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Points PRO : 657, Réponses aux questions : 688, Questions posées : 1
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français vers anglais: Conditions d'embauche des chauffeurs General field: Autre Detailed field: Ressources humaines
Texte source - français Ressources humaines/Human Resources
Notre entreprise s’engage à embaucher des gens qualifiés, répondant à des standards de qualité et de sécurité élevés. Nos critères de sélection respectent les lois et règlements de transport en vigueur dans les juridictions où le chauffeur sera appelé à travailler. Nos critères et procédures respectent aussi d’autres lois et règlements tels que le droit des personnes, la loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels ou encore la loi sur l’équité en matière d’emploi.
Groupe Robert recrute le personnel selon les conditions suivantes :
1. Les candidats doivent avoir 21 ans ou plus tel que demandé par la réglementation américaine et par la compagnie d’assurance *
2. Les candidats doivent disposer d’un droit valide pour travailler au Canada.
3. Les candidats doivent posséder un permis de conduire valide de véhicule commercial (classe1-mention FM ou classe A).
4. Les candidats doivent avoir un minimum d’un (1) an d’expérience en tant que chauffeur classe 1 et au minimum cinq (5) ans pour les divisions spécialisées.
5. Une partie de cette expérience peut être compensée par une formation dans une école de conduite de véhicules lourds reconnue. Le candidat doit fournir la preuve qu’il/elle a réussi cette formation.
6. Les candidats doivent fournir un dossier de conduite daté de moins de trente (30) jours. Il ne doit pas présenter plus de cinq (5) points d’inaptitude*.
7. Les candidats doivent fournir leur antécédent judiciaire (GRC, SQ, MP, OPP) datée de moins de trente (30) jours.
8. Groupe Robert effectuera, en plus, une recherche d’antécédents judiciaires par Azimut pour tous les chauffeurs ou par TLD pour les chauffeurs allant aux États-Unis seulement *
9. Les candidats doivent nous fournir leur ‘Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP)’. Seulement pour les chauffeurs qui conduiront aux États-Unis.
10. Groupe Robert fera les références professionnelles antérieures des cinq (5) dernières années.
11. Si le candidat a conduit aux États-Unis au cours des vingt-quatre (24) derniers mois, le consentement sur les drogues et l’alcool devra être complété par les employeurs précédents.
12. Les candidats doivent réussir l’examen routier avec véhicule et remorque de Groupe Robert.
13. Les chauffeurs pour les divisions États-Unis et Ontario doivent parler, lire, écrire et comprendre l’anglais.
14. Les chauffeurs pour les divisions Locale et Régionale doivent parler, lire, écrire et comprendre le français.
15. Les candidats doivent passer un test médical et un test de dépistage de drogue et Alcool. Le dépistage devra être négatif.
16. Les candidats doivent fournir tout autre certificat de qualification, le cas échéant (carte FAST si chauffeurs aux É-U, carte Twic, mentionT, ASP…)
Ne seront pas embauchés pour un poste de chauffeur :
• des gens dont le permis de conduire est confisqué ou révoqué
•des gens assignés à nos allers-retours aux États-Unis dont le passeport est confisqué ou révoqué.
Traduction - anglais Human Resources
Our company is committed to hiring qualified people who meet high safety and quality standards. Our selection criteria obey current transport rules and regulations of jurisdictions where the driver will have to work. Our hiring criteria and procedures are also in accordance with other laws and regulations such as human rights, protection law of personal information as well as the employment equity law.
Groupe Robert recruits employees under the following conditions:
1. Applicants must be 21 years old and up as required by the American regulations and the insurance company *
2. Applicants must have a valid permit to work in Canada.
3. Applicants must have a valid driver’s license for commercial vehicle (Heavy vehicle combination class 1) with mention FM (air break and manual standard transmission) or class A.
4. Applicants must have a minimum of 1 year class 1 experience and a minimum of 5 years for specialized divisions.
5. Part of this experience can be compensated by a training acquired in a recognized driving school for heavy vehicles. The applicant must provide the evidence that he / she completed this training successfully.
6. Applicants must provide a driver’s record dated no more than 30 days prior to submission. Driver’s record must show no more than 5 demerit points*.
7. Applicants must submit their judicial record (RCMP, SQ, MP,OPP) dated less than thirty 30 days.
8. Groupe Robert will furthermore make a search for criminal record through Azimuth for all the drivers or through TLD for drivers going to the United States only *
9. Applicants must provide their ' Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) '. This only applies to drivers who will drive in the United States.
