation réussie par le jeune Edmond fut le démarrage du développement de la vanille à travers le monde et d’une longue tradition de savoir-faire.
L’appellation vanille « Bourbon » définit une zone de production limitée de l’Océan indien et non pas une qualité ou une espèce. Elle intègre l’Ile de la Réunion, les Comores, Iles Maurice, les Seychelles mais principalement Madagascar qui alimente près de 80% du marché mondial. C’est à Madagascar que Plantex se fournit principalement en vanille d’appellation Bourbon. Elle est la référence mondiale de vanille pour sa qualité aromatique indiscutable et son profil si caractéristique reconnu par tous.
Nous avons construit au fil des années un réseau dans différentes zones productrices de vanille de Madagascar. C’est ce travail de terrain essentiel qui nous permet aujourd’hui de garantir à nos clients un approvisionnement durable et de qualité
d’année en année. Pour nos clients, nous allons là où personne ne va à la recherche du meilleur et de l’authentique.
Pour produire une gousse de vanille Bourbon de qualité, il faut faire preuve de patience et respecter un processus traditionnel long de culture et de préparation. La production de gousses Bourbon de façon traditionnelle est divisée en différentes étapes.
La Vanilla Planifolia est cultivée traditionnellement à Madagascar sur un mode de production familiale en suivant le rythme des saisons. Une famille qui entretient une plantation de vanille va aussi produire du girofle, du poivre, de la cannelle, du litchi et effectuer ses récoltes en fonction des cycles de production de chaque espèce végétale. Les vanilliers sont cultivés sous ombrières naturelles. A Madagascar, on utilise sur les plantations la plupart du temps deux espèces d’arbres : le gliciridia et le jatropha qui servent de support à la liane et d’ombrelle naturelle. L’avantage de ses tuteurs est que leur élagage naturel permet de fournir à la liane un paillis végétal proche de l’environnement forestier d’origine en allégeant le sol et en apportant un engrais naturel. La mise en culture d’une nouvelle parcelle est réalisée par bouturage de lianes saines et va demander 2 à 3 ans avant de commencer à produire.
La pollinisation par la main de l’homme ou « mariage » est une opération qui est effectuée par des femmes, « les marieuses ». Cette opération qui demande une grande délicatesse consiste à écarter les sépales et le labelle central puis rabattre le rostellum à l’aide d’une épine en bois, ce qui permet alors le contact par une légère pression entre le pollen et les organes femelles.
Traditionnellement, la récolte a lieu 8 à 9 mois après la pollinisation. Chaque liane va alors produire plusieurs « balaies » de gousses de vanille qui ressemblent alors à de grands haricots verts. La vanille doit être cueillie mature, et la gousse arrivée à
maturité prend des teintes plus claire avec l’apparition d’un jaunissement à l’extrémité des gousses. Les malgaches appellent cela « queue de serin ». Si la gousse de vanille n’est pas récoltée au-delà de ce stade, elle va s’ouvrir pour libérer ses graines. La récolte s’étale généralement sur plusieurs semaines car les fruits n’arrivent pas tous à maturité en même temps.
Cette étape importante de la préparation de la vanille doit être effectuée le plus rapidement possible après récolte. Les vanilles vertes risquent en effet de pourrir, moisir et développer de mauvaises notes aromatiques irréversibles. L’échaudage consiste à plonger les gousses de vanille verte quelques minutes dans de l’eau chauffée entre 55 et 65 °C. Cela permet ainsi de déclencher le processus enzymatique de production d’arômes si caractéristique de la vanille.
Une fois l’échaudage réalisé, les vanilles sont rapidement égouttées et mises dans de grandes caisses en bois capitonnées de couvertures en laine puis recouvertes. Cela permet de maintenir l’humidité et la chaleur nécessaire à la réaction enzymatique. A l’issue de cette étape, les vanilles auront déjà pris une belle teinte brune et développé quelques notes caractéristiques.
Le séchage de la vanille est un processus long et fastidieux qui demande beaucoup de main d’œuvre.
Il faut distinguer ici 2 phases de séchage:
· Le séchage au soleil qui dure entre une et deux semaines est réalisé en sortant les vanilles par beau temps pendant quelques heures. Elles sont ensuite empactées et stockées dans des caisses en bois recouvertes de couvertures pour conserver la chaleur et ressuyer les vanilles.
· Le séchage à l’ombre est effectué sur des claies dans les magasins des préparateurs. Cette opération dure plusieurs mois et demande beaucoup de manipulations afin de trier les vanilles, les masser, les calibrer.
L’étape d’affinage ou maturation des vanilles est l’étape ultime de préparation des gousses de vanille.
Les gousses sont alors stockées dans des caisses tapissées de papier sulfurisé. Le parfum caractéristique de la vanille Bourbon va alors se révéler et se bonifier.
Après de long mois de patience et d’attention la vanille est enfin prête à être commercialisée dans le monde entier. Elle a maintenant son parfum si caractéristique, rond, gourmand et envoutant. Il aura fallu plus de 6 kgs de gousses vertes pour produire 1 kg de vanille préparée.
Les vanilles sont alors classées et triées en fonction de leur taille, couleur, aspect et rassemblée en bottillons ficellés d’un lien de rafia si caractéristique. Il faut beaucoup d’expérience et de savoir-faire pour effectuer ce travail qui est important pour la qualité des vanilles exportées.
Traduction - anglais VANILLA PAGE
Plantex vanilla is first and foremost a history of encounters. The meeting of a plant with mesmerising aromatic properties and man who learned over the ages to refine the product and make it the most sought after and popular spice.
Following in the footsteps of the most remote explorers to discover new riches, Plantex has travelled the world in order to bring you the best result in the marriage between the orchid and the human hand.
Originally from Mexico, vanilla was used by the Maya peoples and the Aztecs to flavour a cacao based beverage. This mix of Cacao/Vanilla was brought back to the courts of Europe by the conquistadors and, to this day, is still a perfect marriage. This vine from the orchid family was introduced into different regions where the climate was conducive to cultivation. However, the natural pollination by a native honeybee (the Melipone) in South America was impossible outwith this region.
It is on the Bourbon Island (Réunion Island) named after the dynasty of French kings that the meeting between the human genius of young slave from Réunion, Edmond Albius, and nature, took place. The first successful pollination by young Edmond was the beginning of the development of vanilla across the world and a long tradition of know-how.
Variety: Vanilla Planifolia
The vanilla name « Bourbon » defines a production area limited to the Indian Ocean and not the quality or species. It includes the Réunion Island, The Comoros, Mauritius, Seychelles, but primarily Madagascar which supplies almost 80% of global market needs. It is principally Madagascar where Plantex sources its Bourbon vanilla. This serves as the global vanilla reference due to its indisputable aromatic quality as well as its widely recognised characteristic profile.
Over the course of a number of years we have established networks in different vanilla production areas in Madagascar. This work on the ground which now allows us to guarantee sustainable and quality supply for our clients’ year on year. We go where no one else does to find the best and most authentic material for our clients.
To produce a quality Bourbon vanilla pod, patience is vital and the traditional long process of growing and preparation must be respected. The traditional production of Bourbon pods is divided into different steps.
