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Jun 15, 2017 (posted "Religious Culture, Predictability and Unity of the Law Through the Rule of Precedent". Tradução do português ao inglês. Publicado pela Revista da IAPL - International Association of Procedural Law e apresentado no Congresso Internacional da IAPL....more, + 3 other entries »
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anglais vers portugais: SHAREHOLDER’S AGREEMENT (CONSORTIUM) General field: Affaires / Finance Detailed field: Droit : contrat(s)
Texte source - anglais (…)
Therefore if and insofar the CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT and the MEMBERS OF CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT are not contradicted and/or amended by this Shareholders’ Agreement and/or any agreements as entered into between the Parties in the course of or in connection with the establishment of the COMPANY and/or the corporate instruments of the COMPANY, any and all provisions of the CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT and the MEMBERS OF CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT and/or the other instruments executed between the Parties in relation to the cooperation held shall remain applicable and in full effect, except if expressly provided otherwise;
Any termination or expiration of the CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT or the MEMBERS OF CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT and/or of the other instruments executed between the Parties in relation to the cooperation held shall not affect this Quotaholders Agreement or the COMPANY unless otherwise agreed between the Parties.
The Shareholders also wish to define the investment plan, the corporate relations between them, the voting of matters within the sphere of the COMPANY, as well as the establishment of pertinent rules on the transfer and assignment of capital quotas;
Traduction - portugais (…)
Portanto, se e na medida em que não haja contradição ou alteração do CONTRATO DE CONSÓRCIO e do ACORDO DE CONSORCIADAS pelo presente Acordo de Acionistas e/ou por quaisquer contratos celebrados entre as Partes no curso ou em conexão com a criação da SOCIEDADE e/ou seus instrumentos societários, toda e qualquer disposição do CONTRATO DE CONSÓRCIO, do ACORDO DE CONSORCIADAS e/ou dos demais instrumentos celebrados entre as Partes no âmbito da cooperação empreendida permanecem aplicáveis e em plena vigência, a não ser que previsto expressamente de outra forma;
A rescisão ou extinção do CONTRATO DE CONSÓRCIO, do ACORDO DE CONSORCIADAS e/ou dos demais instrumentos celebrados entre as Partes no âmbito da cooperação empreendida não afetará o presente Acordo de Acionistas ou a SOCIEDADE, salvo se as Partes tenham acordado de forma contrária.
As Quotistas também pretendem definir o plano de investimentos, as relações societárias entre elas, as questões referentes ao voto de matérias relacionadas a assuntos da SOCIEDADE, bem como a fixação das regras pertinentes à transferência e cessão de quotas;
anglais vers portugais: Sand Mining Industry and environmental damages General field: Droit / Brevets Detailed field: Environnement et écologie
Texte source - anglais (...) We act as consultants to a sand mining company, which is the defendant party in a civil law suit regarding possible environmental damages to XXX State's most important river caused by the extraction of sand used for construction and infrastructure development . The company’s mining activity (and the activities from two other mining companies) was halted for more than eighty days as a result of a court decision, that caused a severe social and economic impact in the entire state due to the lack of sufficient sand needed for infrastructure and real estate construction, as well as the dismissal of workers in the field. During this time, we advised the Company’s procedural strategy in an effort to reverse the court decision, and in regards to the Company´s approach to suppliers and the press. We also advised the Company in its dealings with environmental and regulatory public agencies in order to review the environmental licenses requirements and the negotiation of an agreement that allowed the Company to resume its operations. The restraining order, which halted the activities, was dismissed according to the terms of the agreement made between the parties. (...)
Traduction - portugais (...) Prestamos consultoria à empresa mineradora de areia que é ré em ação civil pública que discute possíveis danos ambientais ao mais importante rio do estado do XX, em função da extração de areia para uso na construção civil. As atividades de mineração da empresa (e de mais duas mineradoras) foram paralisadas por decisão judicial durante mais de oitenta dias, gerando forte repercussão econômica e social em todo o estado pela falta de areia para obras civis e de infraestrutura e pela demissão de trabalhadores que atuavam neste mercado. Durante este período, assessoramos a empresa na estratégia processual para reversão da medida judicial, no posicionamento junto à imprensa e nas relações com os fornecedores. Assessoramos, também, na interface com os órgãos públicos ambientais e regulatórios para revisão dos requisitos das licenças ambientais e construção de um acordo que permitisse a retomada da operação. A medida liminar que paralisava as atividades foi revogada mediante acordo estabelecido entre as partes.