10. Groupe Robert will verify previous professional references for the past 5 years.
11. If the applicant drove in the United States over the past 24 months, the consent on drugs and alcohol will have to be completed by the previous employers.
12. The applicants must pass the road test with the vehicle and trailer of Groupe Robert.
13. Drivers of the United States and Ontario divisions have to speak, read, write and understand English.
14. Drivers of the Local and regional divisions have to speak, read, write and understand French.
15. Applicants must undergo a medical test and a screening test for drug and Alcohol. The screening will have to be negative.
16. Applicants have to supply any other qualification certificate if necessary (FAST card if they drove in the USA, Twic card, T mention, ASP)
Will not be hired for driver's post:
• people whose driving license has been seized or revoked
• people assigned to our round trips in the United States whose passport has been seized or revoked.
anglais vers français: PFA Guidelines Detailed field: Psychologie
Texte source - anglais PFA Guidelines for Classroom Interventions
The classroom is a familiar setting that helps reestablish routine and fosters students’ supporting one another.
Take into account the developmental level of the students and modify interventions accordingly. Where a
classroom has been the site of a violent incident or the death of a student or teacher, modify these guidelines
to address this and spend more time with this group. Try to implement PFA-S early in the day, so that
teachers and staff can observe student reactions and provide appropriate support.
Classroom Alert:
Providing PFA-S in the classroom can give students the information they need and teach them
ways to cope, while allowing them to support and comfort each other. Although they are in the same
class and know each other, students may have vastly different experiences of the event. Structure
the session so that students do not become distressed by their classmates’ descriptions of their
experience. If students do spend time talking or drawing pictures about the event, reserve time
before the group ends to focus on more hopeful thoughts and to teach them skills for coping with
their feelings.
Structure the group by saying something like:
a different experience. Because the group is time limited, we won’t be able to hear in detail what
happened to each of you. What’s actually more helpful is for you to problem-solve with each other
and to learn helpful ways to cope with the feelings and thoughts you are having. We will update you
about what has been happening and about the kinds of resources available to help you during this
Core Action 1: Contact and Engagement
Conduct the group with another provider.
Before the group, have the teacher identify any student who may need to be excused from this intervention
or who is the subject of concern.
Include the teacher in the discussion so that s/he can address questions that may arise at a later
date. When a teacher has died, have a staff member who knows the students well participate in the
Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the meeting. Have the other provider introduce him/herself.
Traduction - français Premiers soins psychologiques (PSP), guide d’interventions en classe
La classe est un milieu familier aidant à rétablir la routine qui favorise l’encouragement mutuel des élèves. Prenez en considération le niveau de développement des étudiants et ajustez les interventions en conséquence. Dans le cas où une classe aurait été la scène d’un incident violent ou de la mort d’un étudiant ou d’un enseignant, adaptez les lignes directrices pour vous centrer davantage sur cette problématique et pour passer plus de temps avec ce groupe. Essayez de mettre de l’avant le plan d’intervention des premiers soins psychologiques le plus rapidement possible, de sorte que les enseignants et le personnel puissent observer les réactions des élèves et leur offrir le soutien approprié.
Action de base 1 : Contact et engagement
• Animer le groupe avec un autre intervenant.
• Devant le groupe, demander à l’enseignant d’identifier tout élève susceptible de devoir quitter la présente intervention ou étant sujet à préoccupation.
• Inclure l’enseignant dans la discussion de manière à ce qu’il puisse composer avec des questions pouvant surgir plus tard. Dans le cas où l’enseignant est décédé, demander à un membre du personnel connaissant bien les étudiants, de participer à l’intervention.
• Se présenter et expliquer le pourquoi de la rencontre. Demander à l’autre intervenant de se présenter.
• Si un élève se montre particulièrement émotif ou doit quitter la classe, l’accompagner personnellement. Prévoir une ‘pièce de refuge’ ou autre aménagement permettant aux élèves d’aller trouver répit et réconfort.
Lorraine Dubuc respecte les pratiques professionnelles's - Liste des pratiques.
Lorraine Dubuc
Native language: French; fluent in English and German, basic knowledge of Spanish
I provide high-quality translation and language services, scrupulous attention to detail, and dedication to the goals of the entity I am representing through my work. I offer translation from English into French, as well as writing and editing services in French.
I have had a long and varied career in language services and business. I have taken on leadership roles in many business activities, including sales management, customer service, and as the head of marketing.
My coursework in translation has been an asset at every stage of my career. For example, as a Testoterm commercial officer, I translated many advertisements and operating instructions for digital electronic measuring devices.