Vanilla Planifolia is grown traditionally in Madagascar using family production modes which follow the cycle of the seasons. A family running a vanilla plantation will also produce cloves, pepper, cinnamon, lychee and will harvest based upon the production cycles of each plant species. Vanilla is grown in natural shade. In Madagascar, two tree species are usually used on plantations: the gliciridia and the jatropha which serve to support the vine and provide natural shade. The advantage of these tutors are that their natural shading provides the vine with an environment similar to that of the original forest environment through aerating the soil and providing a natural fertilizer. The cultivation of new plots is done through cutting healthy vines and will take between 2 and 3 years before the production process beings.
Hand-pollination or “marriage” is a task which is carried out by women, “the matchmakers.” This task requires a high level of delicacy and means removing the sepals and the central labella and then lifting the rostellum with a splinter of wood, this then allows for the contact and a little pressure between the pollen and females organs.
Traditionally, the harvest takes place 8 to 9 months after pollination. Each vine will then produce a number of vanilla pod “sticks” which resemble large green beans. Vanilla must be harvested when ripe, and the pod must ripen taking on a clearer shade and with the appearance of a yellowing at the extremities of the pods. The Madagascans call this “the tail of the plumage.” If the vanilla pod is not harvested after this stage, it will open up to free its grains. The harvest is generally spread out over a number of weeks as the fruits do not all ripen at the same time.
This important stage in preparation of vanilla must be carried out as quickly as possible after the harvest. Green vanilla risks rotting, decaying and developing an irreversible bad smell. The killing process involves plunging the green vanilla pods into water between 55 and 65°C for a few minutes. This allows for the enzymatic process to produce the characteristic aroma of vanilla.
Once the killing process is complete, the vanilla is quickly drained and put into large wooden containers padded with woollen covers and then covered once again. This allows for the humidity and heat which are necessary for the enzymatic reaction to be maintained. Following this stage, the vanilla will already have turned a nice brown tint and developed much of their characteristic flavour.
The drying of the vanilla is a long, tedious and labour-intensive process.
It is important to note the 2 phases involved in drying:
• Sun exposure which lasts between one and two weeks and is done by leaving the vanilla out in the sun for a few hours. They are then packed and stored in wooden containers which are covered in order to conserve the heat and keep the vanilla together.
• Conditioning in the shade is carried out in the light of the preparatory shops. This difficult task takes a number of months and requires many changes in order to sort, grade and bundle the vanilla.
The ripening stage or the maturing of the vanilla is the final step in preparing vanilla pods.
The pods are then stored in crates lined with parchment paper. The characteristic aroma of the Bourbon vanilla will then be enriched and grow.
After a long month of patience and care, the vanilla is finally ready to be sold across the world. It now has the characteristic aroma; rounded, gourmet and enchanting. It takes more than 6kg of green pods to produce 1kg of prepared vanilla.
The vanilla is then classified and sorted based on the size, colour and appearance and is gathered in the characteristic long sticks tied together with a raffia tie. A lot of experience and know-how is needed to carry out the work which is important to ensure the quality of the exported vanilla.
français vers anglais: Montreux Riviera General field: Autre Detailed field: Tourisme et voyages
Texte source - français Montreux Riviera
De Villeneuve à Lutry, en passant par Montreux, Vevey et Lavaux
Une balade un chocolat
L’artisan chocolatier Olivier Fuchs a imaginé des chocolats dont les saveurs s’inspirent de différentes régions que le promeneur pourra traverser au gré des balades proposées. Un étui en format de poche offrira, une fois ouvert, toutes les indications nécessaires à la randonnée. À l’intérieur, quatre fines plaques d’un chocolat Grand Cru spécialement choisi flatteront vos papilles tout au long du chemin. Les balades proposées dans la région Montreux Riviera : Lavaux : « DES VIGNES AU LAC » Lutry – Grandvaux Préalpes : « ENTRE TERRE ET CIEL » Le Molard Le Chablais : « JARDINS AU BOUT DU LAC » Villeneuve – Les Grangettes. A déguster sans modération. Uniquement disponible en français. Développement de l’anglais prévu courant 2018.
Montreux Riviera s’impose dans les guides gastronomiques
Chaque automne, les guides Michelin et Gault&Millau priment les meilleures adresses gourmandes de toute la Suisse. Depuis plusieurs années, Montreux Riviera se démarque grâce aux nombreuses adresses notées par ces deux références de la littérature gastronomique. Cette année, 6 nouvelles tables font leur entrée dans le guide Gault&Millau, augmentant ainsi le nombre de restaurants notés à 26 : Le Safran, l’Hôtellerie de Châtonneyre, Le Patio, Là-Haut, Au fil de l’eau et enfin, le Café de Riex. Pour le guide Michelin, la destination possède 5 étoiles Michelin sur les 17 que compte la Suisse.
Nouvelles adresses gourmandes à Glion !
Situé sur les hauts de Montreux, Glion est notamment reconnu pour abriter l’une des plus prestigieuses écoles hôtelières du monde. Accessible en train à crémaillère ou en funiculaire, le village offre une vue exceptionnelle sur le Léman. Depuis 2017, de nouvelles adresses gourmandes fleurissent. Le Buffet de la Gare a récemment été repris par deux jeunes chefs qui mettent un point d’honneur à servir des produits frais, locaux et de saison avec en prime, une terrasse panoramique. Le Jaman, repris récemment par un nouveau gérant, propose une cuisine de brasserie soignée dans un cadre chaleureux. Enfin, l’école hôtelière de Glion ouvre dès l’hiver 2018 un restaurant gastronomique, Le Bellevue, entièrement géré par ses étudiants.
Ouverture de l’Espace régional des Pléiades
Accessible par la route ou par petit train, Les Pléiades offre un grand bol d’air frais préalpin à quelques kilomètres seulement de Vevey. Été comme hiver, Les Pléiades ravis les promeneurs et sportifs par ses sentiers didactiques, de raquettes, pistes de skis de fond ou encore chemins pour VTT. En décembre 2017, l’Espace régional des Pléiades a ouvert ses portes et a pour ambition de renforcer les activités proposées sur le site. L’espace propose ainsi au public des dortoirs, un restaurant avec terrasse avec vue sur les Alpes, salles de séminaires, vestiaires et douches publics ainsi que la location de matériel sportif. L’ouverture de cet espace développera et étoffera sans aucun doute l’offre de la station perchée à 1400 mètres d’altitude.
Visionapartments, un nouvel appart-hôtel veveysan
Après Zürich, Berlin ou encore Abou Dhabi, la ville de Vevey s’enrichira au printemps 2018 de l’appart-hôtel Visionapartments. 35 suites de haut standing permettront à la clientèle d’affaires et touristiques de pouvoir séjourner pour de courts (1 nuit) et longs séjours (un an) au cœur de la Ville d’Images. Un fitness, un sauna, une salle de réunion, une terrasse avec bar estival sur le toit et enfin un restaurant (Kymem Café) agrémentent l’établissement !
