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Échantillons de traduction proposés: 2
néerlandais vers anglais: Fashion United General field: Art / Littérature Detailed field: Entreprise / commerce
Texte source - néerlandais Vrijdag 29 October 2010
De Franse PPR groep heeft in de eerste negen maanden van het lopende boekjaar een omzet gegenereerd van 12,6 miljard euro. Dat is een stijging van 6,7 procent vergeleken met 2009. In het derde kwartaal, dat op 30 september afliep, werd een omzet geboekt van 4,5 miljard ( 12,9 procent). Vorig jaar sloot PPR het boekjaar af met een omzet van 16,5 miljard euro.
PPR rapporteert groei in alle divisies, maar de Gucci Group (met o.a. Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Alexander McQueen en Yves Saint Laurent) springt eruit met een omzetstijging van 27,1 procent naar 1,04 miljard in het derde kwartaal. Op vergelijkbare basis steeg de omzet bij Gucci 16,7 procent. Puma is goede tweede met een omzetstijging van 16,5 procent naar 784 miljoen (like for like 4,9 procent). Bij de Fnac-keten groeide de omzet het minst sterk, 4,3 procent (lfl 3,2 procent), maar liep wel op tot 999 miljoen. Volgens de groep is de groei bij Fanc vooral te danken aan de gestegen omzet die online wordt gegenereerd ( 20 procent).
Gekeken naar de negen maanden grens dan is de Gucci Group opnieuw de winnaar met een omzetstijging van 16,4 procent naar 2,86 miljard (like for like 11,4 procent). Fnac heeft echter het meeste geld in kas gebracht: hier bedroeg de omzet 2,91 miljard, een stijging van 3,4 procent (lfl 2,4 procent) ten opzichte van vorig jaar. De omzet van Puma bedroeg 2,08 miljard, een plus van 5,7 procent (lfl -1,6 procent).
Van de individuele luxemerken heeft Bottega Veneta de sterkste groei laten zien. Op vergelijkbare basis steeg de omzet over de eerste negen maanden van het jaar met 16,4 procent. In het derde kwartaal werd een reële omzetgroei van 41,7 procent geboekt, like for like 27,3 procent. Het bedrijf heeft 144 winkels wereldwijd. Ook Alexander McQueen, waarvan in februari dit jaar de naamgever en hoofdontwerper een eind aan zijn leven maakte, en het bedrijf van Stella McCartney hebben sterke omzetstijgingen laten zien. Maar exacte cijfers maakt PPR van deze bedrijven niet bekend.
Traduction - anglais Friday 29th October 2010
The French PPR group has generated revenue of 12.6 billion Euros in the first nine months of the current financial year. That represents an increase of 6.7 per cent compared to 2009. During the third quarter, which ended on 30 September, a profit was recorded of 4.5 billion Euros ( 12.9 per cent). However, last year, PPR closed the fiscal year with sales of 16.5 billion Euros.
PPR reported growth in all divisions, but the Gucci Group (which includes Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Alexander McQueen and Yves Saint Laurent) broke even with an increase in sales of 27.1 per cent to 1.04 during the third quarter. On a comparable basis, turnover increased at Gucci by 16.7 per cent. Puma came a close second with a sales increase of 16.5 per cent to 784 million (like for like 4.9 per cent). At the FNAC chain, sales grew the least strongly at 4.3 per cent (lfl 3.2 per cent), but did reach 999 million. According to the group, the growth at FNAC is principally due to the increased sales that are generated online ( 20 per cent).
Looked at over the entire nine month period, the Gucci Group is yet again the winner with a sales increase of 16.4 per cent to 2.86 million (like for like 11.4 per cent). Nevertheless FNAC has generated most money in the bank: in this case the revenue totalled 2.91 billion, an increase of 3.4 per cent (lfl 2.4 per cent) compared to last year. The revenue of Puma totalled 2.08 billion, a surplus of 5.7 per cent (lfl -1.6 per cent).
