Langues de travail :
anglais vers français

Marie-Eve Cossette
Eng to Fr Canadian, 10 years experience

Heure locale : 10:23 AEDT (GMT+11)

Langue maternelle : français 
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Type de compte Traducteur et/ou interprète indépendant, Identity Verified Utilisateur confirmé du site
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcription
Spécialisé en :
Sports / forme physique / loisirsGouvernement / politique
Général / conversation / salutations / correspondanceRessources humaines
Entreprise / commerceFinance (général)


Activité KudoZ (PRO) Questions posées : 1
Entrées de Blueboard effectuées par cet utilisateur  0 entrées
Payment methods accepted Virement bancaire, Transfert d'argent
Études de traduction Bachelor's degree - Université de Montréal
Expérience Années d'expérience en traduction : 20. Inscrit à : Jun 2005. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Références anglais vers français (Université de Montréal, verified)
Affiliations N/A
Logiciels Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Events and training
Pratiques professionnelles Marie-Eve Cossette respecte les pratiques professionnelles's - Liste des pratiques (v1.1).

Welcome to my profile!

A little bit about me:

I was born in Quebec, Canada, and I am a native French (Canadian) speaker. Since I obtained my Specialised Bachelor's Degree in Translation (English to French) from the Université de Montréal, in February 2005, I have acquired over 10 years of experience through a large variety of jobs.

Experience and specialisation:

In Canada, I translated for an insurance company, some sport events' organising committees and two public service translation companies (one at the provincial level, in New Brunswick, and the federal government’s one). These jobs allowed me to acquire vast knowledge of various terminologies, including administrative, financial, medical and computer/IT.


I moved to Australia in October 2012 and I have been doing freelance translation since. My abilities include the use of all of the MS Office components, Lotus Notes and various computer-assisted translation tools (including, SDL Trados and MultiTrans). I have a vast experience in Internet research and great communication and interpersonal skills. I am a very detail-oriented and goal-driven person.

Mots clés : English, French, French Canadian, translation, revision, general, administrative, finance, business, government. See more.English, French, French Canadian, translation, revision, general, administrative, finance, business, government, sports. See less.

Dernière mise à jour du profil
Jan 18, 2015

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