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Échantillons de traduction proposés: 5
anglais vers norvégien: Automotive General field: Technique / Génie Detailed field: Industrie automobile / voitures et camions
Texte source - anglais The hardest tasks, the most capable tractors
Large tractors are regularly used by contractors for an increasingly wide variety of tasks. A large proportion of these are transport applications and arable tasks.
So these tractors must deliver maximum productivity and efficiency both in the field and on the road. Take, for instance, seeding, organic nutrient application or grass and maize silage harvesting. Our new 2A with the e23 transmission connected to the Product Name infrastructure has the impressive performance to accomplish these tasks with ease, with exemplary fuel efficiency, and the kind of dealer-supported reliability that makes “downtime” a word of the past.
Just one example of how our tractors can drive up your productivity while driving down your operating costs.
Traduction - norvégien Traktorene for de tøffeste oppgavene
Store traktorer blir jevnlig brukt til et stadig bredere spekter av oppgaver, hvorav en betydelig andel er knyttet til transport og landbruk.
Disse traktorene må derfor levere maksimal produktivitet og effektivitet både på åkeren og på veien. Ta for eksempel frøsetting, spredning av naturgjødsel eller høsting av gress- og maisensilasje. Vår nye 2A med e23-girkasse kombinert med Product Name-infrastruktur har den imponerende ytelsen som trengs for å utføre disse oppgavene enkelt, med fremragende drivstoffeffektivitet, og den forhandlerstøttede påliteligheten som gjør «nedetid» til noe som hører fortiden til.
Dette er bare ett eksempel på hvordan våre traktorer kan drive opp produktiviteten og samtidig redusere driftskostnadene dine.
anglais vers suédois: Automotive General field: Technique / Génie Detailed field: Industrie automobile / voitures et camions
Texte source - anglais The hardest tasks, the most capable tractors
Large tractors are regularly used by contractors for an increasingly wide variety of tasks. A large proportion of these are transport applications and arable tasks.
So these tractors must deliver maximum productivity and efficiency both in the field and on the road. Take, for instance, seeding, organic nutrient application or grass and maize silage harvesting. Our new 2A with the e23 transmission connected to the Product Name infrastructure has the impressive performance to accomplish these tasks with ease, with exemplary fuel efficiency, and the kind of dealer-supported reliability that makes “downtime” a word of the past.
Just one example of how our tractors can drive up your productivity while driving down your operating costs.
Traduction - suédois De svåraste uppgifterna, de kraftfullaste traktorerna
Stora traktorer används regelbundet av entreprenörer för allt fler typer av arbetsuppgifter. En stor del av dessa är transport- och jordbruksuppgifter.
Därför måste traktorerna leverera maximal produktivitet och effektivitet både på fältet och på vägen. Det kan till exempel handla om sådd, gödselspridning eller skörd av vallgräs eller majsensilage. Vår nya 2A-modell med e23-växellådan kopplad till Product Name-infrastrukturen har de höga prestanda som behövs för att med lätthet utföra dessa uppgifter, med mycket bra bränsleekonomi och det slags återförsäljarstödda tillförlitlighet som förpassar ordet ”driftavbrott” till det förgångna.
Bara ett exempel på hur våra traktorer kan öka din produktivitet och samtidigt sänka dina driftskostnader.
anglais vers islandais: Automotive General field: Technique / Génie Detailed field: Industrie automobile / voitures et camions
Texte source - anglais The hardest tasks, the most capable tractors
Large tractors are regularly used by contractors for an increasingly wide variety of tasks. A large proportion of these are transport applications and arable tasks.
So these tractors must deliver maximum productivity and efficiency both in the field and on the road. Take, for instance, seeding, organic nutrient application or grass and maize silage harvesting. Our new 2A with the e23 transmission connected to the Product Name infrastructure has the impressive performance to accomplish these tasks with ease, with exemplary fuel efficiency, and the kind of dealer-supported reliability that makes “downtime” a word of the past.
Just one example of how our tractors can drive up your productivity while driving down your operating costs.