Of the individual luxury brands, Bottega Veneta has shown the strongest growth. On a comparable basis the turnover increased during the first nine months of the year by 16.4 per cent. During the third quarter, an actual sales increase of 41.7 per cent was recorded, like for like 27.3 per cent. The company has 144 stores world-wide. Both Alexander McQueen, whose alias and chief designer put an end to his life in February this year, and Stella Mc Cartney’s company, have shown strong sales increases. But PPR is not publishing the exact figures for these companies.
français vers anglais: Pollutions antiques General field: Autre Detailed field: Journalisme
Texte source - français Pollutions antiques
Au milieu du XIXe siècle, un médecin, un certain docteur Ancelon, mène une étude de santé publique sur les habitants de la vallée de la Seille (Moselle). Par rapport aux populations alentour, ils vivent dix ans de moins en moyenne. Ils succombent à la "fièvre des marais" ; souvent goitreux, ils souffrent de fréquents dysfonctionnements thyroïdiens... A qui la faute ? A l'exploitation de sel qui, depuis plus de trois mille ans, est pratiquée dans cette petite vallée, sise à quelque 30 kilomètres de Nancy. Une longue histoire peu à peu mise au jour par des fouilles archéologiques, dont la dernière campagne s'est achevée début septembre.
Il n'y a, aujourd'hui, plus de marécages autour de la Seille. Désormais canalisée, la rivière s'écoule au milieu des prairies où paissent vaches et chevaux. Asséchés à la fin du XIXe siècle, les marais ont disparu. Tout juste subsiste-t-il, ici ou là, quelques mares salées affleurant le long de la vallée, sur le territoire des communes de Marsal, de Salonnes, de Vic et de Moyenvic. "Les premières preuves archéologiques d'exploitation du sel dans cette zone remontent à l'âge du bronze, vers 1200 avant J.-C. environ, explique l'archéologue Laurent Olivier, responsable des fouilles et directeur du département des âges du fer au Musée d'archéologie nationale. Il est possible que cela ait commencé dès le néolithique, mais nous n'en retrouvons pas trace."
Traduction - anglais Age-old pollution
In the mid-nineteenth century a doctor - a certain Dr. Ancelon – carried out a public health study on the inhabitants of the Seille valley (Moselle). Compared to the surrounding communities they lived on average ten years less. Succumbing to “swamp fever”, often goitrous, they suffered frequent thyroid disorders. What was the cause? It was due to the mining of salt, which had been implemented for more than three thousand years in this little valley situated some 30 kilometres from Nancy. A long history was gradually revealed by archaeological excavations, the last of which was completed in early September.
Today there are no more marshes around the Seille valley. Presently canalized, the river flows between grasslands where cows and horses graze. Drained at the end of the 19th century, the swamps disappeared. Today they only just exist as a few salt ponds appearing here and there along the valley across the territory of the communes of Marsal, Salonnes, Vic and Moyenvic.
“The first archaeological evidence of the mining of salt in this area goes back to the Bronze Age around 1200 BC,” explains archaeologist Laurent Olivier, head of excavations and director of the department of the Iron Age of the National Museum of Archaeology. “It is possible that the mining of salt began in the New Stone Age, but we cannot trace it (that far) back.”
Études de traduction
Other - London City University
Années d'expérience en traduction : 15. Inscrit à : Sep 2010.
néerlandais vers anglais (City University London, verified) français vers anglais (Alliance Française - Commercial French) français vers anglais (University of Aberdeen, verified) anglais (Chambre de Commerce et d'industrie - Paris, verified) espagnol (ACCENT -Guernsey, verified)
espagnol (University of Aberdeen)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Windows Vista 2007, Powerpoint
I have predominantly worked within import and export, especially within the field of international interior decoration and design as a multilingual administrator speaking, translating and writing Dutch and French in particular. My oral and written language skills were, other than dealing with customers, employed during international marketing and advertising projects and exhibitions and shows in Europe, when I was asked to be the interpreter.
I was born in the UK but brought up in the Netherlands and went to Dutch schools, obtaining a Dutch leaving certificate. I therefore consider myself bilingual Dutch and English. MA Translation Services, my freelance business, offers translation from Dutch and French to English up to 10,000 words per week or proofreading up to 10,000 words per week. My specialization fields are import/export, interiors, design, art, art history, which I studied at university, commercial, business translation from French and Spanish to English, for which I have gained certificates, marketing, media, banking and finance translation. I have a certificate in interior decoration & design, which is a personal interest.
I treat my work seriously and concentrate on my work thoroughly to produce a professional result. I communicate by the email address above. The equipment I use is a Dell PC, Windows Microsoft Office Vista 2007, broadband internet, and a Canon laser printer.
References are available upon request.
Mots clés : Dutch, French, English, translation, proofreading, fashion, interiors, decoration and design, business, commerce. See more.Dutch, French, English, translation, proofreading, fashion, interiors, decoration and design, business, commerce, art, art history, marketing, media, journalism, travel, tourism, international organisations, general. See less.