portugais vers anglais: O Tratamento de Casos Repetitivos no Brasil: Notas sobre a Agregação de Litígios, o Processo Coletivo e os Precedentes Vinculantes em Demandas Judiciais nos Ditames do CPC/2015 General field: Droit / Brevets Detailed field: Droit (général)
Texte source - portugais O Tratamento de Casos Repetitivos no Brasil: Notas sobre a Agregação de Litígios, o Processo Coletivo e os Precedentes Vinculantes em Demandas Judiciais nos Ditames do CPC/2015
Autor: Professor Dr. XXX, Universidade YYY, Procurador de Justiça do MP do estado de ZZ
Sumário: 1. Introdução: o relacionamento entre as tradições jurídicas; 2. Casos repetitivos: o incidente de resolução de demandas repetitivas e os recursos especial e extraordinário; 3. Os casos repetitivos e as ações coletivas; 4. Os casos repetitivos e os precedentes; Conclusões.
Resumo: O direito brasileiro está passando por uma intensa transformação. O processo civil adotou o modelo de julgamento de casos repetitivos como uma forma de lidar com o grande volume de processos, atualmente mais de 110 milhões de ações. Trata-se de uma técnica de agregação de questões de direito material ou processual que sejam idênticas para julgamento conjunto através da escolha de um processo-piloto. Essa técnica de julgamento aplica-se aos processos em curso, individuais e coletivos, e é disciplinada no CPC em duas modalidades distintas: o incidente de resolução de demandas repetitivas e os recurso especial e extraordinário repetitivos. As relações entre os casos repetitivos e os processos coletivos e entre os casos repetitivos e a formação, aplicação e superação dos Precedentes judiciais Vinculantes exigem o desenvolvimento de técnicas e instrumentos para garantia do processo justo.
Palavras chave: Casos Repetitivos; Agregação de Litígios; Processo Coletivo; Precedentes vinculantes; CPC/2015.
Traduction - anglais Aggregate Litigation Cases in Brazil: Noteworthy considerations on the Aggregation of Cases, Collective Process and Binding Precedents in Litigations pursuant to the new CPC/2015
Author: Professor Dr. XXX, University YYY, Public Prosecutor at the state of ZZ
Summary: 1. Introduction: the relationship between legal traditions; 2. Aggregate Litigation: the aggregate claims (IRDR) and aggregate appeals of, either, infra constitutional or constitutional matter; 3. Aggregate Litigation and Class Actions; 4. Aggregate Litigation and Binding Precedents; Conclusions.
Abstract: Brazilian law is experiencing intense transformation. Civil Procedural Law has incorporated the aggregate litigation model of adjudication as means to cope with the increasingly large volume of lawsuits, currently, more than 110 million cases. The aggregate litigation technique combines cases of identical procedural or subject matter nature and submits them to a joint trial by filing a chosen leading case. This adjudicating technique is applicable to ongoing lawsuits of individual or class nature, pursuant to the CPC, which foresees two different scenarios: the aggregate claims (IRDR) and the aggregate appeals of either infra constitutional or constitutional matter. For a fair process to be ensured, the relationship between aggregate litigation and class actions cases, as well as the relationship between aggregate litigation and the establishment, application and overruling of binding Precedents require the development of appropriate techniques and tools.
Keywords: Aggregate Litigation; Class Actions; Binding Precedents; CPC/2015.
portugais vers anglais: Vicio oculto no Direito do Consumidor - Tradução de Petição da Firma de Advogados para o Lawyer da corporação internacional General field: Droit / Brevets Detailed field: Droit : contrat(s)
Texte source - portugais (...) “Destaque-se que o vício oculto, embora normalmente relacionado a produtos, pode ser referir a serviços também. É possível, portanto, que o prazo decadencial fique bem mais amplo do que o prazo de 90 dias, previsto para os vícios aparentes e de fácil constatação.
Deve-se demonstrar, por exemplo, que determinado serviço deixou de atender ao padrão de qualidade esperado em razão de um vício oculto no material utilizado ou, ainda, de um fazer inadequado cujo resultado só se manifestou sete ou oito meses após o término da execução do serviço.
Em outros termos, o critério da vida útil não se restringe aos produtos, vez que significa também uma durabilidade mínima do resultado dos serviços.” (...)
