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Échantillons de traduction proposés: 3
italien vers anglais: Arriva da Catania la tecnologia satellitare di Antech General field: Affaires / Finance Detailed field: Télécommunications
Texte source - italien Sistemi integrati per la comunicazione satellitare. E’ questo il core business della Antech di Catania (, azienda che produce tecnologie all’avanguardia e le vende a imprese radiofoniche e televisive di tutto il mondo. Un comparto, quello della tecnologia satellitare, in costante espansione: l’Eurisko ha calcolato che per la sola televisione via satellite, in Italia risultano installate 8,4 milioni di parabole, con una penetrazione del 40% su 21 milioni di famiglie.
Tra i prodotti di punta della Antech c’è un mezzo mobile di nuova concessione, denominato “One Touch and Go”. Presentato a SatExpo Europe due anni fa, è un sistema economico ed estremamente flessibile per la trasmissione satellitare in mobilità. Il sistema è installato su un Doblò Fiat ed è dotato di amplificatori tipo “solid state”. Il tutto sfrutta un’antenna Antech supportata da uno specifico sistema (completamente alimentabile anche a "batterie intelligenti", senza bisogno di gruppi elettrogeni o corrente alternata) capace di effettuare, al semplice tocco di un pulsante, l'auto-puntamento sul satellite, attivando nel contempo il link di comunicazione. Pertanto, il mezzo "One Touch and Go" può essere gestito anche da personale non specializzalo, o addirittura, nei casi limite, da un unico giornalista, dimostrandosi inoltre molto utile per chi deve lavorare nei centri urbani.
Per il suo successo la Antech ha puntato su qualità e innovazione, investendo parte del fatturato nello sviluppo di tecnologie sempre più avanzate. E’inoltre in costante contatto con i principali operatori del settore (come per esempio Eutelsat, Mediaset, Sky, Telecom Italia Media, ma anche associazioni come la Aeranti-Corallo) per la creazione di un network capace di produrre servizi flessibili per tutte le esigenze di comunicazione, sfruttando i vantaggi propri dell’infrastruttura satellitare, a cominciare dalla possibilità di garantire in tempo reale una copertura istantanea e globale.
La Antech è nata e cresciuta nel distretto tecnologico dell’Etna Valley. Fondato a Catania nel 1997 intorno allo stabilimento della StMicroelectronics – una delle più importanti aziende hi-tech italiane – e successivamente formalizzato nel 2003 e nel 2005 da accordi tra gli enti locali e il Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (Miur), il distretto tecnologico è oggi un network che beneficia della presenza di diverse strutture scientifiche di alto livello, dai dipartimenti di chimica e fisica dell'Università di Catania, all'Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi (Imm) del Cnr, ai laboratori catanesi dell'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. Il distretto catanese è specializzato in micro e nanotecnologie applicate all'information & communication technology (Ict) nei campi dell'opto-elettronica, della bioelettronica, della biosensoristica e della bioinformatica e nello sviluppo di nanomateriali e di dispositivi innovativi in grado di assicurare elevata affidabilità, minori interferenze con l'ambiente, risposte meccaniche e termiche più rapide e un limitato consumo di energia e materiali.
Traduction - anglais Integrated satellite communication systems form the core business of Antech (, a company from Catania that produces and sells cutting-edge technologies to radio and television companies around the world. Satellite technology is a sector in constant expansion: Eurisko has calculated that for satellite TV alone, 8.4 million satellite dishes have been installed in Italy, accounting for 40% of 21 million households.
One of Antech’s top products is a new mobile system concept known as "One Touch and Go". Presented at SatExpo Europe two years ago, it is an economical and extremely flexible system for satellite transmission on the move. The system is installed on a Fiat Doblò and is equipped with solid-state amplifiers. It uses an Antech antenna supported by a special system that can even be powered completely by "smart batteries" with no need for generators or alternating current, and is capable of performing automatic satellite tracking at the touch of a button while activating the communication link at the same time. This means that "One Touch and Go" can be operated by non-specialised personnel or even, in extreme cases, a single journalist, demonstrating that it can also prove very useful for those who work in urban centres.
Antech has focused on quality and innovation for its success, investing part of its turnover in the development of increasingly advanced technologies. It is also in constant contact with key stakeholders (such as Eutelsat, Mediaset, Sky Telecom Italy Media, as well as associations such as Aeranti-Corallo) to create a network capable of producing flexible services for all communication needs, exploiting the inherent advantages of satellite infrastructure, starting with the potential to provide real-time and instantaneous global coverage.