In addition to marketing for the electronics industry, I have provided services in the fields of chemical industry, fashion, and engineering. Lately I have been working on marketing and educational material. With the exception of a brief in-house position with a transportation firm, where I translated human resources, agreement, training and educational material, I have been a professional freelance translator and language service provider for twenty years.
Concordia University, Montreal
Bachelor of Arts in English to French translation, Minor in German
Since October 2013 Freelance translator
• February to October 2013 Groupe Robert, Boucherville
Job title: Translator and editor at a major transportation firm
Duties: Translation from English to French and vice versa of all training material, safety-security at work as well as prevention and intervention plan in case of emergency documentation, and human resources materials. I created an English-French glossary of transportation terminology. I have a confirmation from them stating that I translated over 500,000 words.
• 1994-2012
Job title: Freelance Writer and Translator of English into French
Duties: Producing content for internet-based publishers. Writing, translation, proof reading and adaptation of advertising texts for clients including the City of Montreal, Hydroponic Canada, IBM Canada, Exode International, Société des parfums français, Globalux and more.
• 1990-1994 R. Mabit Inc. Vercheres, Québec
Job title: Sales Officer
Duties: Representation and management for a line of German electronic measuring devices. Responsibilities included sales, customer service, training end users, billing, collecting payments, planning and budgeting, technical support, marketing, creation of press releases, organizing traveling exhibitions, and English to French translation of operating instructions and brochures about the products’ technical features.
Education: I attended a one-week technical sales training and development session at the Testoterm head office in Germany.
Achievements: Increased accounts receivable by70%. Sales in 1993 were five times higher than in1989.
•1988-1990 Editions de Mortagne, Boucherville, Québec
Job title: Freelance translator
Duties: Translation from English and German into French, including two books on parapsychology
•1982-1988 Exode Import Inc., Montreal
Job title: Credit Manager, Staff Supervisor
Duties: coordination of the clerical work and staff supervision, training employees on a new computer system; translation, writing, book- keeping, billing, delivery planning, customer service as well as distribution of sales reports and accounts-receivable records.
• 1980-1982 PGL International, Montreal
Job title: Secretary to the Assistant to the Vice President, Secretary to the Vice President of Finance at an engineering firm
Duties: Production of various reports from CIDA and EDC, editing of budgets for international projects. Follow-up on Algerian projects, and Ivory Coast. Writing and translation of documents for a project related to tourism in Algeria.
• 1973-1979 Hoechst Canada Inc., Varennes, Québec
Job title: Secretary
Duties: Filing production reports, inventory of raw materials, human resources services, purchasing and order tracking, writing and translation.
Creation and presentation of a lecture entitled “The Keys Leading to Results” in the context of recruiting trainers for the Institut de Développement Professionnel (IDP).
Publication of an essay entitled “Du Bonheur s’il-vous-plaît,” followed by lectures about happiness for various community groups.
Publication of a poetry collection entitled “Dialogue poétique” with co-writer André Morin.
Data processing in Microsoft Word. Typing speed of sixty words per minute.
Training and information on SDL Trados 2014 software attended in November 2013. Webinar Trados extra features attended December 2013. Webinar about sub titles and dubbing. Excel, Powerpoint, transcription, translation of website segments.
My strengths include creativity, advertising and technical writing, grammar, training, and organizing. I translate up to 500 words per hour.
October 23, 2013
Madam, sir,
I hereby confirm that Mrs. Dubuc worked for our company from February 18 to October 22, 2013.
Throughout her employment with our Company, Mrs. Dubuc has demonstrated great professionalism with clients and her colleagues.
She also demonstrated ease for adaptation as well as competence and collaboration.
I recommend Mrs. Dubuc. She represents an asset for any organization.
You can reach me at (514) 521-1416, extension 2712 for additional information.
Please accept, Madam, Sir, my regards,
Yours sincerely,
Jocelyne Nadeau, Director of Organizational Training and Development
Groupe Robert
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Total des points gagnés: 766 Points de niveau PRO: 657
Mots clés : ATA member, Membre ATA, français, anglais, French, English, traduction, translation, transport, mode d'emploi. See more.ATA member, Membre ATA, français, anglais, French, English, traduction, translation, transport, mode d'emploi, directions, how to, do it yourself instructions, textes variés, various topics, electronic measuring device, instrument de mesure électronique, esthétique, aesthetic, révision, rédaction, politiques et procédures, psychology translation, traduction psychologie, ressources humaines, human resources, safety security at work, santé sécurité au travail.. See less.