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français vers anglais: Franco-German Meeting on Economic Policy General field: Affaires / Finance Detailed field: Gouvernement / politique
Texte source - français Paris et Berlin veulent un accord commun en faveur de l’investissement
Les ministres français de l'Economie et des Finances, Emmanuel Macron et Michel Sapin, ont rencontré ce lundi 20 octobre à Berlin leurs homologues allemands. Les ministres français sont repartis d'Allemagne avec la promesse de propositions communes sur l'investissement mais pas nécessairement dans les termes qu'ils espéraient…
L’heure était à l’harmonie pour le quatuor franco-allemand réuni dans la capitale allemande. Paris et Berlin veulent tous deux plus d’investissements pour soutenir la croissance. Mais comme souvent dans le dialogue franco-allemand, le même terme n’a pas forcément la même signification.
Dans une interview au quotidien germanique Frankfurter Allgemeine, le ministre français de l’Economie a plaidé en faveur d'une dépense supplémentaire de 50 milliards d’euros de la part de Berlin. Sur place, Emmanuel Macron a expliqué ne pas avoir formulé de demandes aussi impératives.
Son homologue allemand Sigmar Gabriel a certes concédé que la somme correspondait au déficit de l’Allemagne en matière d’investissements. Mais pour le vice-chancelier social-démocrate, c’est d’abord le secteur privé qui doit être mobilisé. Berlin ne veut pas remettre en cause sa discipline budgétaire et ne croit pas aux dépenses à court terme pour soutenir la demande.
L’Allemagne veut plutôt que, sur le long terme, le secteur privé investisse plus dans les secteurs d’avenir tels que le numérique ou l’énergie. L’Allemagne et la France veulent élaborer ensemble des propositions valables pour chacun des deux pays ou en faveur de projets communs ou européens. Le contenu de ces propositions sera rendu public d’ici le prochain conseil économique et financier franco-allemand qui se tiendra le 1er décembre.
Traduction - anglais Paris and Berlin Seek an Agreement in Favor of Investment
Emmanuel Macron (French Secretary of the Economy and Finance) and Michel Sapin (French Secretary of the Economy, Industry and Digital Technology) met in Berlin on October 20 with their German counterparts. After the meeting, the French statesmen left Germany with the promise of shared proposals concerning investment, but not necessarily with the conditions that they were hoping.
The session was harmonious for the Franco-German quartet, gathered in the German capital. Paris and Berlin both want more investment to support economic growth. But as it occurs often in Franco-German dialogue, the same condition does not necessarily have the same significance on both sides.
In an interview with the German daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine, the French Secretary of the Economy spoke in favor of an additional expense of €50 million on the part of Berlin. In the meeting, however, Emmanuel Macron explained that he had not formulated such imperative demands.
His German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel certainly conceded that the amount referenced by Macron corresponds to Germany’s budget deficit with regard to investment. But according to the social-democratic vice-chancellor, the private sector needs to be called into action first. Berlin does not want to challenge its fiscal discipline and does not believe that short-term spending will bolster market demand.
Germany would prefer that the private sector increase its investment in the long term in the economic sectors of the future such as digital technology or energy. Germany and France want to draw up proposals together that are valuable for each of the two countries or that are in favor of communal or European projects. The content of the proposals will be made public between now and the next Franco-German economic and financial committee meeting that will take place on December 1st.
allemand vers anglais: Excerpt - Study on Dangers of Acetaminophen General field: Médecine Detailed field: Médecine : médicaments
Texte source - allemand In der aktuellen Übersichtsarbeit … gehen Brune und Kollegen der Frage nach, welche Nebenwirkungen Paracetamol in den empfohlenen Mengen von höchstens vier Gramm am Tag hat. Dies ist in der Fachwelt heftig umstritten, besonders vor dem Hintergrund, dass das Analgetikum als einziges während der gesamten Schwangerschaft eingenommen werden darf und als Zäpfchen für Kinder unter sechs Kilogramm und unter drei Monaten zugelassen ist.
Für ihre Analyse haben Brune und seine Kollegen vom Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) die neuere Forschung über Paracetamol zusammengetragen.
Eine große statistische Erhebung aus diesem Jahr mit 64.322 dänischen Müttern und ihren zwischen 1996 und 2002 geborenen Kindern zeigt: Frauen, die in der Schwangerschaft regelmäßig Paracetamol schluckten, haben häufiger Kinder, die verhaltensauffällig sind oder an ADHS leiden. Etwa die Hälfe der Mütter gab an, während der Schwangerschaft Paracetamol eingenommen zu haben. Ihre Kinder hatten ein rund 37 Prozent höheres Risiko, die Diagnose ADS oder ADHS zu erhalten, als Kinder, deren Mütter kein Paracetamol während der Schwangerschaft eingenommen hatten. Gleichermaßen war ihr Risiko erhöht, später ADHS-Medikamente verschrieben zu bekommen. Insgesamt wurde bei rund 1330 Kindern ADHS oder ADS diagnostiziert. Dass die Medikamenten-Einnahme für dieses höhere Risiko verantwortlich ist, kann die Studie allerdings nicht belegen.
Traduction - anglais In their current survey study, Brune and her colleagues investigate the side effects that accompany taking acetaminophen at the highest recommended dose of four grams per day. This study is highly contested among experts, especially in today’s context where the analgesic is the only one that can be taken at any time during the gestation period or can be used as a suppository for infants under three months of age and weighing less than thirteen pounds.
For their analysis, Brune and her colleagues from the Hamburg-Eppendorf University Clinic have compiled the more recent research around acetaminophen.
A large statistical study conducted this year with a population of 64,322 Danish mothers and their children born between 1996 and 2002 indicates that women who take acetaminophen regularly during pregnancy more frequently have children who suffer from behavioral problems or ADHD. About half of the mothers reported taking acetaminophen during pregnancy. Their children had about a 37% higher risk of being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD than the children of mothers who took no acetaminophen during their pregnancy. Likewise, they had a higher risk of being prescribed medicine for ADHD later in life. Altogether, around 1,330 children were diagnosed with ADHD or ADD. However, the study cannot prove that taking acetaminophen is responsible for the heightened risks.
Années d'expérience en traduction : 17. Inscrit à : Aug 2014.
I am a freelance French to English and German to English translator specializing in business management. I have recently launched my freelance translation business after a 10-year career in project management. My qualifications include a B.A. in French with a minor in Economics, strong course work in German language, literature and culture, study abroad experiences in Quebec and France, teaching experience in Senegal (West Africa), and over a decade of professional experience working with multinational companies. Throughout my professional career, I have provided high-quality translation and interpretation services across the chemical manufacturing, business solutions, as well as the travel and tourism industries. I am also a member of the American Translators Association and the Delaware Valley Translators Association.
Mots clés : French, German, English, Translation, Interpretation, Business, Management