Passage de flambeau au Major Davel
L’hôtel 3* de Cully a été repris depuis janvier 2018 par la famille Gauer, déjà propriétaire et gérante de la réputée Auberge du Raisin située à quelques pas de là. Au Major Davel, c’est une vue imprenable sur le lac, une terrasse les pieds dans l’eau qui séduit tout particulièrement ses hôtes. Avec ce changement de mains, l’hôtel rouvrira ses portes au printemps 2018 après quelques mois de travaux de rénovations et deviendra ainsi un établissement hôtelier 4*.
1820 Guest House
Ouverte en octobre 2017, la 1820 Guest House est un lieu de séjour chaleureux et cosy à Montreux Riviera. Situé à quelques minutes à pieds du lac et à 4min de bus de Montreux et du Château de Chillon, la Guest House jouit d’une localisation idéale. Chambres simples, doubles ou studio avec toutes des salles de bain privées, l’hôtel allie confort et modernité à prix doux.
Une célébration unique au monde
18 juillet au 11 août 2019
Célébration populaire et plusieurs fois centenaire, la Fête des Vignerons est organisée par la Confrérie des Vignerons et se déroule quatre fois par siècle à Vevey. Aujourd’hui et comme à son origine, la Fête rend hommage à toutes les générations de vignerons-tâcherons. Plus qu’un spectacle, la Fête des Vignerons est un grand chant d’amour et d’espoir, un hymne à la terre, à la patrie, à l’Homme et à ses racines. Elle célèbre le cycle de la vie. Conçu et mis en scène par Daniele Finzi Pasca, l’édition 2019 prendra place dans une arène installée au cœur de la ville de Vevey et qui accueillera près de 20'000 spectateurs et 5'000 acteurs/danseurs/chanteurs pendant l’une des 18 représentations. La Fête a été inscrite le 1er décembre 2016 au patrimoine mondial immatériel de l’UNESCO.
Dans un décor enchanteur, Montreux Riviera offre près de 2’500 chambres allant de l’auberge au palace ainsi que des espaces d’événements historiques et insolites de toutes capacités, dans un périmètre aisément parcourable à pieds ou en transports publics. Ces avantages font de la région, une destination de premier ordre dans le tourisme d’affaires.
Centre de congrès et d’exposition moderne et entièrement modulable, le 2m2c peut héberger des événements de 30 à 3'500 personnes. Il accueille chaque année de prestigieux rendez-vous, professionnels, culturels ou artistiques, dont le Montreux Jazz Festival. De 2019 à 2022, le 2m2c subira de larges travaux de rénovation visant à améliorer sa qualité d’accueil.
Petit Palais
Propriété du Fairmont Le Montreux Palace, le Petit Palais est un centre de conférences moderne d’une capacité totale de 1'200 personnes. Le lieu offrant un cadre adapté tant à des réunions festives que studieuses, il accueille régulièrement conférences, dîners de gala, ou mariages, entre autres.
Casino Barrière de Montreux
Le Casino Barrière de Montreux emmène les convives dans un univers de célébration, au cœur de l’esprit du jeu. Bénéficiant d’une vue imprenable sur le lac qui borde les lieux, les trois salles modulables peuvent accueillir jusqu’à 1'500 personnes.
〈 Première transmission de l’Eurovision à plus de 4 millions de spectateurs en 1954
〈 Symposium International de Télévision, fidèle à Montreux dès 1961 et durant près de 40 ans
〈 Sommet de la Francophonie, 3'000 pax, octobre 2010
〈 Genève II conférence sur la Syrie, 900 pax, janvier 2014
〈 Discussions sur le nucléaire iranien, mars 2015
〈 Championnat d’Europe de Taekwondo, 700 pax, mai 2016
〈 HYDRO, 1'400 pax, octobre 2016
〈 Congress of the European Orthodontic Society (EOS), 2'000 pax, juin 2017
Au bénéfice d’une expérience de 40 ans, le Convention Bureau et le Booking Centre de Montreux-Vevey Tourisme mettent leurs contacts privilégiés et leurs connaissances approfondies de la région à la disposition des organisateurs. Pour optimiser l’accompagnement et le développement du secteur spécifique des congrès, Lausanne et Montreux Riviera ont concentré leur expertise en un bureau commun aux deux destinations adjacentes : LMC – Lausanne Montreux Congress.
Traduction - anglais Montreux Riviera
From Villeneuve to Lutry, passing through Montreux, Vevey and Lavaux
A Walk, A Chocolate
Artisan chocolatier, Olivier Fuchs creates chocolates inspired by the different areas passed through by walkers following suggested routes. Once opened, a pocket-sized case offers all the necessary walking directions. Inside, four thin squares of specially selected Grand Cru chocolates will delight your taste buds throughout the walk. Recommended walks in the Montreux Riviera region: Lavaux “VINES TO LAKE” Lutry- Grandvaux Préalpes: “BETWEEN LAND AND SKY” Le Molard Le Chablais: “GARDENS BY THE LAKE” Villeneuve – Les Grangettes. To be enjoyed without restraint. Only available in French. Development of English version planned for 2018.
Montreux Riviera Makes a Name for Itself in Gourmet Guidebooks
Every autumn, Michelin and Gault&Millau guides name the best gourmet addresses in Switzerland. Montreux Riviera has stood out for a number of years due to its numerous addresses highlighted by these two references in gourmet literature. 6 new addresses have been included in the Gault&Millau guide this year, increasing the number of restaurants to 26: Le Safran, l’Hôtellerie de Châtonneyre, Le Patio, Là-Haut, Au fil de l’eau and finally, le Café de Riex. With respect to the Michelin guide, the area is home to 5 Michelin stars venues of the 17 across Switzerland.
New Gourmet Addresses in Glion!
Located in the peaks of Montreux, Glion is recognised for playing host to one of the most prestigious cooking schools in the world. Accessible by rack-railway or funicular, the village offers an exceptional view of Lake Geneva. Since 2017, there has been a boom in new gourmet addresses. The Buffet de la Gare has recently been taken over by two young chefs focussed on serving fresh, local, seasonal produce with the added bonus of a panoramic terrace. Le Jaman, recently taken over by a new manager, provides brasserie style cooking in a warm atmosphere. Finally, Glion’s cooking school will open Le Bellevue, a gourmet restaurant completely managed by its students, in the winter of 2018.
Opening of Pléiades Regional Space
Accessible by road or local train, Les Pléiades provides a great breath of pre-Alpine fresh air only a few kilometres from Vevey. Both in summer and winter months, Les Pléiades delights walkers and sportspeople with its educational trails, snowshoes, cross-country ski trails and mountain biking routes. In December 2017, Pléiades Regional Space opened its doors with the goal of bolstering the activities offered on-site. The space includes the public dormitories, a restaurant with terrace looking over the Alps, meeting rooms, changing rooms and public showers as well as a sporting equipment hire area. The opening of this space will undoubtedly develop and broaden the offering of the resort which sits at an altitude of 1400 metres.
Visionapartments, a New Aparthotel in Vevey
Following in the footsteps of Zurich, Berlin and even Abu Dhabi, the town of Vevey will see the arrival of a Visionapartments aparthotel in spring 2018. 35 luxury suites will give business people and tourists the option of short (1 night) and long (1 year) stays in the heart of the City of Images. A gym, sauna, meeting room, rooftop terrace with bar during summer months and finally a restaurant (Kymem Café) enhance the experience!
