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Membre depuis Jan '04
Langues de travail :
anglais vers hongrois hongrois vers anglais français vers hongrois hongrois (monolingue)
Client-vendor relationship recorded successfully!
Csaba Ban has been added to your list of hired vendors.
Csaba Ban The manual specialist
Budapest, Budapest, Hongrie
Heure locale : 03:14 CET (GMT+1)
Langue maternelle : hongrois (Variants: Transylvania, Hungary)
Traducteur et/ou interprète indépendant, Membre confirmé Ce traducteur a contribué à la localisation de en hongrois
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This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Points PRO : 1224, Réponses aux questions : 619, Questions posées : 655
Entrées de Blueboard effectuées par cet utilisateur
35 entrées
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anglais vers hongrois: electric engineering (generators) Detailed field: Électronique / génie électronique
Texte source - anglais The generator will start up when the mains imported power (measured through an optional Power Transducer = PT) exceeds a defined level. The generator will synchronise with the bus, and will take load until the defined allowable mains imported power level is reached. When the mains imported power decreases below the defined mains imported power level for a defined time, the generator will unload and disconnect from the bus. Then the generator will go into cool down.
Traduction - hongrois A generátor akkor indul be, ha a hálózati áramforrás által átvett áram (az opcionális áramátalakítón (PT) mérve) meghalad egy meghatározott szintet. A generátor szinkronizál a gyűjtősínnel, majd átveszi a terhelést, amíg a hálózati áramforrás által átvett áram a meghatározott megengedhető szintű áramerősségét el nem érte. Amikor a hálózati áramforrás által átvett áramellátás a meghatározott áramerősségi szint alá esik egy meghatározott időn keresztül, a generátor átadja a terhelést és szétkapcsol a gyűjtősínről. Ezt követően generátor lehűl és kikapcsol.
anglais vers hongrois: bank acquisition - legal text Detailed field: Droit : contrat(s)
Texte source - anglais After signing of this Agreement, for the purpose of the specific loans and off-balance sheet items identified in the Disclosure Letter, which are covered by the Second Letter of Credit, the Selling Shareholders, the Bank and the Principal Purchaser shall undertake their best efforts to agree based on a case by case assessment, the extent to which the loans and off-balance sheet commitments covered by the Second Letter of Credit shall not be extended by the Bank beyond a certain calendar date.
Traduction - hongrois A jelen Szerződés megkötését követően a Nyilvánosságra hozatali levélben megállapított, a Második hitellevél által fedezett egyes hitelek és mérlegen kívüli tételek tekintetében az Eladó részvényesek, a Bank és az Elsődleges vevő vállalják, hogy legjobb képességük szerint esetenkénti elbírálás alapján egyeztetik, hogy a Második hitellevél által fedezett hiteleket és mérlegen kívüli tételeket a Bank egy adott naptári napon túl legfeljebb milyen mértékben hosszabbíthassa meg.
anglais vers hongrois: labour safety Detailed field: Médecine (général)
Texte source - anglais When substance gets into the eye or contact with skin, immediately wash out with plenty of water during several minutes and remove contaminated clothes carefully. Bring patient into fresh air and get medical assistance while attending continue treatment and keep wounds sterile.
Traduction - hongrois Ha az anyag a szembe vagy a bőrre kerül, azonnal mossa le bő vízzel több percen át, majd óvatosan távolítsa el a szennyezett ruházatot. A sérültet hozza ki friss levegőre, és szerezzen orvosi segítséget, miközben folyamatosan lássa el a sérültet és tartsa a sebet sterilen.
Études de traduction
Master's degree - Budapest Technical University
Années d'expérience en traduction : 32. Inscrit à : Oct 2000. Devenu membre en : Jan 2002.
anglais vers hongrois (American Translators Association, verified) français vers hongrois (Universit� de Strasbourg, verified) hongrois vers anglais (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Other than actual translating (hm... I'm always busy translating), I organized's very successful international conference in Budapest back in 2007: Budapest conference Business - IT - Legal
business, finance, insurance, marketing, economics, law, legal, IT, computers, software, hardware, web, telecom, utilities, automotive, consumer electronics, mobile phones, etc.
Translation capacity up to 75,000 words per month (well, assuming a high repetition rate). General rate is EUR 0.10 to 0.12 per source word, depending on the actual project (difficulty, file formats, etc.). Discounts available for fuzzy matches and repetitions.
ATA membership and accreditation. Excellent terminology research skills and resources. Daily usage of major CAT tools such as Trados and Deja Vu ensure consistent style and terminology.
