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anglais vers français: Brochure abstract General field: Médecine Detailed field: Médecine : instruments
Texte source - anglais Dendritic cells (DC) population is a key functional constituent of cell based immunotherapy drugs. The correct cell count and adequate viability of DC are one of the quality control criteria for the final product release. Number of viable DC is historically determined by microscopy using manual counting method – Bürker chamber and trypan blue dye for dead cell exclusion. The manual method can have significant variability between cell counts determined by different people performing the manual counting, which may contribute to an unstable manufacturing process. The manual method is also time consuming for the operator. An automated cell counting process would remove the variability between operators{2}2 {3}and could free up the operator for other tasks. The XXXX is an automated cell counting and viability analyzer that uses the trypan blue dye exclusion method. The XXXX was evaluated as a suitable method for Quality Control of DC count and viability for a dendritic cell-based drug. The test for XXXX counting accuracy was performed on concentration control beads of known concentration three times under the same operating conditions. Diameter and circularity of DC and lymphocyte was determined by XXXX microscope to set up the correct recognition of DC to exclude lymphocytes for XXXX counting. The size range for DC was established so lymphocytes were excluded and number of total DC, number of viable DC and DC viability were analyzed and compared to Bürker chamber counting. There was no significant difference between DC count obtained by XXXXX and by Bürker chamber. XXXX automated cell counter was established as a method which is accurate and suitable for DC counting.
Traduction - français La population de cellules dendritiques (DC) est un élément fonctionnel clé des traitements par immunothérapie à base de cellules. Le comptage correct des cellules et une viabilité adéquate des DC sont deux des critères de contrôle de qualité pour la mise sur le marché du produit final. Le nombre de DC viables est traditionnellement déterminé par la microscopie à l'aide d'une méthode de comptage manuelle – une cellule de Bürker et de la teinture au bleu de trypan pour l'exclusion de cellules mortes. La méthode manuelle peut présenter des variations significatives entre les comptages de cellules déterminés par des personnes différentes exécutant le calcul manuel, ce qui peut contribuer à un processus de fabrication instable. La méthode manuelle est aussi chronophage pour l'opérateur. Un processus de comptage de cellules automatisé éliminerait les variations entres les opérateurs{2}2 {3}et pourrait libérer l'opérateur pour d'autres tâches. XXXX est un analyseur automatique de viabilité et de comptage de cellules qui utilise la méthode d'exclusion au bleu de trypan. XXXX a été évalué comme étant une méthode convenable pour le contrôle de qualité du comptage des DC et de leur viabilité pour un traitement à base de cellules dendritiques. Le test pour la précision de calcul du XXXX a été exécuté sur des billes de contrôle de la concentration d'une concentration connue établies trois fois dans les mêmes conditions opérationnelles. Le diamètre et la circularité des DC et des lymphocytes ont été déterminés par le microscope XXXX pour établir une reconnaissance correcte des DC en excluant les lymphocytes du comptage du XXXX. La gamme de tailles des DC a été établie de telle manière que les lymphocytes soient exclus et que le nombre total de DC, le nombre de DC viables et la viabilité des DC soient analysés et comparés au calcul de la cellule de Bürker. Il n'y avait pas de différence significative entre le comptage des DC obtenu par le Vi-CELL et par la cellule de Bürker. Le compteur automatique de cellules Vi-CELL a été établi comme étant une méthode précise et convenant au comptage de DC.
Études de traduction
Master's degree - Queen's University Belfast
Années d'expérience en traduction : 18. Inscrit à : Aug 2009.
Maryline David respecte les pratiques professionnelles's - Liste des pratiques.
I am a native French translator working from English, Spanish and Italian. My aim is to help you send clear and intelligible messages to your clients, employees, readers, funders, shareholders or any other parties you may want to communicate with, in their own language.
By working in partnership with a professional translator, you can be sure that the words you have carefully chosen to reach your audience will be treated with care and respect, and that everything will be done to help you reach the goals you have set for your text.
I specialise in the following fields:
- international relations, international organisations, international development, public health and foreign policy (I hold a BA in International Relations, have taken a postgraduate module entitled Politics of the Middle-East and North Africa, and I have subsequently worked as an intern in a research centre in Yemen)
- business communication including copywriting, SEO, press releases, annual reports, websites, brochures, leaflets, correspondence with clients, market research, blogs, e-books, internal communication, social media (I have worked in media monitoring, market research and copywriting for a number of important clients both in-house and on a freelance basis)
- education, parenting, pedagogy and special education including textbooks, training courses, educational products (I have worked as a teaching assistant in English as an Additional Language for three years, and am still very interested in schooling, national education policies, special educational needs and bilingual education)
I am a native French speaker and the idea of becoming a translator crossed my mind when I was a teenager. It became the title of an essay on the oft-used topic, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
The fact that I got an excellent grade in that essay or that I have always been passionate about languages and intercultural communication do not mean I am now a competent translator, but the following elements can all account for my professionalism:
- I have hands-on experience in my specialisms (see above)
- I am committed to continuing professional development (I am about to graduate with an MA in Translation from Queen's University in Belfast, and have applied to become a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and the Société Française des Traducteurs)
- I can show you a portfolio of work I have undertaken and I am happy to sign any work that is for publication (even commercial and/or technical documents as I am willing to take responsibility for my work)
- I have successfully worked with a number of agencies and direct clients who can vouch for my skills and dedication
I also have a personal interest in the following :
- Islamic philosophy & Islamic literature (I have attended numerous online classes on these topics, I have worked on the translation of ahadith for my MA dissertation and am doing research on the translation of Sufi literature as part of my doctoral studies)
- modern literature including novels, short stories and children's literature
- natural health & alternative medicine (I have taken courses in herbal medicine and cupping therapy)
- fine arts & crafts
- swimming
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