Passing the Torch to Major Davel
The 3-star hotel Cully was taken over in January 2018 by the Gauer family, already owners and managers of the renowned Auberge du Raisin, located only a stones throw away. Major Davel offers an unobstructed view over the lake and a terrace standing in the water which particularly charmed the hosts. With this change in hands, the hotel will reopen its doors in spring 2018 after a few months of renovation work and will be upgraded to a 4-star hotel.
1820 Guest House
Opened in October 2017, 1820 Guest House is a warm and cosy place to stay in Montreux Riviera. Only a few minutes walk from the lake and a 4-minute bus journey from Montreux and the Château de Chillon, the Guest House is ideally located. Simple rooms (double or studio) all have private bathrooms, the hotel combines comfort and modernity at a reasonable price.
A one-of-a-kind celebration
18 July to 11 August 2019
A centuries old popular celebration, the Wine-Growers Festival is organised by the Confrérie des Vignerons and takes place in Vevey every 25 years. As has been the case since it began, the Festival pays tribute to all generations of wine-grower/makers. More than a simple performance, the Wine-Growers Festival is a great song of love and hope, an anthem to the earth, homeland, Man and his roots. It celebrates the cycle of life. Created and staged by Daniele Finzi Pasca, the 2019 edition will take place in an arena installed in the heart of Vevey and will welcome almost 20,000 spectators and 5000 actors/dancers/singers during one of 18 performances. On 1 December 2016 the Festival was listed as UNESCO World Intangible Heritage.
In its enchanting setting, Montreux Riviera offers almost 2500 rooms ranging from hostels to palaces as well as historic and unexpected spaces for events of all sizes, in locations easily reachable by foot or public transport. These advantages make the region a first-class destination for business tourism.
A modern and adaptable conference and exhibition centre, 2m2c can cater for events for between 30 and 3500 people. Each year it plays host to prestigious professional, cultural and artistic meetings, including Montreux Jazz Festival. Between 2019 and 2022, 2m2c will see extensive renovation work in order to upgrade the quality of service provided.
Petit Palais
Owned by Fairmont Montreux Palace, Petit Palais is a modern conference centre able to cater for up to 1200 people. The location is equally suitable for celebrations and business meetings and regularly welcomes conferences, gala dinners, marriages and many other events.
Montreux Casino Barrière
Montreux’s Casino Barrière takes guests to a place of celebration; the heart of the spirit of the game. Enjoying an unobstructed view of the lake which borders the venues, the three versatile rooms can hold up to 1500 people.
〈 First transmission of Eurovision to more than 4 million viewers in 1954
〈 International Television Symposium, loyal to Montreux since 1961 for almost 40 years
〈 Francophone Summit, 3000 persons, October 2010
〈 Geneva II Conference on Syria, 900 persons, January 2014
〈 Discussions on Iranian nuclear, March 2015
〈 European Tae Kwon Do Championships, 700 persons, May 2016
〈 HYDRO, 1400 persons, October 2016
〈 Congress of the European Orthodontic Society (EOS), 2000 persons, June 2017
Benefiting from 40 years’ experience, the Convention Bureau and Montreux-Vevey Tourism Booking Centre use their wide-ranging contacts and their in-depth knowledge of the region to help organisers. To optimise the support and development of the specific conference sector, Lausanne and Montreux Riviera have brought together their expertise in a shared office with two adjacent premises : LMC – Lausanne Montreux Congress.
espagnol vers anglais: Kullaberg Transport Access General field: Autre Detailed field: Tourisme et voyages
8. Planteamiento del problema: ¿cómo actuar sin causar problemas en Mölle? Alternative lines of action.
En el Diagnóstico de este Plan ha quedado claro que los principales problemas relacionados con la movilidad que padece la reserva son consecuencia del exceso de coches que se dirigen a Kullens fyr atravesando Mölle. La situación actual es insatisfactoria para la preservación del espacio y también para los vecinos del pueblo. Y un previsible incremento de demanda en los próximos años agravaría los problemas y obligaría a adoptar decisiones improvisadas. Por eso conviene desde ahora analizar las diferentes líneas de actuación, seleccionar las más adecuadas y definir los escenarios deseables para el futuro de Kullaberg.
Está asumida, por tanto, la necesidad de regular el acceso de coches a la zona Este de Kullaberg. Para poder desarrollar con éxito el programa de intervenciones que se proponen en este plan es necesario reducir el número de vehículos circulando por Italienska vägen y la cantidad de coches aparcados en zonas sensibles de la reserva.
Actuar en esta línea es el deseo de los gestores de la reserva y es también una demanda de la gran mayoría de los visitantes. Y de los habitantes de Mölle.
Las medidas de regulación deben ser definidas con precisión, evitando generar conflictos en Mölle. La reducción de coches que entren a la reserva es un efecto positivo evidente para la población. Pero, si no se actúa con cuidado y coordinación, los conductores podrían intentar aparcar en las calles del pueblo generando conflictos.
Por tanto, la definición de las medidas de regulación debe ser cuidadosamente diseñada para evitar efectos no deseados. La regulación del acceso a Italienska vägen es competencia de la autoridad de carreteras y de los gestores de la reserva. Pero tiene implicaciones importantes en Mölle. Y las medidas deben estar coordinadas con la regulación de la movilidad en el municipio. Tiene que existir un acuerdo en los criterios de intervención, en las medidas a aplicar y en la programación. La regulación del acceso a Kullaberg puede hacer necesario regular también el acceso o el aparcamiento a algunas zonas de Mölle.
La regulación puede llevarse a cabo mediante dos alternative lines of action que se describen en los capítulos 9 y 10.
9. Alternative 1. Isolated approach (Access regulation)
NR managers regulate access in order to preserve the environment and upgrade the quality of the visit.
Las medidas a adoptar podrían ser las siguientes:
¥ Improving pedestrian paths
¥ Regulating cars access. Se podrían adoptar algunas medidas alternativas para reducir el número de coches: Introducing a fee for cars entering in the NR or applying Seasonal and hourly restrictions.
¥ Improving bus services. Frequency. Tariffs.
¥ Bikes can help. El acceso en bicicleta debe acondicionarse. Pero lo utilizarán pocos vistantes.
But those actions could induce problems in the village. The visitors who cannot access should try to park in Mölle and surroundings. Para evitar conflictos, el Ayuntamiento podría tomar medidas de regulación del acceso y el aparcamiento en zonas del núcleo urbano de Mölle.
Esta forma de actuación independiente pero con una cierta coordinación puede funcionar para gran parte del año sin conflictos importantes. Sin embargo, en los días punta, a partir de 1200 vehículos por día, existirían los siguientes riesgos:
• Falta de alternativa para los visitantes que llegaron en coche. Tendrían que buscar aparcamiento en Mölle o renunciar a la visita.
• Excesiva presión de coches aparcados y tráfico de búsqueda de aparcamiento en las calles de Mölle
Estos riesgos obligarían a ser moderados en la regulación. Sería muy complicado alcanzar una reducción importante en el número de vehículos. Probablemente no podría reducirse en más de un 25% en los días punta actuales.