Excellent command of both English and Hungarian. Accurate and eloquent writing style. Published author in Hungarian.
EMAIL: csaba AT bancsaba DOT com (I am online most of the time)
Meticulous, dedicated and always on time
120+ highly satisified clients in 25+ countries worldwide
Some recent jobs:
Google ads, training material - 140k words
Lean management and manufacturing documentation - 50k words
GPS navigation systems - menu, GUI, manuals: 100k words
Radioactive material analyzer equipment - safety and installation manuals: 24k words
Medical imaging equipment - GUI, screens, helps files: 350k words
Production of bank cards - Glossary, UI, manuals, 80k words: half translation, half proofreading
Mobile phones - Software, UI and manuals, 12 models, several 100k words
Sale and Purchase Agreement and supporting documentation for a major cross-border bank acquisition deal, 40k words
Manuals and menus for medical purpose printers, 80k words
Unsolicited client testimonials:
"Both of us think that you did a remarkable job and we are very pleased. It was very nice transacting business with you; hopefully we will have another chance in the future."
(From a direct client in the U.S.A.)
"... I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all your more than professional attitude toward this very difficult project. Regardless of the pressure that I put you under, you have been very pleasant to work with at all times (even in the middle of the night!). I can't express how much I appreciated that.
You have done a superb job, the translation was of a superior quality and the client complimented us on that. They were very impressed by the work we did.
Again, it has been a pleasure working with you and I look forward to working with you again. Rest assured you are at the top of my list of Hungarian linguists. I will recommend you to my colleagues without hesitation. "
(a statisified project manager of a major U.S. translation agency)
"Every work you've done is so perfect and reliable that I'm pleased to work with you. You are the most famous translator here because of your work quality."
(a statisified project manager from a leading Japanese localization provider)
"...devant tous les efforts fournis et la tâche finalement accomplie, mes coll?gues se joignent ? moi pour vous remercier de la qualité, la souplesse et le professionnalisme de votre travail ; un ensemble qui nous a été bien précieux au cours de ce projet gargantuesque."
(a pleased project manager of a leading financial translations agency with head offices in New York and Paris)
An incomplete list of end clients (mostly through various translation agencies)
Personal interests:
Travel, cultures, languages, current affairs, history, technological developments, climate change, various global issues
Having travelled rather extensively, I keep up to date with world events by reading news in several languages.
I'm also interested in writing (journalism, blogging and later maybe also fiction) and graphic design. I'm also a published author.
Cet utilisateur a gagné des points KudoZ en aidant d'autres traducteurs sur des termes de niveau PRO. Cliquez sur le total des points pour afficher les traductions proposées.
Total des points gagnés: 1693 Points de niveau PRO: 1224
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (2 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
anglais vers hongrois
français vers hongrois
Specialty fields
Org / dév. / coop internationale
Militaire / défense
Gouvernement / politique
Ordinateurs : systèmes, réseaux
Ordinateurs : matériel
Ordinateurs : logiciels
Jeux / jeux vidéo / jeux d'argent / casino
Électronique / génie électronique
Médecine : soins de santé
Médecine : instruments
Other fields
Mots clés : English Hungarian freelance translator, Hungarian English freelance translator, traducteur francais hongrois, freelance translator, English Hungarian translation, Hungarian English translation, French Hungarian translator, French Hungarian translation, ATA certified translator, ATA. See more.English Hungarian freelance translator, Hungarian English freelance translator, traducteur francais hongrois, freelance translator, English Hungarian translation, Hungarian English translation, French Hungarian translator, French Hungarian translation, ATA certified translator, ATA, ATA certification, business, finance, insurance, marketing, economics, law, legal, information technology, IT, computers, software, hardware, internet, web, website, software localization, software localisation, telecom, utilities, automotive, advertising, copywriting, creative adaptation, localisation, localization, l10n, appliances, consumer electronics, information technology, HR, human resources, ethics, labour safety, English-Hungarian, French-Hungarian, Hungarian-English, Trados, Deja Vu, DVX, GUI, mobile phones, code of conduct, professional, magyar angol fordító, angol magyar fordító, angol magyar fordítás, magyar angol fordítás, szakfordító, szakfordítás, lokalizáció, szoftver, kézikönyv, szerződés, reklámszöveg, orvosi műszer, francia magyar fordító, francia magyar fordítás, bán csaba, csaba ban, MSDS, CAT, Trados, DVX, GSM, MemoQ, 3G, Wifi, mobile phones, journalism, banking, code of conduct, finance, marketing. See less.
Ce profil a reçu 300 visites au cours du dernier mois, sur un total de 218 visiteurs