Stórar dráttarvélar eru iðulega notaðar af verktökum í sífellt fjölbreytilegri verkefnum. Stór hluti þeirra er fyrir samgöngur og landbúnað.
Þar af leiðandi þurfa þessar dráttarvélar að skila bæði hámarksframleiðni og afköstum, úti á ökrum sem og á vegum úti. Til dæmis má nefna sáningu, dreifingu lífræns áburðar eða votheysverkun. Nýja 2A með e23 gírskiptingunni tengist grunnvirki Product Name og skilar tilkomumiklum afköstum í framkvæmd þessara starfa með liðleika, fyrirmyndar orkunýtni, auk fullkomins áreiðanleika dreifiaðila, svo orðið „bilanastöðvun“ tilheyrir fortíðinni.
Aðeins eitt dæmi um það hvernig dráttarvélarnar okkar geta aukið afköstin á meðan rekstrarkostnaði er haldið í lágmarki.
anglais vers français: Microsoft General field: Autre Detailed field: Général / conversation / salutations / correspondance
Texte source - anglais Commenting on the results, CEO and founder Nick Weston said “The significant increases in private and cargo aircraft movements that we have developed since we commenced operations at Humberside Airport clearly demonstrates the results and growth that can be achieved by a specialist FBO and development company like Weston Aviation operating at a regional airport”.
Humberside International Airport, located on the east coast of the UK is an ideal location for offshore operations, military training and transit flights and business aircraft and is conveniently located for quick access to North Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire.
Traduction - français Commentant les résultats, Nick Weston, PDG et fondateur de l'entreprise, a déclaré : « L'augmentation significative des mouvements d'avions privés et de fret que nous avons constatée depuis le début des opérations à l'aéroport Humberside prouve clairement les résultats et la croissance que peut obtenir un concessionnaire des services aéronautiques à l'aéroport et une entreprise de développement comme Weston Aviation fonctionnant depuis un aéroport régional ».
L'aéroport international de Humberside, situé sur la côte est du Royaume-Uni, est un endroit idéal pour les opérations extracôtières, les exercices militaires, les vols de transit et les avions d'affaires et est idéalement situé pour un accès rapide à North Lincolnshire, Yorkshire et Nottinghamshire.
anglais vers finnois: Automotive General field: Technique / Génie Detailed field: Industrie automobile / voitures et camions
Texte source - anglais The hardest tasks, the most capable tractors
Large tractors are regularly used by contractors for an increasingly wide variety of tasks. A large proportion of these are transport applications and arable tasks.
So these tractors must deliver maximum productivity and efficiency both in the field and on the road. Take, for instance, seeding, organic nutrient application or grass and maize silage harvesting. Our new 2A with the e23 transmission connected to the Product Name infrastructure has the impressive performance to accomplish these tasks with ease, with exemplary fuel efficiency, and the kind of dealer-supported reliability that makes “downtime” a word of the past.
Just one example of how our tractors can drive up your productivity while driving down your operating costs.
Urakoitsijat käyttävät säännöllisesti suuria traktoreita hyvin monenlaisissa työtehtävissä, joista suuri osa on kuljetusta tai peltotöitä.
Tällaisten traktoreiden täytyykin olla erittäin tuottavia ja tehokkaita niin pellolla kuin tien päällä, esimerkiksi kylvössä, ravinteiden levityksessä tai heinän tai rehumaissin korjuussa. Uuden 2A-mallin e23-vaihteisto yhdessä Product Name-perusrakenteen kanssa saa aikaan vaikuttavan suorituskyvyn, joka selviää helposti näistä työtehtävistä. Tämä malli on esikuvallisen polttoainetehokas, ja sen luotettavuutta täydentää jälleenmyyjän tarjoama tuki, jonka ansiosta seisokkiajat voi unohtaa.
Tämä on vain yksi esimerkki siitä, miten traktorimme pystyvät lisäämään tuottavuuttasi ja pitämään samalla käyttökustannukset alhaisina.
Années d'expérience en traduction : 16. Inscrit à : Nov 2009.
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