10. Alternative2. Coordinated approach (access regulation and Kullaberg Gate).
Esta línea de actuación es más compleja y requiere coordinación entre varias administraciones. The city council and the region environmental authorities conceive and promote a Service and Parking area que denominaremos “Kullaberg Gate”.
Kullaberg Gate se concibe como el primer lugar de la Nature Reserve que va a conocer el visitante. Una gran parte de los visitantes (37.66 %) llegan al lugar por primera vez. Las señales de tráfico que indican “Kullaberg” lo conducirán hasta éste lugar y lo invitarán a parar aquí y a iniciar en este punto su visita a la reserva. Hoy, el visitante es dirigido por las señales hacia Kullens fyr directamente. Por inercia llega hasta allí y, en época punta, aparca en una zona abarrotada de vehículos recibiendo una primera impresión poco satisfactoria, como se ha comprobado en las encuestas realizadas.
¿Qué debe encontrar el visitante al llegar a Kullaberg Gate? Se concibe como un espacio cualificado en el que el visitante encontrará información de cómo conocer la reserva y disfrutar la experiencia de su visita. En Kullaberg Gate deben disponerse espacios de descanso y esparcimiento. Y debe contar con un área de servicios que comprenda:
• Bus stop
• Tourist services
• Information
• Toilets
• Entrance tickets
• Coffee shop (optional)
Además de estos servicios el visitante encontrará un lugar para aparcar su vehículo. Y se le invitará a dejarlo ahí gratuitamente y a realizar la visita utilizando medios alternativos:
• Walking. (Only 55 minutes to Kullens fyr or 40 minutes to Björkeröd)
• Free bus
• Combining walk and bus
• Bike.
En cualquier caso, podrá acceder con su coche a la reserva si así lo prefiere pero, en este caso, deberá abonar una cantidad de dinero (puede ser 50 SEK) por el derecho de acceder en coche y aparcar en el interior de la reserva.
The Parking Area of Kullaber Gate debe concebirse y dimensionarse como una alternativa cómoda e inmediata para la mayor parte de los vehículos que decidan utilizarla en peak season. Es muy importante realizar un diseño cuidadoso. No debe ser una explanada llena de coches. Es importante introducir vegetación fraccionando el espacio y evitando la percepción de la explanada llena de coches desde la zona de servicios.
Kullaberg Gate can be also used to increase the urban quality of Mölle. Visitors of Mölle could also be encouraged to use this area and walk from here.
La política de precios.
La regulación del acceso puede hacerse de diversas formas. Un procedimiento es establecer una cuota para acceder o para aparcar en el interior de la reserva. Proponemos este sistema porque es sencillo de aplicar y equilibrado. Pero, alternativamente o de forma complementaria la regulación puede realizarse estableciendo limitaciones de acceso por horas.
El sistema propuesto tiene como objetivo que el visitante perciba que la opción más conveniente para la preservación de la naturaleza, para la sociedad de Mölle y para la calidad de la visita es dejar el coche en Kullaberg Gate y realizar la visita en modos alternativos. Y este concepto debe quedar también claro en la política de precios. No existe ninguna intención recaudatoria. La propuesta consiste en unificar la gestión del sistema de transporte. Y que el importe de todo el sistema o de su mayor parte sea sufragado por quienes decidan acceder en coche. El estudio económico del sistema se realizará detalladamente al desarrollar las propuestas. Pero se puede adelantar ya que, si la mitad de los visitantes decide acceder en coche a Kullens fyr y abona 50 SEK por vehículo, con la recaudación obtenida puede sufragarse el importe íntegro de un servicio de autobuses con una frecuencia de un autobús cada 15 min en toda la temporada punta. Este servicio podría ser gratuito para la otra mitad de visitantes que decida dejar su coche en Kullaberg Gate.
Los precios de acceso a la reserva en coche y de los autobuses pueden variar a lo largo del tiempo para adaptarse a los objetivos y en función de la evolución de la demanda de cada modo de acceso. Si la demanda de acceso en autobús se incrementa y se reduce el acceso de coches puede ser necesario establecer una tarifa para el autobús. Pero, en ese caso, los autobuses estarán llenos y la tarifa pude ser realmente muy baja.
11. The intensity of the measures. Scenarios.
Mediante las estrategias de regulación de la entrada a la reserva (precios y horarios) pude regularse la reducción de vehículos que acceden a los niveles que se consideren más adecuados. De forma simplificada, se han definido tres Scenarios diferentes para que fuesen evaluados en el proceso participativo. In relation of the intensity of the measures, the number of cars getting into Kullaberg can be reduced:
¥ Scenario 1: Minimum reduction of cars. 20%. In this Scenario the objectives of the regulation son mínimos. Se trataría de asegurar que pueden rediseñarse las zonas de aparcamiento interiores de la reserva reduciendo la superficie destinada a seasonal Parking. Este objetivo podría conseguirse con cualquiera de los dos alternatives ways of action.
¥ Scenario 2: A significant reduction of cars. 50%. En este Scenario se reduce la intensidad de vehículos a la mitad, aproximadamente. Con esta reducción puede rediseñarse la sección de la Italienska vägen para establecer prioridad peatonal. Se pueden eliminar la mayor parte de los seasonal parking. Se mejoran radicalmente las condiciones en Mölle. Para desarrollar este Scenario sin riesgos para Mölle es muy conveniente disponer de Kullaberg Gate.
¥ Scenario 3: Kullaberg without cars (only special groups). 90%. In medium or long term, if the demand of a better quality is assumed by the society, cars in the reserve could be reduced to public transport, maintaining, economic activities and special groups.
12. Results of the participation process.
Durante todo el proceso de elaboración de este Plan, los gestores de Kullaberg Nature Reserve han mantenido un contacto permanente con la sociedad, representada fundamentalmente por el foro de participación, constituido dentro del proceso de la ECST, informando de la marcha del proceso y recibiendo las sugerencias de los participantes. Se han realizado las siguientes presentaciones:
June 1. Presentación de un primer Avance del Plan al foro.
July 26. Presentación de los trabajos a la asociación de vecinos de Mölle.
Los trabajos de encuestas realizados en Julio y Agosto tuvieron en cuenta las inquietudes manifestadas por los ciudadanos de Mölle. No eran sólo una toma de datos objetivos. Se pretendía, fundamentalmente, conocer la valoración de los visitantes del modelo de acceso a Kullens fyr, basado casi exclusivamente en el coche. Y se preguntaba sobre su actitud probable en el caso de una regulación. El resultado de la encuesta ya ha sido analizado en el capítulo 5. Interesa reseñar aquí que esa encuesta de preferencias declaradas puede ser considerada, de alguna manera, una forma de participación de los visitantes en la elaboración del Plan. Su punto de vista también debe ser considerado.
Una vez procesados los resultados de las encuestas y analizados todos los aforos de “peak season” de 2017 se pudo precisar el diagnóstico y presentarlo al foro programando un proceso de participación con dos workshop que se desarrollaron en Höganäs Stadshus organizados en base a estos dos bloques temáticos:
• Workshop 1. How to access Kullaberg. September 21th
• Workshop 2. How to move inside and enjoy Kullaberg. September 26th
El objetivo era que los miembros del foro se manifestaran sobre las cuestiones clave del Plan, seleccionaran las alternativas y escenarios que considerasen más convenientes e hicieran sugerencias para su aplicación. Se ha elaborado un documento específico que detalla el resultado de los talleres. Reproducimos las conclusiones más importantes.