Antech was born and developed in the Etna Valley technology zone, which was founded in Catania in 1997 around the establishment of STMicroelectronics – one of Italy’s leading high-tech companies - and subsequently recognized in 2003 and 2005 through agreements between the local authorities and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). The technology zone is now a network that benefits from the presence of various high-level scientific structures such as the Departments of Chemistry and Physics of the University of Catania, the Institute for Microoelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) of the National Research Council (CNR) and the laboratory of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Catania.
Catania’s technology zone is specialised in micro and nanotechnology applied to information and communication technology (ICT) in the fields of optoelectronics, bioelectronics, biosensors and bioinformatics, and in the development of nanomaterials and innovative devices capable of providing high reliability, lower environmental impact, faster mechanical and thermal responses, and reduced consumption of energy and materials.
français vers anglais: Sony met au point un écran souple qui s'enroule General field: Technique / Génie Detailed field: Télécommunications
Texte source - français Le fleuron de l'électronique japonais, Sony, a annoncé mercredi avoir développé un prototype d'écran vidéo souple en couleurs, qui se roule autour d'un petit cylindre et peut se transporter dans une poche comme un simple stylo.
Il s'agit d'un écran d'une dizaine de centimètres de diagonale, composé d'un substrat souple ultra-fin sur lequel sont répandues de minces couches de matériaux organiques semi-conducteurs et électroluminescents. Cet écran peut afficher des images animées en 16,7 millions de nuances colorées et peut être roulé car il ne comporte plus de circuit électronique rigide à la périphérie, selon Sony.
"Même après plus de 1 000 cycles d'enroulement et étirement, nous n'avons pas constaté de nette dégradation dans l'affichage", a assuré le groupe. "Nous pensons que ces résultats entraîneront la création d'appareils électroniques mobiles fins, légers et robustes", a-t-il souligné.
Sony n'est pas la seule firme nippone à travailler sur le développement d'écrans souples qui puissent se manier comme un journal. L'organisme public des nouvelles énergies et techniques industrielles conduit aussi un vaste programme pluriannuel de recherche, avec plusieurs entreprises privées nippones, pour créer un dispositif qui permette de fabriquer des écrans souples à la chaîne de la même façon que l'on imprime des journaux.
C'est ce type de procédé à haut rendement que Sony entend également mettre en œuvre. Son prototype d'écran sera présenté jeudi lors d'un colloque en marge du Salon "Society for Information Display" à Seattle, aux Etats-Unis.
Traduction - anglais Sony, the pride of Japanese electronics, announced Wednesday that it has developed a prototype flexible colour video screen that wraps round a small cylinder and can be carried in a pocket like a pen.
The 10-inch diagonal screen consists of an ultra-thin flexible substrate spread with thin layers of organic semiconductors and electroluminescent particles. It can display moving images in 16.7 million colour shades and can be rolled up because it no longer requires rigid electronic circuitry round the edge, according to Sony.
“Even after more than 1,000 cycles of rolling up and stretching, we observed no significant deterioration in display,” the group confirmed. “We believe that these results will lead to the creation of slim, lightweight and robust mobile electronic devices,” it said.
Sony is not the only Japanese company working on the development of flexible displays that can be handled like a newspaper. The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization is also carrying out a broad research programme with several private Japanese companies to create a device for chain production of flexible screens in the same way as newspapers are printed.
This is the type of high-yield process that Sony intends to implement. Its prototype screen will be presented Thursday on the sidelines of the Society for Information Display Symposium in Seattle, United States.
espagnol vers anglais: Biodiversidad agrícola General field: Sciences sociales Detailed field: Agriculture
Texte source - espagnol Una de las dimensiones menos comprendidas y más ignoradas de la diversidad biológica es la agrícola. La biodiversidad agrícola comprende la amplia variedad de especies vegetales y animals que forman la base esencial para la supervivencia y el sustento de las comunidades humanas. Esta variedad ha permitido desarrollar una gama de especies vegetales y razas animales domesticadas que son sumamente productivas en sus contextos específicos, pueden resistir plagas y enfermedades, poseen alto valor nutritivo y tienen capacidad para adaptarse a cambios climáticos.
La biodiversidad agrícola, tal como se promueve aún hoy en muchas partes del mundo a través de prácticas de producción diversificada, es fundamental para la supervivencia de numerosas comunidades. Son prácticas que tienen costos muy bajos en términos de insumos, utilizan menos sustancias químicas y su resistencia a enfermedades y plagas es alta. Esto cobra particolar relevancia ante la existencia de aproximadamente 1.000 millones de personas, en su mayoría mujeres jóvenes y niños, que hoy sufren desnutrición.