Traduction - anglais (...) “It shall be remembered that the hidden defect, even though usually related to products, may be related to services as well. Therefore, the term of the statutes of limitation may be much longer than 90 days, as specified by the apparent defects.
It must be demonstrated, for example, that a certain service did not meet the expected quality standards due to a hidden defect in the material used, or to substandard performance, whose result has emerged only seven or eight months after the performance of the service.
In other words, the useful life criterion is not restricted to the products, since it also means a minimum durability of the service’s results. (...)
anglais vers portugais (Law Graduate Degree in Portuguese) anglais vers portugais (Brazil - PUC (Catholic University) Law Undergrad. ) anglais vers portugais (Brazil - PUC (Catholic University) Business Underg) anglais vers portugais (TJRS - State Supreme Court MEDIATOR in Portuguese) portugais vers anglais (USA - Rule 31 Mediator (English))
portugais vers anglais (UK - Cambridge ILEC Certified (LEGAL ENGLISH)) portugais vers anglais (USA - RESPA (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act) portugais vers anglais (USA - Financial Institutions Certifications. QA Bi) portugais vers anglais (USA Interpreter PT>EN EN>PT St. Jude Hospital) espagnol vers portugais (DELE - Cervantes Institute Certificate in Spanish) espagnol vers anglais (La Prensa Latina Bilingual Weekly Column Writer ab) français vers portugais (DALF, L'Alliance Française, etc.)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Brazilian Ph.D Lawyer-Linguist 4 Languages - Native: English, Portuguese Extra Proficient Language: Spanish, French Ph.D. in Modern Languages - SPANISH - OXFORD 2018-onwards Ph.D. in Legal Translation 2017-onwards M.A. in Linguistics - Legal English 2015-2016 UFRGS Grad. Degree Lato Sensu in Law 2014
Attorney Member of the Bar since 1993 CAMBRIDGE ILEC CERTIFIED in LEGAL ENGLISH
PhD Laureate Int'l + UFRGS - Legal Translation
M.A. in Legal English
UFRGS Law Graduate Degree
Linguistics Graduate Degree
UNIVERSITY TEACHER (Text Linguistics, ESL, Legal English, etc.)
FORMER LAW PROFESSOR (Civil Law, Contracts, Commercial Law)
Clarity Int'l Country Rep. for Brazil
Mediator for the Court of Appeal IN BRAZIL
Mediator - Rule 31 - USA
Member of the Bar for more than 20 years
Member of the Bar Mediation Committee
Member of the IMI (Int'l Mediaton Institute, The Hague, Netherlands)
Member of Plain Language Network
Information Systems Analysis Bachelor Degree 1st 5 semesters (of 8)
RESPA Law Practice as Real Estate Closing Officer & Notary Public
BANK P&P Quality Assurance Bilingual Specialist
Export Trilingual Specialist and Ship Booking Clerk
Trained & Worked 5 yrs as Translator Interpreter for St. Jude Hospital
Music IBA Institute of Fine Arts Piano & Lyric SInging-Bachelor Degree
CPR with EAD with Defibrillator (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)
Member of the Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology Boards: Board of Reviewers and Board of Language Editors.
Member of the Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology Boards
-Board of Reviewers:
-Board of Language Editors:
Member of the Board of Reviewers of Quaestio Iuris Law Journal - UERJ (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
Weekly Bilingual column - La Prensa Latina (English / Spanish)
Clients: Professors of UFRGS, UFPR, PUCRS, Univ. de Louvain-Belgium, Univ. of Western Michigan, Univ. of California, Brazil 4 Senses (Tourism Magazine), EAS Energy, Gerdau-Ameristeel, Veirano Attorneys, Souto Correa Attorneys, Bar Association Superior School ESA, Bar Association Mediation Committee, PhDs at the Linguistics School (PhD Dr. Rosane C., PhD Dr. Onici F., PhD Dr. Cristiane L., etc.), PhDs at the Law School (PhD Dr. Daniel M., PhD Dr. Luiz G. M., PhD Dr. Rodrigo A., PhD Dr. Ivo A. etc.), M.D. Dr. Andressa S., M.D. Dr. Marluce H., , M.D. Dr. Fernanda K., Litigating Int'l Laywers: Director of AES Energy, Managers of AES (Vinicius O, Gabriel M., etc.)
Legal Proofreader, Writer, Translator for Largest Brazilian Law Firm
Published Author: several books (author), dozens of articles and translated books for renowned Legal Professors. Int'l Lecturer: avg. 3 conferences/yr
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