A. Workshop 1. How to access Kullaberg.
The participants were divided in two groups and were asked to analyse two different questions: one group had to evaluate the necessity of establishing a parking and service area (Kullaberg Gate) outside Kullaberg; the other group worked about the intensity of regulations.
This was the question for the first group:
Question 1: What is the best way to apply the regulation measures?
Choose one alternative, give reasons.
• Alternative 1. Without Kullaberg Gate.
• Alternative 2. With Kullaberg Gate.
All the members of the group prefer alternative 2, Regulation with Kullaberg Gate.
They gave their arguments to support this option. According to their opinion, such area is needed to improve the traffic conditions in Kullaberg and Mölle. A regulation without a Kullaberg Gate could induce more cars parking in Mölle.
They also gave some suggestions for the services equipment in the service area and described some problems that must be addressed regarding the regulation of the access and the impacts of bus traffic.
And this is the question for the second group:
Question 2: Thinking in long term Scenarios for Kullaberg access in peak period, how intense should be the regulation to reduce the number of cars driving into Kullaberg? :
Choose the best and the worse alternative. Give reasons.
• Scenario 1: Minimum reduction of cars. 20%
• Scenario 2 : A significant reduction of cars in Kullaberg. 50%
• Scenario 3: Kullaberg without cars (only special groups). 90%
All the participants agreed that a significant reduction of the number of cars is desirable. They emphasized the risk of a soft regulation being not enough to solve the problems.
The reasons they give are related to the conservation of the nature in the area, the wellbeing of the neighbours and the quality of the visitor´s experience.
Some of the participants think that the option of restricting the cars in Kullaberg is the best in the long term, but some others alert that the access system has to be very well managed, and even then it could lead to a reduction of the number of visitors.
B. Workshop. How to move and enjoy in Kullaberg.
The participants were divided in three groups to analyse four different questions:
• Q1. Redesign the road as a multiuse platform.
• Q2. Redesign and extension of bus services.
Ð More frequency.
Ð Extend the offer to the east.
• Q3. Extend the offer of paths through Björkeröd grassland
• Q4. Suggest routes for easy bikers.
All the groups had papers to write down their opinion and observations, and a panel to organize all these papers to present their analysis.
Q1. Redesign the road as a multiuse platform.
The majority were in agreement. However, some concerns came out:
- Safety for cyclists and walkers. Would like to have a more clear division to ensure protection from cars.
- Not a solution that would work with the current use of the road.
- Do the horseback riders count as vehicle traffic or can they fit into the multiuse track?
Q2. Expansion of bus service.
All in agreement. Suggestions to make the connection further to Himmelstorp and Arild.
Q3. Extend the offer of paths through Björkeröd grassland.
All in agreement. Some concerns were:
- Safety of passing through fields with grazing animals.
Q4. Suggest routes for easy bikers.
Most of the participants agreed that is a good idea to mark the red trail in the east as suitable for bikes, nevertheless they have lots of concerns about extending the routes and adapting other trails for the bikes.
13. Selection of alternative ways of action and scenarios.
En este apartado se resumen las conclusiones del proceso de participación pública y se selecciona el scenario que debe desarrollar el Plan.
Durante el proceso de elaboración del Diagnóstico se ha constatado la correlación entre el tráfico de acceso a Kullaberg West y los conflictos generados en Mölle. La situación actual es insatisfactoria para el medio ambiente, para los habitantes de Mölle y para los visitantes. Y se pretende actuar para mejorar las condiciones ambientales de la reserva sin perjudicar a vecinos y sin impedir la afluencia de visitantes. Estas son las conclusiones del proceso:
• Una regulación unilateral de los gestores de la reserva encaminada a regular el acceso a la reserva reduciría los problemas ambientales y también el flujo de vehículos a través de Mölle. Pero podría generar nuevos problemas o incrementar los existentes en el pueblo, fundamentalmente un exceso de vehículos aparcando desordenadamente en el viario. La municipalidad estaría obligada a adoptar medidas de restricción de aparcamiento. Y los visitantes que llegan en coche a Mölle para visitar la zona no tendrían alternativas. Las medidas de regulación aisladas (Alternative 1) tendrían necesariamente un alcance y eficacia limitados.
• La Alternativa 2, Regulation with Kullaberg Gate, es más compleja y require mayor compromiso institucional y un proceso de planificación previo. Pero sólo con Kullaberg Gate pueden resolverse los problemas ambientales sin perjudicar o, incluso beneficiando, la calidad urbana de Mölle. Y se mejora la calidad de la visita sin dificultar el acceso.
• El foro de participación se ha pronunciado de forma unánime a favor de la creación de Kullaberg Gate.
Con respecto a la intensidad de las medidas de regulación, el foro ha considerado que la mejor opción es el Scenario 2, que requiere adoptar medidas que supongan una reducción significativa del número de coches que acceden en Peak season a Kullaberg West. El tráfico en Italienska vägen se reduciría a la mitad.
Por tanto, siguiendo las directrices de los gestores de la reserva y, en coherencia con el resultado del proceso de participación pública, este Plan de Movilidad Sostenible define las medidas necesarias para regular el acceso a la reserva a partir de Kullaberg Gate reduciendo el tráfico a la mitad en peak season.
Una ventaja importante de la creación de Kullaberg Gate es que, a partir de las tarifas que la administración determine, permite que cada visitante escoja libremente el modo de acceso. El resultado de las encuestas parece indicar que una alta proporción de los visitantes dejaría el coche por convicción, con independencia de las tarifas.
Este sistema permite además una evolución progresiva, sencilla y sin traumas hacia niveles de mayor reducción de coches en la reserva. Y esa circunstancia se podría dar por una decisión de la autoridad ambiental o, posiblemente, por elección de los propios visitantes.
Por tanto, el Plan definirá las medidas previendo que la demanda de usar modos alternativos será del 50 %. Pero, en la medida en que los visitantes perciban las ventajas de dejar el coche en KG y aprovechar las opciones de una visita de más calidad andando o utilizando el bus, es probable que se incremente ese porcentaje. Las políticas de precios y las dimensiones de Kullaberg Gate tendrían que adaptarse a estas nuevas demandas si se pretende que el sistema funcione sin coste para la administración.
8. Problem approach: how to act without causing problems in Mölle? Alternative courses of action
Throughout the diagnosis of this plan it has become clear that the main problems relating to mobility in the reserve are a consequence of the excess numbers of cars travelling through Mölle to reach Kullens Fyr. The current situation is unsuitable for the preservation of the area and for local communities. A predicted increase in demand over coming years would aggravate the problems and decision makers may be forced to improvise solutions. For this reason, it is important to analyse the different lines of action, selecting the most appropriate and defining advantageous scenarios for the future of Kullaberg.
Assuming this, there is a need to regulate car access to the East of Kullaberg. In order to successfully develop the intervention programme proposed in this plan, it is necessary to reduce the number of vehicles circulating through Italienska vägen and the number of cars parked in sensitive areas of the reserve.