La biodiversidad agrícola es la base de una alimentación variada, que a su vez mejora las condiciones de nutrición y salud de la población. Una población más saludable es más productiva. La multiplicación de beneficios es evidente. La biodiversidad agrícola también atenúa las variaciones de rendimiento de las cosechas. En los sistemas de producción diversificada las cosechas son más estables de un año a otro. Esta estabilidad es importante para los pequeños productores agrícolas de zonas rurales, ya que contribuye a minimizar riesgos y garantiza que sus familias tendrán alimentos durante todo el año. También se ha sostenido que la mayor diversidad mejora la posibilidad de la agricoltura de enfrentar la amenaza que supone el cambio climático. Los sistemas más diversos -- los que poseen y utilizan la mayor diversidad -- son los que más posibilidades tienen de adaptarse a condiciones climáticas cambiantes.
A pesar del enorme valor de la biodiversidad silvestre y agrícola, son poco comprendidas y escasamente
reconocidas. Un ejemplo es el resultado de una encuesta realizada hace unos años en Europa sobre la actitud los ciudadanos hacia la biodiversidad. De los 25.000 encuestados, un altísimo porcentaje (70 por ciento) no supo responder qué se entendía por biodiversidad. Pero las actitudes están cambiando, y crecen
la conciencia y el reconocimiento de la importancia de la diversidad biológica como base del desarrollo sostenible y el benestare humano. Poco a poco se empieza a entender que la buena gestión de los recursos naturales fomenta relaciones pacíficas en la comunidad, promueve un crecimiento económico más equilibrado y contribuye a reducir la pobreza. Una biodiversidad saludable es esencial para que podamos adaptarnos al cambio climático y a otras condiciones cambiantes. Este reconocimiento debe traducirse rápidamente en acciones de conservación.
Traduction - anglais One of the least understood and recognized dimensions of biological diversity is that of agricultural biodiversity. Agricultural biodiversity encompasses the wide variation within plant and animal species
that human communities critically depend on for survival and sustenance. This diversity has allowed for the development of a range of plant varieties and livestock breeds that are highly productive in their specific contexts, can resist pests and diseases, have good nutritional value and are also capable of coping with a
changing climate.
Biodiverse agriculture as is still practised in various parts of the world is crucial for the survival of many marginalized agricultural and tribal communities. Input costs are low, fewer chemicals are used, and
resistance to disease and pests is high. This is important considering the estimated one billion people, most of them young women and children, who are currently suffering from malnutrition.
Agricultural biodiversity underpins dietary diversity, which delivers better nutrition and greater health. Healthier people are more productive. The benefits multiply. Agricultural biodiversity also reduces yield variations. Harvests in diversified production systems are more stable from one year to the next. This is important for small farmers in rural areas as it helps them minimise risks and guarantees that their families will have food year round. It has also been argued that greater diversity is agriculture’s best hope for dealing with the threat posed by climate change. The most diverse systems – those that have and use the highest diversity – are likely to be the most adaptable to changing climatic conditions.
Despite their enormous value, wild and agricultural biodiversity have been little understood and scarcely recognised. A telling example of this is the Europe-wide survey on the attitude towards the issue of biodiversity conducted a few years ago. Of the 25,000 Europeans interviewed, a surprising 70 percent were unable to say what the term biodiversity means. Attitudes, however, are changing, and there is a growing awareness and acceptance of the importance of biological diversity in underpinning sustainable development and human welfare. Well-managed natural resources foster peaceful communities, promote more balanced economic growth, and contribute to poverty reduction. Healthy biodiversity is essential to help us adapt to shifting conditions, including a changing climate. This recognition must be urgently translated into conservation action.
Années d'expérience en traduction : 35. Inscrit à : May 2010.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, QuarkXPress
CV available upon request
After graduating in Politics/Sociology and Mass Communications, I worked briefly as a Research Associate in Mass Communications, before turning journalist/communication and media consultant. These various positions required language skills beyond those of my mother tongue, and I had already acquired good knowledge of French at school and university prior to transfer to Italy in 1978 to work for a bilingual (English and Spanish) international news agency based in Rome. This experience has been invaluable in helping hone my translation skills and given me the capacity to understand and express foreign language texts in my mother tongue. I abhor literal translations and make every effort to render translated text in clear, concise, correct and current English.
Mots clés : translation, Italian, French, Spanish, development, international organisations, social sciences, media, journalism, editing. See more.translation, Italian, French, Spanish, development, international organisations, social sciences, media, journalism, editing, proof-reading, communication, indexing, abstracting. See less.