This approach is favoured by the management of the reserve and it is also a request made by most of visitors and the inhabitants of Mölle.
The regulatory measures must be carefully defined, thus avoiding creating conflicts in Mölle. The reduction of cars entering the reserve is a clear advantage for the population. However, this must be carried out carefully and in a coordinated fashion as drivers could try to park in the streets of the town, consequently generating conflict.
Therefore, the defining of regulatory measures must be carefully designed to avoid detrimental effects. Access regulation to Italienska vägen is the responsibility of the Road Authority and reserve managers. However, it has major implications in Mölle. Therefore, all measures must be coordinated with the mobility department of the municipality. There must be an agreement regarding intervention criteria, the measures to be applied and the scheduling. Access regulation to Kullaberg may also regulate access or parking to some areas of Mölle.
The regulation can be carried out through two alternative courses of action which are described in sections 9 and 10.
9. Option 1: isolated approach (Access regulation)
Nature reserve managers regulate access in order to preserve the environment and improve the quality of the visit.
The following measures could be adopted:
¥ Improving pedestrian footpaths
¥ Regulating cars access. Alternative measures could be adopted to reduce car numbers: introducing a fee for cars entering the reserve or applying seasonal and hourly restrictions.
¥ Improving bus services. Frequency. Fares.
¥ Cycling may help. Access by bike must be facilitated. However, it will be used by relatively few visitors.
The actions above could result in problems in the village as the visitors who are unable to access should try to park in Mölle and the surroundings. In order to avoid conflicts, the City Council could take regulatory measures concerning access and parking in the urban centre of Mölle.
This type of independent measure carried out in a coordinated way could work for the majority of the year without major conflicts. However, during peak season when there are around 1200 vehicles per day, the following risks would arise:
• Lack of alternatives for visitors arriving by car. They would have to park in Mölle or cancel their visit
• Excessive pressure from parked cars and traffic looking for parking spaces on the streets of Mölle
These risks must be taken into account in regulations. It would be very difficult to achieve a significant reduction in the number of vehicles. It is unlikely that it could be reduced by more than 25% on current peak days.
10. Option 2.: coordinated approach (access regulation and Kullaberg Gate)
This course of action is more complex and requires coordination between several administrations. For this to work, the city council and regional environmental authorities will have to develop and promote a Service and Parking area which we will call "Kullaberg Gate".
Kullaberg Gate, is designed to be the first stop in a visit to the nature reserve. Given that many visitors (37.66%) arrive at the reserve for the first time, traffic signs directing visitors to “Kullaberg” will be used to guide them to this first access point and invite them to stop here and begin their visit to the reserve. Currently, visitors are directed by signs for Kullens Fyr. When arriving there at peak times, the visitor has to park in crowded areas which recent surveys have demonstrated creates a negative first impression.
What should the visitor expect when they arrive at Kullaberg Gate? It is designed to be a place in which the visitor will find information such as how to access the reserve and fully enjoy their visit. Kullaberg Gate must include areas for rest and recreation. There should also be a service area including:
• Bus stop
• Tourist services
• Information
• Toilets
• Entrance tickets
• Coffee shop (optional)
In addition to these services, the visitor will find a place to park their car for free and to continue their visit using alternative means:
• Walking. (Only 55 minutes to Kullens Fyr or 40 minutes to Björkeröd)
• Free bus
• Combining walking and bus
• Cycling
In any case, the visitor could access the reserve by car, but in this case they will be required to pay (possibly 50 SEK) to receive permission to park within the reserve.
The Parking Area of Kullaberg Gate should be designed and dimensioned as a convenient and accessible alternative for the majority of vehicles which opt to use it during peak season. It is vital to design this carefully. It must not be an esplanade full of cars. It is important to introduce separating hedges and to avoid the feeling in the service area of it being a care park full of cars.
Kullaberg Gate can be also used to increase the urban quality of Mölle. Visitors to Mölle could also be encouraged to use this area and walk from here.
Pricing policy
Access regulation can be implemented in various ways. One possibility is to introduce a fee to enter or park within the reserve. We propose this system due because it is straightforward to apply and balanced. However, alternatively or complimentarily, regulation can be carried out through the establishment of time-based limitations on access.
The main objective of the proposed system is for the visitor to see leaving the car at Kullaberg Gate and continuing the visit with alternative means of transportation as the most convenient option for the preservation of the environment, the community of Mölle and for the quality of the visit. This concept must be made clear in the pricing policy. There is no intention to profit from this. The proposal includes unifying the management of the transport system. This means that the either the full, or majority, of the cost is covered by those persons who decide to access the reserve by car. The economic study of the system will be carried out in detail in the proposal development phase. However, a preliminary estimation based upon the assumption that half of all visitors opt to enter Kullens Fyr by care and pay 50SEK per vehicle, shows that the revenue would be sufficient to cover the full cost of the bus service with a 15-minute frequency throughout peak season. This service could be offered free of charge to the other half of visitors who leave their cars at Kullaberg Gate.
The access fee to enter the reserve by car and the bus fares can vary over time in order to adapt to the objectives and depending on the change in demand for each mode. If the demand for bus access increases and car access is reduced, it may be necessary to establish a fare for the bus. However, in this case the buses will be full and the fare would be relatively low.
11. The intensity of measures: scenarios
Through the access regulation strategies (prices and schedules), the number of vehicles accessing can be reduced to a more adequate level. Put simply, three different scenarios have been defined to be evaluated in the participatory process. In terms of the intensity of the measures, the number of cars accessing Kullaberg can be reduced.
¥ Scenario 1: minimum reduction in cars (20%). In this scenario the objectives of the regulation are minimal. The goal is to ensure that internal parking areas of the reserve are redesigned through reducing the area allocated to seasonal parking. This objective could be achieved with either of the two alternative courses of action.
¥ Scenario 2: significant reduction in cars (50%). In this scenario the intensity of vehicles is reduced by approximately 50%. With this reduction the Italienska vägen area can be redesigned to establish pedestrian priority and most of the seasonal parking areas could be removed. This would radically improve conditions in Mölle. In order to develop this scenario in a risk-free manner, Kullaberg Gate must be available.
¥ Scenario 3: Kullaberg without cars (only special groups 90%). Medium or long term scenario, if the wishes of the local community are that there are no vehicles inside the reserve then car traffic would be limited to: public transportation, maintenance, special activities and groups.
12. Results of the participation process
Throughout the Mobility Plan development process, Kullaberg Nature Reserve managers have maintained constant communication with local communities, represented by the Participation Forum, established within the European Charter of Sustainable Tourism process, providing detailed information regarding the process and receiving suggestions from participants. The following presentations have been made:
June 1st. Presentation of a preliminary Progress Report to the Forum.
July 26th. Presentation to Mölle Neighbourhood Association
Surveys carried out in July and August took into consideration the main concerns expressed by the citizens of Mölle during the Participation Forum. This was not solely doen in order to receive objective data. The purpose of the survey was to value the visitor’s point of view regarding access to Kullens Fyr, which is almost exclusively done by car. It also aimed to measure feeling about potential access regulation. The survey results were analysed in Section 5, but it is important to emphasize that the stated preference information provided by the visitors is considered as a direct participation input and an important toll for the elaboration of the Mobility Plan, since visitor’s point of view must be taken also into consideration.
Once the results of the surveys were processed and all the "peak season" assessments for 2017 were analysed, the diagnosis was able to be made and the Forum organised a participation process with two workshops took place in Höganäs Stadshus organised based upon the following two themes:
• Workshop 1. How to access Kullaberg. September 21th
• Workshop 2. How to move around inside and enjoy Kullaberg. September 26th
The goal was to ensure that all members of the Forum were able to express their views on the key issues of the Plan, select alternatives and the scenarios which they see as most convenient as well as make suggestions regarding their application. A specific document has been prepared detailing the results of the workshops. Bellow you will find the main conclusions:
A. Workshop 1: how to access Kullaberg
The participants were divided into two groups and were asked to analyse two different questions: one group had to evaluate the need to establish a parking lot and service area (Kullaberg Gate) outside Kullaberg; and the other group evaluated the intensity of regulations.
Question for the first group:
Question 1: what is the best way to apply the regulatory measures?
Choose one alternative, give reasons.
• Option 1. Without Kullaberg Gate.
• Option 2. With Kullaberg Gate.
All members of the group prefer option 2, Regulation with Kullaberg Gate.
They provided reasons to support their choice. In their opinion, the area is needed to improve traffic conditions in Kullaberg and Mölle. Regulation without Kullaberg Gate could result in more cars parking in Mölle.
They also gave some suggestions regarding equipment in the service area and described some problems that must be addressed regarding access regulation and the impact of bus traffic.
Question for the second group:
Question 2: thinking about long- term scenarios for Kullaberg access in peak season. How intense should the regulation be so as to reduce the number of cars driving into Kullaberg? :
Choose the best and the worst option. Give reasons.
• Scenario 1: minimum reduction of cars. 20%
• Scenario 2: a significant reduction of cars in Kullaberg. 50%
• Scenario 3: Kullaberg without cars (only special groups 90%)
All participants agreed that a significant reduction in the number of cars is desirable. They emphasized the risk of a soft regulation being insufficient in resolving the problems.
The reasons they gave related to the conservation of nature, the wellbeing of neighbours and the quality of the visitor´s experience.
Some of the participants suggested that the option of restricting the cars in Kullaberg was the best option in the long-term. However, some others were concerned that the access system has to be well managed as it could result in a reduction in the number of visitors.
B. Workshop 2: how to move around in and enjoy Kullaberg
The participants were divided into three groups to analyse four different questions:
• Q1. Redesign the road as a multiuse platform.
• Q2. Redesign an extension of bus services.
Ð Higher frequency.
Ð Extend bus services to the east.
• Q3. Extend alternative footpaths through Björkeröd grassland
• Q4. Suggest routes for cyclists.
All the groups had a piece of paper to write their opinions and observations, and a panel to organize the results and present the final analysis.
Q1. Redesign the road as a multiuse platform
The majority were in agreement. However, some concerns were raised:
- Safety for cyclists and walkers. They would like to have clearer division of space to ensure protection from cars.
- Not a solution that would work with the current use of the road.
- Do horseback riders count as vehicle traffic or can they use the multiuse track?
Q2. Extension of bus service
All members agreed. Suggestions to extend the connection to Himmelstorp and Arild.
Q3. Extend alternative footpaths through Björkeröd grassland
All members agreed. Concerns raised were:
- Safety in passing through fields with grazing animals.
Q4. Suggest suitable routes for cyclists
Most of the participants agreed that is a good idea to mark the red trail in the east side as suitable for bikes, nevertheless they had many concerns regarding extending the routes and adapting other trails for cyclists.
13. Selecting alternative courses of action and scenarios
This section summarizes the conclusions from the public participation process and the scenario that has been selected to develop the Mobility Plan
During the diagnosis preparation process, the correlation between traffic accessing the west of Kullaberg and conflicts in Mölle have been confirmed. The current situation is unsatisfactory for Mölle local communities, visitors and for the preservation of the nature reserve. This course of action aims to improve the environmental conditions in the reserve without harming neighbours or affecting the influx of visitors. These are the conclusions of the process:
• A unilateral regulation from the management of the reserve will regulate access to the reserve and reduce environmental problems as well as the flow of vehicles travelling through Mölle. However, it could generate new, or worsen existing, problems in the town, particularly due to an excess in vehicles parking on the streets.
The Municipality will have to adopt measures to restrict parking. Visitors arriving in Mölle by car to visit the area will have no alternative. Isolated regulatory measures (Option 1) will have limited scope and effectiveness.
• Option 2, Regulation with Kullaberg Gate, is more complex and requires a higher level of institutional commitment and a prior planning process. However, environmental problems can only be resolved with Kullaberg Gate without harming the local community, or even providing benefitting the urban quality of Mölle . This will also improve the quality of the visit without inhibiting access.
• The participation forum has unanimously voted in favour of the creation of Kullaberg Gate.
Regarding the intensity of the regulatory measures, the forum consider that scenario 2 is the best option. This requires the adoption of a regulation which significantly reduces the number of cars entering Kullaberg West during peak season. Traffic in Italienska vägen would be halved.
Therefore, following the guidelines of the reserve managers and in line with the results reached during the participation process, this Sustainable Mobility Plan defines the necessary measures to regulate access to the reserve through Kullaberg Gate to halve traffic levels during peak season.
A main advantage of the creation of Kullaberg Gate is that, based on the rates determined by management, each visitor will be entitled to choose their access mode. The results of the surveys seem to indicate that a high percentage of visitors would leave the car due to their convictions, regardless of the rates.
This system also allows a progressive, effective and smooth move towards an increased level of reduction of cars in the reserve. This is a decision which could be made by the environmental authorities or as a result of visitor preference.
The Mobility Plan will define the measures based on a scenario where access by alternative modes of transport accounts for 50% of the total demand. However, when visitors see the benefit of leaving the car at Kullaberg Gate and take advantage of the possibility of a higher quality visit by walking or using the bus, it is likely that this percentage will increase. The pricing policies and dimensions of Kullaberg Gate would have to adapt to these new demands in order to operate without resulting in additional costs for management.
Études de traduction
Master's degree - Heriot-Watt University
Années d'expérience en traduction : 12. Inscrit à : Feb 2016. Devenu membre en : Jul 2019.
Hannah Slater respecte les pratiques professionnelles's - Liste des pratiques.
I am a qualified translator and conference interpreter working from French/Spanish into English for translation work and working bidirectionally French < > English and Spanish > English in interpreting. I work on a wide range of materials and have a particular interest in tourism, global politics and journalistic material.
I began working as a qualified freelance translator in 2016 upon completing my MA in translation and interpretation at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh. I subsequently completed a Masters in Conference Interpreting at London Metropolitan University in 2017 and have been working as both a freelance translator and interpreter since. I have spent time in the countries of my working languages (French and Spanish) through a year abroad at l'Université Paris 3 and Universidad de Salamanca as well as completing a traineeship in 2018 within the interpretation department of the European Commission.
I am passionate about communication as a driver in bringing communities together and to facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge across borders. It is this belief which has driven me to establish my career in the language services field.
Mots clés : english, translation, tourism, spanish, french